View Full Version : Cobra Trans Black MINT

06-22-2006, 10:20 AM
I have gone back and forth with selling this guitar, and I'm finally putting it up for sale because it's just not what I need right now. I'm the original owner, bought it new earlier this year. For the acquisition of another, I'm selling this Cobra. $1849 shipped.

Serial number: 04-15-05A
Price - $3,510.00
Model - Cobra
Body Finish - Translucent Black with Binding
Body Wood - Quilted Maple Top on Mahogany
Neck Wood - Mahogany, African Rosewood Fretboard
Neck Finish - Black Headstock, Satin Back
Nutwidth - 1 11/16 in
Frets - Heavy (stainless steel)
Back Shape -
Hardware - Chrome
Bridge - Vintage Tremolo
Pickguard -
Pickups - H1- H2
Switching - 5 Way, Pull on Tone Knob splits middle position
Strings - .010-.046 Elixir strings
Comments -



06-22-2006, 01:32 PM
this is a little shocking. I thought this was the be all- end all of guitars? (I should talk...)

So what's next? And whatdya say you talk to Anna about donating this one to your favorite West-Coast-starving-guitarist-in-an-economy-so-horrible-that-he-can-barely-pay-the-mortgage-on-his-$750k-house? I'm sure it'd be both a tax write-off and a shoe-in for treasures in heaven. :D

06-22-2006, 01:59 PM
Ack! You are killing me with this. Someone buy this before I do something wrong.

I'm also curious. . . what could you be ordering that would top this?

06-22-2006, 02:27 PM
it's not about topping anything. i think we just get bored or start listening to other music or get a new amp or just about any other excuse. do we really need an excuse?

06-22-2006, 02:29 PM
(cowering behind tom) yeah! what he said!

06-22-2006, 02:35 PM
Moving target. I think everyone can uderstand that. Plus, I'm poor. Still waiting for my high-paying gig with Shania. Geez, I've been in town for two weeks--why aren't they all fighting over me yet?

Ack! You are killing me with this. Someone buy this before I do something wrong.

Go ahead, do something wrong. This would round out your TAG collection quite nicely...

I'm also curious. . . what could you be ordering that would top this?

Tom's making me a triple neck Hollow T Cobratom Classic with 9 Ms.

06-22-2006, 02:41 PM
Tom's making me a triple neck Hollow T Cobratom Classic with 9 Ms.


06-22-2006, 02:46 PM
This sale is proof that musicians' relationships with their gear is not a cognitive or rational thing. It's emotional and perceptual. I've sold gear that I loved, just because it felt like the time. I think the problem isn't having to explain this phenomenon to other musicians (because they already get it). The problem is when you have to explain this phenomenon to the spouse. :eek:

06-22-2006, 02:50 PM
yeah, i came home sunday and said i was going to downsize the pedalboard, then ordered a new pedal. i love my wife!

06-22-2006, 03:00 PM
yeah, i came home sunday and said i was going to downsize the pedalboard, then ordered a new pedal. i love my wife!

I'm making some swaps, too. Finally sold the Zendrive, got some cash in the deal and picked up the HBE Retro Compressor and the Menatone JFET Compressor. I'll test drive those for a gig and then sell them off for whatever comes next. Maybe Olectric will trade his shiny new Cobra for two fancy compressors...

06-22-2006, 03:49 PM
picked up the HBE Retro Compressor and the Menatone JFET Compressor.

Please let me know if you ever find a compressor you really like (you have to have used it for more than 30 days and plan on keeping it ;) )

06-22-2006, 03:52 PM
Maybe Olectric will trade his shiny new Cobra for two fancy compressors...

...or maybe the lack of a TAG in the stables is making Guitarzan delirious. You should lie down, brother...take 'er easy for a while...

06-22-2006, 04:03 PM
*need... an.... Anderson... losing... strength...*

I still have the modded Boss CS-3 on my board. It's still the go-to. But I just received the HBE RetroComp, and first indications say that it might trump the Boss. I have the Boss set on extra squishy, though (like knopfler squishy), and the HBE seems like a pedal to keep on forever as a thickening agent.

06-22-2006, 05:27 PM
thickening agent... sounds messy. maybe you need a thicker guitar...

06-23-2006, 09:15 AM
Corey, why must every thread you touch turn to compressors? There's a guitar for sale, here! :D

Speaking of which, it's headed to the 'Bay this afternoon if I don't hear anything back from some of you.

going once, going twice...

06-23-2006, 09:19 AM
all apologies. Good luck with the sale- it's a real beauty.


Suriel Zayas
06-23-2006, 02:21 PM
WHAT IS GOING ON HERE????? :confused:

i just got off a plane from gemany, groggy, jetlag & hungry, just to be home with the family for a few hours and a meal. i'm gone for a few days and this place is falling apart.

justin, justin......does the "swiss army knife" of all guitar ring a bell. that is a geetar to die for. while in germany i had probably 6 offers to buy my cobra, and you can easily double that for the crowdster, but said naaahhhhhhhhh to some good coin. it would be more of a hassle to acquire a new one before saturday night's show (right tom?).

corey, intervention, intervention, intervention...call your sponsor, not sure who it is these days, but if you don't. a good sign is that you probably were able to get good coin for the zen, however, it is always a sign of good faith to put at least 10% of the profits towards your $15,000.00 mortgage payment and use the other 90% for a nice compressor.

tom (oh supreme commander), please whip these two into shape. one for getting rid of such a nice ax that he'll regret, and the other one possibly not having a guitar with an "A" on the headstock.

someone buy this guitar. trust me justin is a a nice guy and a nice guitar.

06-23-2006, 02:32 PM
well, you got me- no guitars with an A on the headstock (well, not just a big A). I have an extra amp and a custom shop les paul special that I could sell, but the two together probly wouldn't get me to the $1850 mark that Justin can get for this guitar. I thought about buying the P-90 Cobra also for sale on here right now because it would be a pretty close sonic replacement for the Les Paul (which is one of two guitars that I own right now and gets about 50% of the stage time), but it's a dance that never ends. I'm proceeding slowly so that I don't get into gear hoarding again.- Whic is not such a bad thing for others, but it messes with my head and my faith.

06-23-2006, 02:33 PM
this sickness we all have is a tough one to beat. i'm not sure it is curable, i've never seen anyone totally beat it. all we can do is try to be strong. sure we go on binges where we totally loose control, then we get very strong and feel pretty self rightous and sell lots of stuff vowing not to let "that" happen again. but then there is that elusive tone, that moving target haunting us. i for one know i will be searching my whole life. as with eating, moderation is the only way to survive.
sorry, rach bought donuts today and my sugar levels are out of control.

06-23-2006, 06:49 PM
Anderson GAS for me has been under control since I got the Hollow T. That and my Classic fill the tone world I'm in. The Fenders are in cases and up for sale. I still check out the TA's on Ebay and have thought about bidding. But I step back and think that tuition payments for my daughter are coming up.

These guitars are so good that two are plenty for me. Of course YMMV

06-23-2006, 07:28 PM
that's great to hear. and yes tuition creeps up way too fast. we have one more semester to go and we're done. we'll be celebrating that for sure.

06-27-2006, 03:23 PM
After much thought and searching, the Cobra has come off the market. Yes, you all may now breathe a collective sigh of relief. Turns out the triple neck Hollow T Cobratom Classic (with 9 minihumbuckers) is just a figment of my imagination. What was I thinking?? :confused:

06-27-2006, 04:46 PM
just for clarification, does this mean you're not going to trade that Cobra for two of my fancy compressors?

06-27-2006, 05:58 PM
just for clarification, does this mean you're not going to trade that Cobra for two of my fancy compressors?

nope, it's mine. suriel gave me quite the scolding; i do not wish for another.

06-28-2006, 12:31 AM
I'm proud of you for keeping that guitar, and I'm proud of me for not trying to buy it. :)

06-28-2006, 07:49 AM
good job, us!

how are you liking the new singles in your drop top?

06-28-2006, 03:26 PM
good job, us!

how are you liking the new singles in your drop top?

I'm liking them a lot. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to get a really good strat sound out of this guitar, and I have it now. I was afraid that to get a good strat sound, I'd have to get a classic. Also, I like the humbucker a lot more than the H2 in there. The H2 sound really good in my Atom, but was kind of muddy in the drop top. The Drop Top has gone from being the ultimate unplugged superstrat to the ultimate plugged-in superstrat. Now it sounds as good as it looks and plays. :)

I have a schematic figured out (with help from friends) to wire this with the Suhr backplate and two-position switches for the switcheroo. I'm anxious to finish that.

Here's a clip of what it sounds like now (hum and all. . .the pickups are all the same polarity/winding in preparation for the backplate):


This is:

Drop Top->Randall RM50B with TopBoost module->SM57->computer

up until the Van Halen riff, where I kick on the OCD on top of all that. Again, excuse the noodling.