View Full Version : FS: Bad Cat Cub II

08-24-2006, 05:58 PM
I've decided to buy my wife a new Mac Book, so the extra amp must go. I'd rather not ship it, so the price is $1200 cash/Cashiers Check/ MO for anyone in SoCal. If you really want it and you're not local, the onus is on you to cover all the costs for me to drop it off at the UPS store (or Fedex, if you prefer) and have them pack it safely and ship it. Also, I'm happy to accept paypal if you don't mind covering the 3%.

It's a great amp. I just did a week-long session in Burbank with it last week and it sounded great. It's black tolex (it actually feels like neoprene) with a black faceplate and a white front baffle.

It's a NON-reverb model, and it's a 15w version combo, single 12". Very chimey with loads of bottom end.

Here are a couple of audio files. The first one is fairly stripped down. The left channel rhythm guitar in the chorus and the solo are just a Cobra Special (P-90's) straight into the amp and mic'd with a Blue Dragonfly mic at my house (in the living room, mind you). The second track is the amp at last week's session. It's mic'd with a Royer 121 and an sm57. This one went through a whole bunch of bazillion dollar studio pre's into pro tools, so I won't try to give you the signal chain but I know they added an Echo Farm plug-in of a deluxe memory man set to hit the quarter note. The guitar is a Hollow T Classic with the Hipshot drop D lever, so the E string is down to D. Between that guitar and the Bad Cat, it fit in the mix so perfectly. This is just a board mix, so you're hearing the set levels and that's it. No final EQ, no mastering, no final compression or anything. So it's rough, but it's a good approximation of how it'd sit in the mix. Like I said, chimey with a good amount of bottom end.

track 1 (http://www.dognmoon.com/cities2come.mp3)

track 2 (http://www.dognmoon.com/GodofFuture.mp3)

08-24-2006, 10:02 PM
Sweet clips as always, my brother. Nice solo! And the piano on track 2, YES. I'm thinking of selling an amp to get a MacBook, too...

All you forum regulars know this, but for those of you who are new or come by to check the for sale sections, do business with Guitarzan in total confidence; he's a stand up guy. :cool:

08-24-2006, 10:04 PM
thanks, J. I'll email you board mixes in a couple of days so you can hear the rest of them.

08-24-2006, 10:16 PM
That 2nd clip is great, Guitarzan. I dig it much...

08-25-2006, 08:20 AM
I just realized that there's another track with the Bad Cat from those sessions. But the only way to hear it is on MySpace.

It's called "Unplug"
