View Full Version : Weird Acoustic Noise

09-16-2006, 04:55 PM
I have a Breedlove acoustic. Sounds wonderful. Lately, I've been hearing a weird noise resonate when I strum. It's really noticeable when mic'd up. Almost a harmonic overtone type sound. I realized that it is the strings that are resonating on the top side of the nut - between the nut and the tuner knobs. I took a cloth and slid it under the strings to stop the noise during a session and it stopped it. Any ideas on what's going on, or how to fix this....???


09-16-2006, 05:42 PM
I don't know for sure so this is just a guess (pretty obvious).

Possibly the slot on your nut for one of the strings is wallowed out a little and it is allowing the vibration of the string above the nut to be transferred into the neck and body of the instrument so that it can be heard. When you dampen it with the cloth it stops it.

Sometimes when acoustic strings are old they can put out strange overtones, but I am guessing that this isn't the problem. Since you probably have techs changing strings before they get too old.

Good luck in solving the problem.

09-16-2006, 06:34 PM
I had a Breedlove SC22 and experienced the same type of problem. I ended up having the nut slots redone which solved the problem - temporarily. Eventually, I needed another nut.

I would have a new nut cut and go from there.

09-16-2006, 07:03 PM
just out of curiosity... what is your nut cut from?... is it tusq, fossilized bone, ??

09-16-2006, 07:24 PM
I had a new Tusq nut cut.

09-16-2006, 11:07 PM
I wonder if Ryan's question originated with a tusq nut as well?... trying to find common factors here...
I am not playing a Breedlove... I play a Lowden... but I have not run across this myself, and I always go with fossilized bone...
sounds silly, but...

09-20-2006, 11:57 PM
Almost a harmonic overtone type sound. I realized that it is the strings that are resonating on the top side of the nut - between the nut and the tuner knobs. I took a cloth and slid it under the strings to stop the noise during a session and it stopped it.

You just might be referring to 'sympathetic strings' -- i sometimes get this on my bass -- a hair twisty seems to take care of it -- and -- it is exactly what you describe.