View Full Version : What is the average weight on a Cobra S?

Scott Peterson
01-29-2004, 10:50 PM
How heavy do the Cobra S's range generally speaking? How about the hollow Cobra S?

Can you order a Cobra S with a H/S/S pickup setup?

I know, I know, questions questions.....


01-30-2004, 12:21 AM
Hi Scott, my cobra s is around 8 lbs. and my hollow cobra s is significantly lighter. I have never tried weighing the hollow cobra s, but there is a noticeable difference-I would guess around 6 and a half? If you want, I'll take the hollow cobra s home and can do an approximate weigh on it (it's at work). As for the HSS thing, Tom can answer that, but I personally think it would sound kind of funny with the two single coils on that guitar. The cobra is the wall of thunder (not the wall of sound!) and sounds appropriate with hums.

Scott Peterson
01-30-2004, 12:58 AM

Thanks - that is exactly the kind of feedback I am looking for. About the weight - if you go to the trouble of weighing it I would be extremely appreciative of the effort but don't put yourself out for it.

I don't really want a H/S/S setup on it, but am just thinking out loud really. I am intriqued with the shorter scale on an Anderson - I have never played one. I have been drawn to the Hollow Cobra S for years but just never ran across one. With my hollow Drop Top they'd make quite a pair.

01-30-2004, 03:18 AM
interestingly the cil splits on the coba s sounded really good so you get a bit of both


Brad Scott
01-30-2004, 08:15 AM
Hi Scott,

I have a sweet Trans Yellow Cobra S I'll be selling soon. It doesn't have the H/S/S setup; it has a splitable HO1 and HO2.

Not trying to spam here, but I thought I'd throw it out there and see if you're interested before I officially post it.

If you would like more info, just drop me a line (brock@netreach.net).

Good luck!

Tom Gross
01-30-2004, 09:05 AM
Mine is very light.
I don't know how I would weigh it. I could grab it while I'm on the scale, but it's such a tiny fraction of my total weight it wouldn't be noticed. :)

I am intrigued by the splittable minihums.

My 3x P90 Hollow Cobra S is very light and gets great stratty single coil sounds. I really dig the scale length thing.

Stan Malinowski
01-30-2004, 12:17 PM
My Hollow Cobra S weighs 6lbs 4 ozs on my digital postal scale. I have the conventional H-H setup. I think Pluto is right about the sc's on a Cobra - and this is fom a sc LOVER!!!! How about the stacked single coil sized humbuckers in the neck/middle?

01-30-2004, 12:29 PM
Originally posted by Scott Peterson

Thanks - that is exactly the kind of feedback I am looking for. About the weight - if you go to the trouble of weighing it I would be extremely appreciative of the effort but don't put yourself out for it.

I don't really want a H/S/S setup on it, but am just thinking out loud really. I am intriqued with the shorter scale on an Anderson - I have never played one. I have been drawn to the Hollow Cobra S for years but just never ran across one. With my hollow Drop Top they'd make quite a pair.

No problem Scott, I was going to take the Hollow Cobra S home this weekend (you'll see it on the Gearpage next week) and it's just an approx. weight. I do the step on scale with guitar, step on w/o guitar trick just to get approximate weights. I was actually surprised the Cobra S was just 8 lbs. because it feels a lot more heavier. The Hollow Cobra S feels like a feather in comparison. Just ask Steve W. (TNJ)-he has played both of my cobras and there seems to be a huge difference in weight. Personally, I like the cobra s a lot better than the hollow cobra s. It could be because of the pickups I chose, but the cobra s, even though it's heavy, really smacks you into the face. The hollow cobra s is more versatile, but as fas as high gain type stuff (which I'm into), you just can't beat the regular cobra or cobra s going into a bogner. Anyway, I'll weigh the Hollow Cobra S tonight and post here.

01-30-2004, 02:29 PM
weights vary quite a bit, but bridge, pickups and hollow or not all are a part of it. trems add quite a bit. 8 lbs is the upper limit. if you are after ssh, you need to hear the M's, m1,m1,hwhatever is pretty unbeatable. played a hollow cobra with m1,m1,m3 yesterday, pretty amazing too. not your father's minihumbuckers.

John Price
01-30-2004, 07:50 PM
Tom, I'm hoping that will be my next guitar!! Hollow Cobra with the mini's plus a trem!!!! Sweet.......:D

02-01-2004, 12:27 PM
Scott, according to my lousy scale, it's about six and a half.