View Full Version : Best Reverb (Pedal or Otherwise)

05-13-2006, 01:03 AM
What's the best reverb for a non-reverb amp?
And just a note ... if I were to buy a pedal reverb, it would have to be true bypass.

Janine Doubly
05-13-2006, 01:39 PM
While this pedal is not True Bypass, the Electro Harmonix Holy Grail, Holier Grail and Holiest Grail reverb pedals are nice. To make them true bypass, get a Keeley Looper pedal and you're set. Plus, with the looper, you can put your reverb pedal out of the way and use the smaller Looper as the on/off switch.

05-13-2006, 10:04 PM
Ok - you did say BEST !! Try and find an original stand-alone Reverb unit made by Matchless - do a little research and you will find that they are really nice (and priced accordingly).

05-15-2006, 05:41 PM
It would also depend on if you want a studio plate reverb sound or a Fendery spring reverb sound. I find that a plate sounding reverb gets lost in the live mix more than a spring sound and then if you're using the reverb as a little wash instead of a heavy surf sound, it doesn't matter much at all what you use. That's if you're running thru a loop. If you're running into the front of an amp then true bypass becomes more important. The reverb also shouldn't run into a distorted amp or distortion pedal. You won't like that at all. Distorted reverb or delay is b-b-b-bad! If you already knew all of that I apologize but it may help another with less experience. I've heard T-Rex has a new reverb pedal on the way. Probably sound great but be expensive for a pedal.