View Full Version : David Crowder Band/ Third Day Show!

10-12-2006, 12:09 PM
Looking forward to Saturday night. Get to see Crowder and Third Day in Fort Wayne, Indiana. I got to see Crowder a couple years ago (which led to my Crowdsters;) ) but I have never seen Third Day. This will be an awesome event!

10-12-2006, 12:10 PM
Not a huge fan of Third Day, but DCB is probably my favorite band ever. I think they're in Detroit soon, too, and I may try to check it out.

10-12-2006, 01:09 PM
saw them in LA. missed the whole third day part, but the dcb was worth the trip.

10-13-2006, 03:31 AM
DCB is a great show! Expect to be dazzled. It is so cool on so many levels. Have you seen Leeland yet? I saw them at Spirit West Coast, Leeland the singer, writer, guitar player is 18 (recorded their CD at 16) is very up and coming. Great writer, if you like Telecast you'll probably like them. He plays a Ric into a Vox. Some cool guitar tones, I'm almost beginning to like the AC 30 sound after listening to this. I am also really liking Tomlin new CD. The first two cut will become congregational standards, and also the Brenton Brown tune, great song, Everlasting God.

Jimmie B

brian b
10-13-2006, 08:41 AM
DCB is a great show! Expect to be dazzled. It is so cool on so many levels. Have you seen Leeland yet? I saw them at Spirit West Coast, Leeland the singer, writer, guitar player is 18 (recorded their CD at 16) is very up and coming. Great writer, if you like Telecast you'll probably like them. He plays a Ric into a Vox. Some cool guitar tones, I'm almost beginning to like the AC 30 sound after listening to this. I am also really liking Tomlin new CD. The first two cut will become congregational standards, and also the Brenton Brown tune, great song, Everlasting God.

Jimmie B
We just had them 2 weeks ago for a big youth serivce and the were a really great band simple melodic sound. And really easy to work with nice guy's. They will be big. Kind of cool they are all related Leeland's Brother plays keys and the others are cousins.

10-13-2006, 12:15 PM
I just saw the show about three weeks ago in Oregon and it was really good. The sound was great and the energy was awesome. DCB is a funny band to watch and they enjoy themselves. The Third Day was a little more theatrical, but was good. The DCB has a wall of Andersons on stage throught the 90% of the night till they do the acoustic song.

You might a see a little bit of a key-tar

10-16-2006, 08:15 AM
I drove from Memphis to Little Rock on Oct. 5th to see them and it was well worth the drive. It is a very quick 2 hour drive with no turns or anything. We had a great time. Here are a few pics of David Crowder from my sorry excuse for a camera. We were on the 4th row so my flash wouldn't carry that far. My friend who went with me is supposed to be sending me his pics from a little better camera. I will post them if he ever does. (He's only been telling me that he was going to send them for 10 days!!) I couldn't even get close to the other guys in the band but they were playing Andersons as well. I hate to admit it but I saw them here in Memphis earlier this year and fell in love with the Crowdster and despite being 39 yrs old I had to run right out and buy one like a star struck 16 yr old!! But thanks to Magdon I knew right where to look huh?!?!?!? :o)

There is also a pic of David and his famous Casio "Keytar" !

Please do not shoot me but there is a pic of a PRS guitar in the folder as well. But I am trying to trade it for an Atom ! If I can't find a trade soon I am just going to sell it and buy an Atom. Sure wish I could find an Atom with a 3 way toggle. See the link for some pics. Check out YouTube.com and search for David Crowder if you aren't familiar with his stuff.


10-16-2006, 12:32 PM
I hate to admit it but I saw them here in Memphis earlier this year and fell in love with the Crowdster and despite being 39 yrs old I had to run right out and buy one like a star struck 16 yr old!! But thanks to Magdon I knew right where to look huh?!?!?!? :o)

Don't feel bad, I did the same thing about two years ago when David had just started playing his Crowdys. I saw them with Telecast and was lucky enough to chat with Crowder after the show and he filled me in on the Crowdster.

Saturday night was a bit of a letdown. There was another group playing which ate into the Crowder set I think. We only got about six songs from David Crowder Band but I will say that the mix was spectacular. Loud and punchy with a nice separation. The only prob was the drum overhead and lack of HH mic. The drums were excellent of course but I would have loved to hear some of the cymbals.

Third Day was loud and lacked the clean mix that Crowder had. We were seated about 25 rows back on the floor and I swear that at times all I could hear was the bands stage right guitar cabinets LOUD. He was the one that plays all the Epiphones. It amazes me that folks still want to play that loud with in ear monitors?