View Full Version : Peterson Strobostomp and Crowdster Plus

06-28-2006, 07:27 AM
I have read every single old post on th SS. There has been a lot of comparison to the DT7.

Is anyone using the SS with a Crowdster Plus?

Would you be better served using the SS on the Electric side of the Plus instead of the acoustic side?

Would running the SS out of a tuner out of a volume pedal be a better idea?

06-28-2006, 07:59 AM
I just put a set of new strings on my Collings yesterday and then tuned it up using the SS. It was kind of a pain because of all the harmonics that come out with just one open string on that dang guitar. I almost couldn't get a read on the fundamental--the fifth kept coming through as well as others even though I had every string damped except the one I was tuning. The SS is pretty sensitive. When I tune an electric, I put it on the neck pickup and roll the tone back about halfway. That way, it dampens all those harmonics really well. So yeah, I'm thinking that running it on the electric side of a Crowdster Plus would be better because you can roll the tone back on that pickup so that the SS hears the open string better and not all the harmonics.

And the SS has a mode for true bypass, so I don't know why you'd need to run it out of a volume pedal?

06-28-2006, 09:37 AM
Well, here's the deal. The DI is cut out with TB engaged. I kinda wanted to utilize the DI for the acoustic side to the board. Currently I am running it out of the tuner port on the EB Volume Pedal, which puts it on the Electric side and doesn't afford me the option of utilizing the DI. I would love to force myself to get rid of the Volume pedal.

Here's my set up:

Crowdster Plus with Stereo cable > SKB PS 25 Pedal Board, 2 loops

Loop 1 Acoustic side > DI > House Mixing Board

Loop 2 Electric side > Boss BD2 > EB Volume Pedal (SS on Tuner Out) > Boss TR2 > Amp

06-28-2006, 01:38 PM
I see. Sounds like a fun rig!

06-28-2006, 03:19 PM
OK, here's a question for Tom. Is the Plus set up with the BF for acoustic or electric offsets? I think that would be the deciding factor.

06-28-2006, 04:20 PM
acoustic. .

07-01-2006, 10:50 AM
I have found the SS is awesome for live. I usually tune up on the 12th fret harmonic. As for setting intonation, I usually use my DT-7. Mainly because it has a mic built in. It's quick and easy to change settings also. ;)

07-02-2006, 07:30 PM
I agree, live is great. I used it again this morning. The more I use it the quicker I get. The DI is especially apealing to me with the Crowdster Plus.
You can really nail the tuning dead on.