View Full Version : Favorite type of quilts

08-11-2006, 07:43 PM
Just taking an informal poll (or should I call it the "Friday, I'm bored" poll) on what your favorite type of quilt is: the small, little "exploding popcorn" (as mike omiya calls it) type of quilt, the medium sized tubular "sausage" type quilt, or the wide/long quilt (like danyeo's cobra s). I usually gravitate towards the medium sized tubular quilt, but lately I've been liking this one which most of you know was last week's gow:

08-11-2006, 07:53 PM
i like this one that my sister made for our son when he was a baby, it's red and white with a red satin border...oh maple quilt... i've seen too much lately i'm kinda partial to mahogany lately. i guess i can't vote... must go home, too much time in the spray booth today.

08-12-2006, 10:40 AM
heh, heh, too funny Mr. Anderson! :cool:

What Mark REALLY wants is NOT a quilt top, it's what he's holding here:

08-12-2006, 05:11 PM
Wow.. impressive amp room, but I would question if that was earthquake ready.

08-12-2006, 06:13 PM
How do you like that JCM Slash head? I had two of them a few years apart, and couldn't get a decent "tube" sound out of either of them! Liked the snakeskin covers though!! :D

08-12-2006, 11:07 PM
Wow.. impressive amp room, but I would question if that was earthquake ready.

fuzzy's (Steve's) amp room is crazy. What's even more crazy is that that picture only shows one side of his amp room. What's even more crazy is that my ears were ringing even after wearing ear plugs. Marshalls on 10 are not exactly good for guys with bad hearing already.

08-12-2006, 11:08 PM
How do you like that JCM Slash head? I had two of them a few years apart, and couldn't get a decent "tube" sound out of either of them! Liked the snakeskin covers though!! :D

Mike's slash head was alright. Sounded like crap compared to his Supertrem and Steve's superlead though.

08-13-2006, 02:17 AM
again, can't always believe the opinions of guys who don't turn their Marshalls all the way up - Mark Yuen aka Pluto (this is someone who was forced at gunpoint to use a variac on his 70 SL) -gee I wonder why the headshell gets so hot?!?! :eek: Anyone who says that the Silver Jub or the Slash head ain't a Marshall needs to play more Marshalls. There are some very 80's and vintage tones in this head.

We play loud - the way Marshalls were meant to be played. Not "useable" volumes, I'll give you that.

I've never met a Marshall I didn't like (except the JCM2000's past 5-6 on the MV - the tiny OT's can't handle the juice). The Slash head sounds great, especially at about 7-8 on the MV. And when cranking the amp, dial back the EQ! Bass at 3-5, mids 3-4, treble 2-3 and presence below 4.

You must admit though that the slash head couldn't hold your supertrem's jockstrap. There was a noticeable difference between those two amps. But then again, as I recall, fuzzy slaved that into one of his superleads too.

08-13-2006, 06:56 AM
You must admit though that the slash head couldn't hold your supertrem's jockstrap. There was a noticeable difference between those two amps. But then again, as I recall, fuzzy slaved that into one of his superleads too.

While my 71 ST was slaved through Steve's 70 ST, you gotta remember that the back end is cleaaaaan. Translation: little effect, percentage-wise, other than that of a EL34 poweramp. It could've been a VHT2502 or Slash head. The OD that you were "hearing" was all "front end" 71, totally jacked up, courtesy of the hotplate. Of course this is not a "sound" that you'd be familiar with, given that the setup was all Van Halen. On the issue of the Slash/silver jub tone, totally different vibe, given the diode clipping circuit preamp. All good.

08-13-2006, 08:30 AM
While my 71 ST was slaved through Steve's 70 ST, you gotta remember that the back end is cleaaaaan. Translation: little effect, percentage-wise, other than that of a EL34 poweramp. It could've been a VHT2502 or Slash head. The OD that you were "hearing" was all "front end" 71, totally jacked up, courtesy of the hotplate. Of course this is not a "sound" that you'd be familiar with, given that the setup was all Van Halen. On the issue of the Slash/silver jub tone, totally different vibe, given the diode clipping circuit preamp. All good.

Hmmmmmmmm, maybe I should clarify-which of the two amps do you still own? :p

08-13-2006, 10:01 AM
Hmmmmmmmm, maybe I should clarify-which of the two amps do you still own? :p http://www.anubz.com/smilies/weirdlook.gif

08-13-2006, 11:26 AM
I don't even know who is saying what at this point!!

I agree that most Marshalls sound much better cranked. BUT, I have to disagree with the "I've never met a Marshall I didn't like" theory. I have met quite a few Marshalls I didn't like. To be specific:

Any older Valvestate
Any channel switching JCM800...same goes for the 900's
The SL-X heads with only 3 preamp tubes
The "Artist" transistor series
The reissue 1987 heads (un-modded)

So, although I love a good Marshall, there are some that just plain sound bad!

Now, back to the original subject...which was what? :D

08-13-2006, 01:36 PM
Wow.. impressive amp room, but I would question if that was earthquake ready.

reinforced w/ the best rebar $ can buy! ;)
(as well as a few more Marshall heads that were behind the cabs and out of the picture - JCM900 SLX (red tolex), JCM800 2210, 30th Anniversary (purple tolex), and an AVT150 - all killer!)

08-14-2006, 08:15 AM
reinforced w/ the best rebar $ can buy! ;)
(as well as a few more Marshall heads that were behind the cabs and out of the picture - JCM900 SLX (red tolex), JCM800 2210, 30th Anniversary (purple tolex), and an AVT150 - all killer!)

The purple (actually blue) 30th is one of my favorite multi-channel Marshalls! Blows away all the newer TSL heads due to the huge output tranny! You have some collection! Fess up, did you keep buying new Marshalls because you were searching (or are searching) for the holy grail tone??

08-14-2006, 09:29 AM
Fess up, did you keep buying new Marshalls because you were searching (or are searching) for the holy grail tone??

nope. already found the "holy" tone in my 71 Super Trem (variac'd at 105V for sag) and '81 Cameronzied 2203. We just buy and hoard 100W Marshalls because we can. Right now it's an "ode" to the Governor from 1965 to 1992, and everything in between. Started around 1993, and the market's gotten completely out of control, at least here in LA. A couple Japanese guys have offered stupid $$$'s for some of our 59's. I paid $550-600 for some clean 69 SB in the mid 90's, and you couldn't give away a Silver Jub. Pluto's got a 70 SL and SB, which have got to be pushing $2.5k each in today's market (no holes in the chassis, original board, etc.) all that said, the amps we "prefer" now are not the "vintage" Marshalls, or any of the booo-tiki stuff laying around. it's the Peavey JSX - no lie - awesome out of the box. :eek:

08-14-2006, 10:27 AM
nope. already found the "holy" tone in my 71 Super Trem (variac'd at 105V for sag) and '81 Cameronzied 2203. ...
that said, the amps we "prefer" now are not the "vintage" Marshalls, or any of the booo-tiki stuff laying around. it's the Peavey JSX - no lie - awesome out of the box. :eek:

Interesting! My friend Drew has a Cameronized JMP 2204, which he swears by. Took Cameron close to 6 months to finish his amp (he wasn't too happy about it)! But you say the Peavey JSX is better sounding, eh? Better in the gain sound, better tone all-around?

Also, depends on what kind of gain sound you like. Considering you have a plexi w/ Variac, you must like the early Van Halen type gain?? In which case, I would have to check out the JSX!! If you like the gain sounds of the late 90's, forget it!!

08-14-2006, 11:08 AM
Interesting! My friend Drew has a Cameronized JMP 2204, which he swears by. Took Cameron close to 6 months to finish his amp (he wasn't too happy about it)! But you say the Peavey JSX is better sounding, eh? Better in the gain sound, better tone all-around?

Also, depends on what kind of gain sound you like. Considering you have a plexi w/ Variac, you must like the early Van Halen type gain?? In which case, I would have to check out the JSX!! If you like the gain sounds of the late 90's, forget it!!

Amen to everything!
Regarding Cameron, I don't typically wait that long since I "motivate" (aka push) him along :eek: ;) But he does the VH/Jose Arredondo/Lee Jackson "thing" like no one I know.
On the JSX, it has a it's own sound, but w/ active EQ controls, can be dialed in very, very close to a british (van halen I-ish) voicing. And when I don't want to warm up the heads, turn on the entire rig, this MV head through a 212 is the way to go. AND the best part about it is that the clean channel LOVES pedals. Put a Axess Electronics BS2 in front, and every 70's MXR pedal in the chain is happy! For VH1, try BS2, Keeley DS1 Ultra/SEM, MXR 117, MXR phase90, straight into the clean channel (not the EFX loop). Then try and replicating that w/ a Marshall hotplate/variac/slave set-up. You'd be surprised how close they sound. Of course, the JSX set up is low volume (read "usable" or club level), and the Marshall set up is outrageous, insane volume. YMMV. :p Oh, and the best part?, the JSX can be had for under $1k :eek:

08-14-2006, 12:27 PM
My need is for low-volume (read, my basement) quality tube gain tone. My Marshall DSL50 head, with the gain turned down to about 11:00 does a decent VH tone with the master rolled down to 1 (and using a Power Brake)! Turn it up though, and the DSL isn't that good. My un-modded '78 2204 sounds great loud, but needs all the pedals in the world at low volumes to get the gain I like.

So, that's why I mainly use my tiny Tech21 TM10 combo in the basement! I can play at wisper (baby or wife sleeping) levels, any time, with no tubes to worry about. I stick a delay pedal in the loop, vintage Phase 90 in front, and do my almost Van Halen at low volumes thing!

08-14-2006, 12:44 PM
My need is for low-volume (read, my basement) quality tube gain tone. My Marshall DSL50 head, with the gain turned down to about 11:00 does a decent VH tone with the master rolled down to 1 (and using a Power Brake)! Turn it up though, and the DSL isn't that good. My un-modded '78 2204 sounds great loud, but needs all the pedals in the world at low volumes to get the gain I like.

So, that's why I mainly use my tiny Tech21 TM10 combo in the basement! I can play at wisper (baby or wife sleeping) levels, any time, with no tubes to worry about. I stick a delay pedal in the loop, vintage Phase 90 in front, and do my almost Van Halen at low volumes thing!

yuuup. I "hear" ya. The DSL50 didn't work for me, for the reason you stated, and because I love it LOUD! OTOH, the Tech21 TM10 is a great little practice amp. I had one, but sold it, since it was a tad to "dark" for my tastes. Bottom line though, Tech21 makes great products! VH at any volume is all good!

08-14-2006, 05:56 PM
yuuup. I "hear" ya. The DSL50 didn't work for me, for the reason you stated, and because I love it LOUD! OTOH, the Tech21 TM10 is a great little practice amp. I had one, but sold it, since it was a tad to "dark" for my tastes. Bottom line though, Tech21 makes great products! VH at any volume is all good!

Yeah, my only complaint about the TM10 is that it needs a "presence" knob!! Wonder if the TM-60 is brighter?

Guess we could start another thread about amps! :D

08-14-2006, 06:40 PM
I would most definitely appreciate it if you guys would stop hijacking my thread. :mad: :rolleyes: :D

08-14-2006, 06:45 PM
Interesting! My friend Drew has a Cameronized JMP 2204, which he swears by. Took Cameron close to 6 months to finish his amp (he wasn't too happy about it)! But you say the Peavey JSX is better sounding, eh? Better in the gain sound, better tone all-around?

Also, depends on what kind of gain sound you like. Considering you have a plexi w/ Variac, you must like the early Van Halen type gain?? In which case, I would have to check out the JSX!! If you like the gain sounds of the late 90's, forget it!!

6 months wait for a Cameron? Wow, Mark must've been working fast on that one! :D :eek: :D Just kidding, although Mark made me wait two months after he finished my last amp I got from him because he didn't have time to send it back. Cameron amps rule!! As for early VH type gain-I have a one word response for that-OVERRATED! :p :D Joking of course, but I would still take Michael Schenker's unmodded 70's JMP 50 watt tone, Gary Moore's Corridors of Power JMP Superlead tone, and John Sykes jose modded tone over VH any day. :D

08-14-2006, 07:31 PM
6 months wait for a Cameron? Wow, Mark must've been working fast on that one! :D :eek: :D Just kidding, although Mark made me wait two months after he finished my last amp I got from him because he didn't have time to send it back. Cameron amps rule!! As for early VH type gain-I have a one word response for that-OVERRATED! :p :D Joking of course, but I would still take Michael Schenker's unmodded 70's JMP 50 watt tone, Gary Moore's Corridors of Power JMP Superlead tone, and John Sykes jose modded tone over VH any day. :D

Caveat: I warned pluto/Mark not to have too high an expectation for quick turnaround regarding his Cameron head.

On the issue of VH1 tone being overrated, again consider the source. This is from a guy who has a 70 Super Lead, 70 Super Bass and a 2005 HW1959SLP. WHY would anyone amass that kind of a collection, play at bedroom volume AND bag on EVH? AND then NOT use a variac on the vintage heads? Worse, hold up 3 guys who never played non-MV, PTP Marshalls as your respective "tonal" references?!?!? Hey counselor, I think we can consider this case "closed"! :p :D

08-14-2006, 07:37 PM
I would most definitely appreciate it if you guys would stop hijacking my thread. :mad: :rolleyes: :D

I'd take the lack of responses (by other members) to mean something. :rolleyes: Like,

a) no one cares
b) it was a stupid question anyway
c) no one wants to engage a couple of overtly biased morons on what constitutes "good" tone
d) all of the above
e) none of the above - I already know everything there is to know about everything and do not wish to be enlightened further

08-14-2006, 07:39 PM
Yeah, my only complaint about the TM10 is that it needs a "presence" knob!! Wonder if the TM-60 is brighter?

Guess we could start another thread about amps! :D

agreed. or we could hijack another "legitimate" one. :eek: :D
(....easy, easy, just kidding!)

08-14-2006, 08:05 PM
Caveat: I warned pluto/Mark not to have too high an expectation for quick turnaround regarding his Cameron head.

On the issue of VH1 tone being overrated, again consider the source. This is from a guy who has a 70 Super Lead, 70 Super Bass and a 2005 HW1959SLP. WHY would anyone amass that kind of a collection, play at bedroom volume AND bag on EVH? AND then NOT use a variac on the vintage heads? Worse, hold up 3 guys who never played non-MV, PTP Marshalls as your respective "tonal" references?!?!? Hey counselor, I think we can consider this case "closed"! :p :D

Case not quite closed-Schenker used early 70's 50 watt JMPs early on with UFO (although, I believe Strangers in the Night was non point to point latter 70's JMP, but still non MV) and Moore's amp on Corridors of Power was an early 70's JMP.

08-14-2006, 08:07 PM
i only looked cause it's the only thread that has come up today. if i weren't a really nice guy i'd go with answer C.

08-14-2006, 08:11 PM
Case not quite closed-Schenker used early 70's 50 watt JMPs early on with UFO (although, I believe Strangers in the Night was non point to point latter 70's JMP, but still non MV) and Moore's amp on Corridors of Power was an early 70's JMP.

What was his amp on the '98 release (Walk on Water)? Sounds way more processed to me. Or, maybe Jose/Mark modded for more gain? Good tone, nonetheless. And Michael's playing is so melodic he sounds good no mater what he uses!

08-14-2006, 08:14 PM
i only looked cause it's the only thread that has come up today. if i weren't a really nice guy i'd go with answer C.

But since you are such a nice guy, you would choose:

F) The other members are so enthralled, they can't stop reading long enough to move their mouse pointer to the "post reply" button and left-click to contribute!! :)

08-14-2006, 08:45 PM
i only looked cause it's the only thread that has come up today. if i weren't a really nice guy i'd go with answer C.

ouch!! thanks Tom! :D :p

08-14-2006, 08:48 PM
Case not quite closed-Schenker used early 70's 50 watt JMPs early on with UFO (although, I believe Strangers in the Night was non point to point latter 70's JMP, but still non MV) and Moore's amp on Corridors of Power was an early 70's JMP.

thanks for clarifying :rolleyes: :cool: :p

08-14-2006, 08:51 PM
But since you are such a nice guy, you would choose:

F) The other members are so enthralled, they can't stop reading long enough to move their mouse pointer to the "post reply" button and left-click to contribute!! :)


g) no one gives a _ _ _ _! (insert appropriate 4 letter word) :rolleyes:

08-14-2006, 08:52 PM
What was his amp on the '98 release (Walk on Water)? Sounds way more processed to me. Or, maybe Jose/Mark modded for more gain? Good tone, nonetheless. And Michael's playing is so melodic he sounds good no mater what he uses!

Schenker used 2205s on Walk on Water. He's been using 2205s since they came out (83 or 84?). I believe John Norum now owns one of Schenker's best sounding 2205s that he was forced to sell when he went bankrupt. The only modded Marshall that Schenker ever used AFAIK was back in the early 80's when he used Rivera modded 1987s which you can hear on One Night at Budokan.

08-14-2006, 08:53 PM
thanks for clarifying :rolleyes: :cool: :p

That's right, smart guy! :D

08-14-2006, 08:55 PM
i only looked cause it's the only thread that has come up today. if i weren't a really nice guy i'd go with answer C.

I would say it's more all of the above. Or, maybe (g), this forum needs some entertainment. Or perhaps (h), Mike scares everybody off the threads.

08-14-2006, 08:58 PM
Schenker used 2205s on Walk on Water. He's been using 2205s since they came out (83 or 84?). I believe John Norum now owns one of Schenker's best sounding 2205s that he was forced to sell when he went bankrupt. The only modded Marshall that Schenker ever used AFAIK was back in the early 80's when he used Rivera modded 1987s which you can hear on One Night at Budokan.

Really? Interesting! I had a 2205 that I sold due to what I like to call "Dual Reverb Syndrome", only not as bad as a JCM900! Diodes in the signal path don't do much for me (yeah, Slash/Jubilee head included)! Although Joe Bonamassa used a Silver Jubilee head live last year that kicked ass!

Maybe it IS all in the fingers?

PS: Schenker went bankrupt? Sad. :(

08-14-2006, 09:04 PM
Really? Interesting! I had a 2205 that I sold due to what I like to call "Dual Reverb Syndrome", only not as bad as a JCM900! Diodes in the signal path don't do much for me (yeah, Slash/Jubilee head included)! Although Joe Bonamassa used a Silver Jubilee head live last year that kicked ass!

Maybe it IS all in the fingers?

PS: Schenker went bankrupt? Sad. :(

Schenker has always said the 2205 is HIS tone and that's why he has never bothered changing amps. I believe Cameron's amps use diodes too (Mike Omiya would know that answer) and I think his mods are killer. Schenker's story is really sad-it was chronicaled a few years ago in Guitar World when he was basically homeless (living in a motel). He claims that his ex-wife hung him out to dry, but like most drug abusers, he always seems to blame everyone but himself when he has problems. He seems to be doing much better these days-maybe his brother gave him a swift kick in the butt.

08-15-2006, 03:37 AM
I believe Cameron's amps use diodes too (Mike Omiya would know that answer) and I think his mods are killer.
this is true, although consider the source/s, and answers G and H!!! :p :D

08-15-2006, 03:39 AM
I would say it's more all of the above. Or, maybe (g), this forum needs some entertainment. Or perhaps (h), Mike scares everybody off the threads.

I wish I had that "kind" of power. I'd be able to unleash it on H-C, TGP, and even HRI. Some of the thread 'wars' are a complete waste of space....kinda like this one! :rolleyes: :p

08-15-2006, 03:47 AM
Really? Interesting! I had a 2205 that I sold due to what I like to call "Dual Reverb Syndrome", only not as bad as a JCM900! Diodes in the signal path don't do much for me (yeah, Slash/Jubilee head included)! Although Joe Bonamassa used a Silver Jubilee head live last year that kicked ass!

Maybe it IS all in the fingers?

PS: Schenker went bankrupt? Sad. :(

forget Schenker. IMHO, the best stuff he ever did was the "All the Way from Memphis" (Ian Hunter) cover (with Contraband). Full-on shreddy, wankage, w/ all of the 80's metal 'cliches' thrown in for good measure. Lacks any kind of self-control and is an exercise in complete over indulgence....wait, this is starting to sound familiar!

I witnessed Bonamassa opening for Frampton at the Wiltern in 10/04. Wow. And yeah, Silver Jub (2 of 'em). If it's good enough for "Paradise City" and the Red Hot Chili Peppers (Frusciante also had a couple in his stable), it's good enough for me. And contrary to popular opinion, equipment matters. Yes tone's in the fingers. But why have Line6 and Crate, when you can feast on purrrre, vintage class A, with all of the nuances that characterize snotty, cork-sniffing, gear whores?! ;)