View Full Version : Advise on Anderson Guitar

11-15-2006, 01:25 PM

I want to have a good advice... As I am from Europe it's hard to found local Anderson dealers with thousand of guitars to test.

I am looking for a beautiful versatil guitar that can gives me an almost acoustic clean sound, and when power is needed can deliver rich harmonic sound.

I am considering an hollow drop top, possibly with koa/hollow basswood. Is it a good choice? Should I select another type of wood for the body? Is it expensive?

11-15-2006, 02:19 PM

I want to have a good advice... As I am from Europe it's hard to found local Anderson dealers with thousand of guitars to test.

I am looking for a beautiful versatil guitar that can gives me an almost acoustic clean sound, and when power is needed can deliver rich harmonic sound.

I am considering an hollow drop top, possibly with koa/hollow basswood. Is it a good choice? Should I select another type of wood for the body? Is it expensive?
Go to the Anderson site and click on the tone referece link . That should help you .

11-15-2006, 04:19 PM
Is it expensive?

in light of everything that's happened over the last 10 days, that IS really the question we'll all be considering going forward!:rolleyes: :D

11-15-2006, 05:45 PM
koa has certainly gotten expensive. i have not bought any in quite some time for that reason. i will do my best to not inflate things around here.

11-15-2006, 11:34 PM
koa has certainly gotten expensive. i have not bought any in quite some time for that reason. i will do my best to not inflate things around here.

sorry tom, I was not referring to your future pricing. whatever you determine to be appropriate, is fine with me. I'm there!!

Rather I'm talking about all of the "gouging" that's been going on around the markets as a result of the supply/demand imbalance. :(
the irony is that it's so NOT about what TAG stands for. Yikes.

11-16-2006, 12:00 PM
hopefully the panic will end soon.

11-16-2006, 03:00 PM
hopefully the panic will end soon.

IMHO, it really never should've occurred in the first place, given all of the great dealers you've networked over the years. yet the flames just continue to be stoked by greed and misinformation. I blame the internet!

11-16-2006, 03:09 PM
blame the internet for misinformation? how can you say that?;)

11-16-2006, 03:29 PM
Hey, now, let's be fair to the internet. He's not here to defend himself...

11-16-2006, 04:26 PM
blame the internet for misinformation? how can you say that?;)

:rolleyes: :eek: :D

11-16-2006, 04:46 PM
i don't think we need to feel sorry for mr or ms internet, i'm sure his or her minions will more than chime in.

11-16-2006, 04:52 PM
LOL, yeah especially when it's the misinformed individuals who make the internet as misinformed as it is...

11-16-2006, 05:08 PM
LOL, yeah especially when it's the misinformed individuals who make the internet as misinformed as it is...
Im quite sure it will all subside soon enough . We will all grow familiar with the new TAG . I figure the worst part of it for the consumer will be that they will have to wait on their TAG longer than they are used to . Just to put it into prespective I ordered a PRS custom 22 Quilt AP in Feb and and TAG in March . Im still waiting on the PRS and Ive had my TAG for 3 1/2 months . My biggest concern is that all of Tom's employees find employment as im sure Tom is also concerened . At the end of the day that is more important than any of us getting a new TAG . Im sure with the talents they have it will work out and Im sure we will all be able to buy more TAG's in the future . No need to panic it will all work out .

11-19-2006, 07:03 PM
Thank you for your answer!

Tom, what could be a nice alternative to Koa if I want to have a nice clean sound?

What is also your most important resealer for Europe (UK or France based)?

last but not least, how long the "Hollow drop top" model will be produced, it is gonna be soon not available or something like that ?

11-20-2006, 12:15 PM
i think most people buy koa with their eyes, it is beautiful. this is probably an over simplification, but clean tones are pretty easy. is there a particular look you're after?
UK does lots more than france.
no plans to eliminate models.

11-20-2006, 03:16 PM
Thank you Tom for your answer,

Actually, I m looking for a beautiful top, I love natural with a little shade finish, I m looking for a beautiful top in the brown-red-yellow color spectrum I tend to prefer flame to quited but of course natural style koa are far more better imo.. Concerning the look I prefer also golden finish for the metal parts...:rolleyes:

This one fits the look I am looking for:

On the technical specification I m looking for a Hollow Drop Top with it is possible a standard tremelo (I already have a floyd rose guitar and that's a pain to retune it when I am changing strings). I also love the "Switcheroo" concept so I think I will take it if it is available... :p

Of course, that is the picture if the ultimate guitar that I have in my mind...;)

How expensive it is compared to a standard flame mapple top ? +100$ / +1000$ :confused:

It may seems a bit strange but for me the perfect musical instrument must not only a good tone, it must also have a nice appearance... But I think it's part of the Tom Anderson concept anyway! :cool:

11-20-2006, 03:43 PM
that one looks like an amber to cherry burst on my computer, but it could be something else if the photo is light or dark. that top does not look like an upcharge top.

11-21-2006, 01:04 AM
i think most people buy koa with their eyes, it is beautiful.

I know I'm guilty of acquiring A LOT of things with my eyes and NOT with my ears. mmm...like guitars and amps. :eek:

There are waaaay too many times when I've passed up a smoking sounding guitar (TAG's among others) because it didn't "look" like what I "thought" I wanted. I've only recently overcome my phobia about Peavey's. Great sounding amps (most of 'em:D), except for the spacey logos......:rolleyes:

11-21-2006, 03:45 AM
hi Jack - where in London are you? I've just sourced a fabulous atom via London.

11-21-2006, 06:36 AM
Well it's Fire burst finish if I m correct but the color look darker than the picture in your gallery... and that is not koa...
I have looked in your gallery: http://www.andersonguitars.com/images/guitarImages/04,07,2000_02-16-30.jpg
This one fits the best my wish. And it's koa...

By the Walnut top are good for my eyes too, are they good to your ears ?

I m at Queen Mary University, on the campus, its on Miles End Road.

It s my firt year here so... :confused: I don't know the best place to order a Tom Anderson! :)

11-21-2006, 07:06 AM
Hi Tom,
If I can temporarily hijack this thread. In one of your replies you said something to the effect of mo plans to discontinue models. So is it safe to assume that in the next 12-18 months it would be possible to place an order for a Crowdster+.

11-21-2006, 09:53 AM
hi jack - unfortunately central London is a bit of a TAG desert. You would really have to treck out to Richmond to Chandlers Guitars - they have a website at chandlerguitars.co.uk Alternatively, if you know what you want then you could do what I did and talk to Glen at Ivor Mairants about a spec. They are on Rathbone place - north side and Tottenham Court end of Oxford Street (just down from Charlotte Street - phone number 0207 6361 481).The guys there are really helpful. The main Anderson importer (Westside) is also very helpful when it comes to sorting a spec, although they are all the way up in Scotland! Their website is westsidedistribution.com
Hope you find what you are looking for! If you have a clear idea of what you want, I would definitely speak to Glenn at Ivor Mairants.
What are you studying by the way?


11-21-2006, 11:22 AM
i will certainly be making crowdy's, reg and +'s.

Roy (maybe)
11-21-2006, 11:33 AM
I agree with Tom that most people buy koa with their eyes—not because it doesn’t sound great, because it does, but because most have not heard it and are buying on looks.

If you want to get an Anderson, now is the time—before they are gone. Anyway, if you have called all the UK dealers to no avail you could contact Westside Distribution (they are our UK distributor) and have them switch something they have on order to match the specs you need—if it is not too late for that. They can tell you what store is getting what and what you can change. If you need help speccing, email Roy and he can help you with a Personalized Spec Sheet.

From what you stated, a Hollow Drop Top or Hollow with Maple top and Alder Back would suit you nicely. If you like the look of koa, do a nice Tortoise finish on quilted maple. It is beautiful as well. And you can even do gold hardware if you prefer.

Good luck and Happy Playing.

11-21-2006, 12:59 PM

Thank you guy! Well I am doing a MSc in Finance and Investment to become a Trader (And finance my Tom Anderson). But actually I am already an Actuary if you know what it is.


Well I m not looking for an instant investment because I prefer to take my time to choose the best suitable spec for me. The point is at I have absolutly no idea about the budget needed for my dream guitar...

I think I will definitely contact Westside distribution to help me to value my wish...

11-21-2006, 06:11 PM
hi Jack - I certainly do know what an actuary is. Have just finished an MSc. in Development Studies at SOAS and did my dissertation on the UN's new principles on ethical investments - the Atom was kind of my present to myself for seeing it through! Good luck with the studies - I think you too should order a TAG to reward yourself for all the hard work that is ahead of you!


11-22-2006, 12:51 PM
Nice! Dave... I will definitely buy a TAG as my first - and last - top quality guitar... I believe that such guitar are for your all life that why I am ready to pay the right price...

By the way how much was your Atom ? Does it sound well?

11-23-2006, 05:44 AM
a shade over £3k, but I also went for the special select stock maple which pushed the price up a bit. Sounds fabulous!

11-23-2006, 06:40 AM
:confused: I have just read that TAG is closing down :confused:

What s the **** ?

How can I order my dream hollow DT ?

11-23-2006, 08:03 AM
Tom will keep making guitars, you just might have to wait a bit for it...

11-23-2006, 08:15 AM

So... what will be the expected wait to receive a TAG after ordering it on, let's say, june 2007?

11-23-2006, 01:19 PM
Lead time was minimum ~3-5 months, at receipt of order, "B.A." ( before announcement) ;)

Production time after MAR is still an unknown for many and perhaps even Tom as current operations and HR transition activity is likely the priority. For this query, it may be safe to assume Toms response to similar questions:
"i have been thinking about it, but it's too early to make any kind of decision. lots to do here first."

Best wishes w/ deciding on your order. Its a fun, yet difficult decision process.
Over the years, I bought and sold a number of already built TAGs with various specs before finally placing a personal order. The "hunt" and opportunity to try out various models was an enjoyable one. Playing even "store inventory" Andersons have a "custom, personalized" feel to them. Imho, buying Andersons online and sight unseen is very limited risk as they are so consistent in play, feel, tone, fit and finish.

Whichever specs you decide on and whatever the lead time is to be, imho, an Anderson is worth the wait. :)

11-24-2006, 08:45 AM
:confused: Well... I don't know what I should do now... :confused:

Maybe I will go for a Suhr they seems to be as good as the TAG (Actually both luthiers have god's hands)...

So... Well... :confused:

11-24-2006, 10:54 AM
John does make stellar instruments. They were part of the hunt as well but
for me, I just like Tom's guitars a tad more- all part of "fun but difficult decision process".

11-24-2006, 12:10 PM
John does make stellar instruments. They were part of the hunt as well but
for me, I just like Tom's guitars a tad more- all part of "fun but difficult decision process".

Take it from myself and from Pluto....Enrico's words ring like a bell. And especially after July 2005 and the changes over at JST.:rolleyes:

11-24-2006, 07:29 PM
Did someone mention a Koa HDT? :D


11-25-2006, 11:19 PM
Take it from myself and from Pluto....Enrico's words ring like a bell. And especially after July 2005 and the changes over at JST.:rolleyes:

What happened over there?

11-26-2006, 12:28 AM
What happened over there?

Gary, PM sent!:rolleyes: :D

11-26-2006, 11:30 AM
You could always go for a used Andy?

As far as SUhr goes, I think they make a great guitar. IMO they are they equivalent of an Anderson. I think you are splitting hairs and it comes down to personal preference. I have had 4 Andy's and 3 Suhrs. All great guitars.

The main reason I have gravitated to Andersons over Suhr' is the phenomenal sustomer service I get from my local dealer, Brian H at Charley's.

11-26-2006, 11:38 AM
As far as SUhr goes, I think they make a great guitar. IMO they are they equivalent of an Anderson. I think you are splitting hairs and it comes down to personal preference.

absolutely agree.:)