View Full Version : Death Rattle v3 and Bad Cat 2-Tone pedals

05-01-2006, 05:53 PM
Too many pedals, time to clean house.
1. ToadWorks Death Rattle viii (newest version).
ToadWorks Death Rattle is a dual mode distortion device. It consists of two completely separate circuits, as well as a third "fat" boost circuit, capable of increasing both the volume and the sustain. The two modes do dead-on impressions of both 50's era Fender Tweed and 60's era Marshall Plexi amplifiers. Each mode was designed to emulate a very specific sound, giving bedroom players and working musicians an affordable, reliable method of reproducing the tone of these highly prized amplifiers.

The Tweed circuit is transistor based, and is designed to give smooth, rounded breakup, and to be extremely sensitive to attack, just like a vintage Fender amp. The Plexi circuit uses an op-amp do simulate the higher gain, marshallesqe sound - it's smooth with lots of high end and scooped mids, with a nice, soft attack that is the signature of the 60's plexi.
Brand new, $125 plus $8 shipping.

2. Bad Cat 2-Tone Pedal.
This tone boost/overdrive pedal by Bad Cat offers additional gain, warmth, and volume to any amp. The first tone channel allows for a volume boost along with tone adjustment. The second gain channel has a similar gain structure to that of the Cub II or first channel of the Black or Wild cat amps. It has very active tone controls and offers a thick overdrive that is signature of Mark Sampson. This is a great pedal for players who are looking for a Blues or classic rock drive. The 2-Tone controls include 1) Volume, Tone, 2) Gain, Bass, Treble, and Master. Foot switching is from channel 1 drive to channel 2 drive, along with true bypass. This pedal has won Guitar Player magazine "Pick of the year" award in 2002. It offers lots of thick, Bad Cat overdrive. Includes A/C power cable.
$225.00 plus $10 shipping.