View Full Version : VHT Valvulator

05-30-2006, 05:14 PM
I have read the threads about using these with modelers; sounds like it is almost a must; what about "regular" stompbox pedalboards? Does it make a difference if you have true bypass pedals or BOSS op amps? How much difference can you tell?


Janine Doubly
06-03-2006, 11:39 AM
It can make a substantial difference, depending on your needs and gear. A good buffer will always have its own signature "stamp" on it, but the more transparent, the more likely you'll like the results. If you use one or two pedals, it may not be necessary, but if you need 5 + and some of them have cheap op-amp buffers in them, the Valvulator will help out a lot. To my ears, the Valulator is a nice buffer, pretty transparent (and can be tweaked to taste depending on the 12AX7 you use). The thing I liked about the one I had, it made the cable run from pedal board to amp a workable deal. If your board is more than 20' away from your amp, you'll hear a substantial loss, without a good buffer.