View Full Version : Speaking of set ups, truss rod adjustment

01-23-2004, 01:14 PM
Just wondering why the route for getting to the truss rod adjustment on the 25.5" scale guitars is so small? It would be easier to get to if it were enlarged a bit. One of my very few complaints. Maybe I just haven't figured out exactly the best way to go about it. Tips?

01-23-2004, 07:55 PM
see the website under tech stuff. you use the screwdriver like a lever. we do it all day long but people have trouble getting it.

01-24-2004, 09:22 AM
tom can you be more specific? like a lever?? put the screwdriver in a slot and then just rock back and forth? or insert low and push up away from the guitar?


01-24-2004, 05:38 PM
the screwdriver is only as wide as half the nut. the ones we use have about an 8-10" long blade. it goes in the top half of the nut at about a 35 degree angle to the top of the guitar. roll the screw driver like you were making a 8" diameter circle with the handle. we bevel the bottom side of the fingerboard overhang for screwdriver clearance.

01-24-2004, 07:40 PM

much better description :) thanks, i'll give it a shot.


01-25-2004, 12:37 AM
Yes, it's easier to visualize the process now. Now, if my neck only needed an adjustment!:)


01-26-2004, 06:37 PM
ok, i tried it out today and bingo (not like i was doubting tom) it works great. I have an 8" craftsman narrow blade screwdriver, and i took some heatshrink tubing and applied it, and left just a tad of the blade out. put it in the top slot, and just rotate the screwdrive in the clockwise direction to tighten, like a big circle, dont twist it. I might take some detailed pics of the whole thing.

I feel dumb now, but after laying over 2k for a guitar, last thing i want to do is muck it up.

thanks tom.

01-26-2004, 11:02 PM
yay!!!!! i knew you could do it.

Stan Malinowski
01-27-2004, 05:22 AM
i took some heatshrink tubing and applied it, and left just a tad of the blade out


This is an EXCELLENT idea! Hopefully this will eliminate the gouging of the neck/guitar/pickguard that seems to occur whenever I attempted to adjust the neck by this method. I had given up on using this method and resorted to removing the neck to make the adjustment (ala old Fenders). I'll have to give it another shot with the heat shrink protection on the screwdriver - but on one of my Andersons that I have already gouged!