View Full Version : AMP for Atom

05-29-2006, 01:30 PM
as the new atom will be my first electric, I obviously need an amp!
Anyone got any suggestions for a first time practice amp - something that will be a good starting point but without scaring the neighbours! Was thinking of maybe the Vox AC15 or AD15VT - anyone got any thoughts?


05-29-2006, 04:24 PM
Mesa Lonestar Special, Carr Hammerhead (Reviewed in the recent issue of Guitar Player), Carr Mercury, Top Hat and Dr. Z.

05-30-2006, 03:27 PM
Dr Z Carmen Ghia and a good o/d pedal will give you a beautiful clean and any level of o/d you want, yet you can keep it quiet if you need that. Plus it has great resale. Some people even gig with a Carmen Ghia, Buddy Whittington for one. A good o/d pedal will sound as good or better than most two channel amp's distortion channel.

05-31-2006, 09:42 AM
In addition to the above suggestions:

Fender Princeton Reverb. You can get a silverface for $700 and probably sell it for more down the road. Gorgeous cleans. With an OD pedal, you'r good to go.

Savage Macht 6 or Fuchs Lucky 7 if you wanna go boutique. These will grind at relatively low SPL.

05-31-2006, 06:17 PM
thanks guys - I must confess some of this is double-dutch to me at the moment, but gives me plenty to research while waiting for the guitar! :cool:

06-01-2006, 06:14 AM
Victoria Victorilux. 35 watt 6L6, Jensen P12Q, but sounds wonderful at low volumes as well. It weights about 15 kg. Very sweet sounding, and extremely touch sensivtive and dynamic. I bought this one to use at home as a practice amp, but has now become my gigging amp. My Matchless DC30 haven't been powered up since I got the Victoria. The Matchless is wonderful too, but in another way. It's just too loud and too heavy to drag around.

The Victoria has reverb and tremolo, and put a good OD on low volumes like a Fulltone OCD in front and you have all you ever need. Try one if you get the chance, and this amp really works well with the guitars volume knob. And the price for the Victoria isn't as bad, compared to Matchless / BadCat etc. Great value.

06-07-2006, 08:52 AM
brilliant - thanks - really appreciate the advice!

Dave :cool:

06-11-2006, 12:02 AM
I bought the Marshall 2061x head for my Atom. :cool: It has lots of head room and sounds great using all three pickups, especially when using a boost pedal to slam the tubes a little.