View Full Version : Soldano.....not just a high gainer anymore

05-01-2006, 08:21 AM
I always thought of Soldano amps as high gain beasts, but I picked up a Lucky 13 50 watter and and very impressed. The clean channel is right up there with my Shiva and the OD channel beats the Shiva's. This is Soldano's bid for players that require a good clean channel with lots of headroom AND a good gain channel. Have to say they nailed it; very clean high headroom Fenderish clean and SLO-ish OD channel. Soldanos have been kind of out of the limelight lately, but like the description and it worked out. Now my #1 I'd say. As a bonus I got it for about $400-500 less than a comparable Shiva head. Anyway, just FYI. Cheers.


05-01-2006, 09:36 AM
The Luckys are great amps. I also like the Decatone quite a bit. :cool: