View Full Version : Gear...

11-13-2006, 08:04 PM
What other gear do you guys play through? I've got to hurry and upgrade, because mine will be like a brick wall, stopping the beautiful sound of Anderson...

*right now I have a Sovtek mig-100H*

I'm keeping it, for reasons unknown, but I'm seriously considering a Bad Cat, Bogner Ecstacy, or Dr. Z. I love the sound of all three, but can't say which one I really "prefer" The pocketbook doesn't lean toward any of those, but I'm sure the TA will. lol

Any thoughts?

John D.

Kid Metric
11-17-2006, 05:13 PM
Having been through numbers of amps over the years, this is my advice.
Let the music you are trying to do dictate what will work.
Want twang?
Can't beat a Fender-the New super sonics-crank!
Dark & lots of gain?-Marshall, DSL or TSL series.
You probably know all this already though.
How are getting your gain?
Any good low wattage TUBE amp will work with pedals.
If you want the amp to do the gain, you'll have to look hard at different amps.
I am running a Fender Concert Reverb 50 watt 4/10 on one side, and a Budda 118 18 watt amp on the other side. And it's a loud 18 watts!
If I had to have one amp, it'd be the Budda.
New, about $1300.00, with 1 12 speaker/channel switching.
This amp will do about everything, form crystal clean to wipe up the floor gain!
Check them out-Joe Bonnamassa loves them-runs together with a Marshall.
The TAG is my favorite guitar-got one on order due in 2/ 2007/long wait!

11-17-2006, 09:23 PM
I've definitely heard great things about the Buddas, but never got to try one, myself. I'm eager now. Of course, (like any guitarist, here), I'd love to have a nice rack of amps...esp for the studio, but for now, I think you've confirmed what I've read about them. I'm gonna try to get in and try it around here...thanks for the reply.

Anyone else's rig?

-John D-

Kid Metric
11-18-2006, 08:58 PM
Thanks for the response-you won't regret checking these out!

11-25-2006, 04:57 AM
Fuchs ods 50 slx :D fender cleans dumble drive, and higher gain settings if your into that kinda thing,i couldnt imagine playing throught anything else :)

My spare amp is a boogie nomad 55, it pales in to insignificance,i want to trade this in for something new for grab and go situations, thinking about one of the victoria amps,i have a zendrive on my pedal board,if it works for robben/larry :D

cheers West.