View Full Version : Anderson on Bogner homepage

09-03-2006, 12:49 AM
Nice pic of Michael, his andy and rig on the Bogner Homepage-


Enjoyed your sample tones too, Michael!


09-03-2006, 07:01 AM

I need to get them a newer picture with my TopHat instead of my Marshall...

but then, they're really just concerned about the Bogner in the rig.


09-03-2006, 08:00 AM
How are you enjoying that TopHat Emplexador (I sold it to you...)

09-03-2006, 09:12 AM

I'm lovin' the TopHat Emplexador. It gets a lot of use. Here's a pic of the rig with the TopHat in it:

<img src="http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c205/lonegtr/guitar%20rig/ampheadcase.jpg" border="0">

Also, I got a TopHat Super Deluxe for my smaller combo rig:

<img src="http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c205/lonegtr/DSC00189.jpg" border="0">

thanks for the great amp!


brian b
09-03-2006, 09:26 AM
Ok here is a few dumb question's.

1.How about a rundown of your effects, and

2.Are the cabs somewhere eles or are you using a speaker simulator like a Palmer or something.

By the way a really cool lookking setup

09-03-2006, 10:13 AM
I just saw Mike and Lonestar in concert about amonth ago and he had an amazing tone. After having read everything on the web about his gear I was really interested and man was I blown away.

I also got the chance to meet Ryan Ochsner in person after the show. I actually sold Ryan a Red T Classic which he later sold to Mike.

09-03-2006, 04:39 PM
Hey guys,

thanks for the kind comments, taclassic, and thanks for the nice guitar via Ryan. As for the questions about my effects and cabinets, I'll put a link on here to some pictures and signal flow, etc, but it's pretty basic... I go from my guitar thru a wireless (xwire) into my ground control gcx and the pedals I have in loops (for now) are 1) keeley compressor 2) voodoo labs sparkle drive 3) ts-9 tube screamer (80's) 4) arion stereo chorus 5) line 6 mod pro 6) boss tremolo/pan and from there I go to a Bradshaw amp selector to choose which amp I want to go through. From the amp, there is a speaker load out which I send to an isolation cabinet with a vintage 30 and mic that with a sennheiser 409. In addition to that signal, the amp selector has line outs, so I send a line out to each channel of a stereo line mixer (l-r) and send another line out to a loop send to a t.c. electronic d-two delay and the returns from the delay go into the stereo line mixer. And just today I wired up another send from the amp selector to a yamaha digital reverb and the stereo returns from that go in the mixer as well. THEN, the mixer outs (l-r) go into a stereo power amp (rocktron velocity 150) and into two 1-12" cabs with g12H greenbacks. All of my speakers live behind the set and I use in-ear monitors. whew!

any further questions, feel free to let me know...


mike's rig pictures (http://s28.photobucket.com/albums/c205/lonegtr/guitar%20rig/)

brian b
09-03-2006, 05:55 PM
Cool thanks for the response. It is just neat seeing how people put together diffeent rigs.

09-04-2006, 12:41 PM

What brand iso cab are you using?


09-04-2006, 12:43 PM

What brand iso cab are you using?


Doh, nevermind. Found it on your rig diagram. . .Randall.

Have you compared those to Demeter iso cabs (or any others)?

09-04-2006, 12:46 PM
Also, have you compared the 409 to any of the newer Sennheiser mics? I'm contemplating a 906. . . is it worth finding a 409 compared to this? I'm looking for something a bit flatter than an SM57.

Edit: This is an interesting comparison. . . sounds like the 906 is the best modern alternative to a 409, but the 409 is a bit more desirable to my ears. I also wonder if the 906 is easily mountable in an iso cab since it's meant to hang on the cab.


09-04-2006, 08:07 PM
Nice rig !! I passed on a Diaz years ago when I stopped by the Hollywood GC. It was a really cool amp............

09-05-2006, 09:37 PM
I haven't tried any of the newer sennheisers except for the 609's and I have 3 of those for sale if that tells you anything. They're not as rich as the 409's. They're a little low-mid heavy and not a ton of pretty top end clarity like the 409's, which to me, are fat with just enough top end to cut and not be too harsh, like a 57. I now mic the iso cab with the 409 and mic the stereo cabs with a royer on the L and a 409 on the R. And yes, I like the Diaz amp. It's like a Texas blues version of a Fender Twin. It's got a lot more bite and punch and all of the eq points blow away most Fenders. I also love both of my TopHats. And well, my Matchless is stellar and probably gets the most use night after night. I'm very lucky.


09-06-2006, 01:13 AM
I haven't tried any of the newer sennheisers except for the 609's and I have 3 of those for sale if that tells you anything. They're not as rich as the 409's. They're a little low-mid heavy and not a ton of pretty top end clarity like the 409's, which to me, are fat with just enough top end to cut and not be too harsh, like a 57. I now mic the iso cab with the 409 and mic the stereo cabs with a royer on the L and a 409 on the R. And yes, I like the Diaz amp. It's like a Texas blues version of a Fender Twin. It's got a lot more bite and punch and all of the eq points blow away most Fenders. I also love both of my TopHats. And well, my Matchless is stellar and probably gets the most use night after night. I'm very lucky.


Thanks for the info. Your rig is very inspiring! I love the P90 Cobra clips especially.

On a related note, here are some clips that I found comparing the various Sennheiser mics. I can see/hear why you like the 409. It's added to my EBay search list. :) The 906 sounds like the closest to the 409 to my ears given these clips:


09-06-2006, 09:33 PM
Those clips are pretty accurate, too. They really capture the differences in the 609 and 409. I'm pretty impressed with the 906, too. It sounds like a cross between a 57 and 409, which to me, would be a good thing because I like the bite of a 57 and the richness of a 409. I may have to check those out. As far as mic'ing it in the iso cab, it works just fine. I have mine about 3 inches from the cone facing the middle of the paper. The iso box colors the tone a little because of the trapped low frequencies so the 906 might be the ticket for that box. I can't help changing stuff.


09-07-2006, 10:08 PM
Is there a quicker way to get a 409 than to wait for them to show up on EBay that anyone knows of?


09-08-2006, 08:40 AM
do what I do... just ask your monitor guy to get you one. Just kidding, I don't know how much it costs, but we carry so much monitor stuff that it's probably nothing, but we rent ours along with our entire monitor rig from Clair Bros. I bought my own royer though because it's not something that they always carry.


09-11-2006, 06:25 PM

Have you ever used a 421? How does that compare to your 409?


Mark Dunn
09-20-2006, 10:36 AM
I haven't tried any of the newer sennheisers except for the 609's and I have 3 of those for sale if that tells you anything. They're not as rich as the 409's. They're a little low-mid heavy and not a ton of pretty top end clarity like the 409's, which to me, are fat with just enough top end to cut and not be too harsh, like a 57. I now mic the iso cab with the 409 and mic the stereo cabs with a royer on the L and a 409 on the R. And yes, I like the Diaz amp. It's like a Texas blues version of a Fender Twin. It's got a lot more bite and punch and all of the eq points blow away most Fenders. I also love both of my TopHats. And well, my Matchless is stellar and probably gets the most use night after night. I'm very lucky.


You wanna sell the Marshall that was replaced with the Tophat ?