View Full Version : Envelope Filter and Tremolo Pedal - Which one do you love?

04-10-2006, 09:54 PM
Envelope Filter - ala touch sensitive wah

Want one real bad and have tried a few but don't know which one to settle on. Prefer something on the small side and takes a 9V DC power.

Something that is very sensitive but good quack with no volume loss is preferred. Of course, true bypass would be cool.

Anyone play a Funky Fish? I liked the Discombobulator but hoping for something better

Tremolo Pedal

Looking for something warm, deep pulses that can go super slow. I have a Supa Trem but don't like it as much (great clean boost though) was wondering what everyone is playing?

Thanks for the help.

04-10-2006, 11:19 PM
The Carl Martin TremOvibe is nice. I like it better than the fulltone, have both, but use the carl martin more

04-10-2006, 11:31 PM
Line 6 Tap Tremolo
Demeter Tremulator

MuTron III (I know, it's big, AC, blah blah blah - but it rules)

Game over!

04-11-2006, 08:04 AM
+1 Tremulator--sounds great, built like a tank, and has huge knobs you can adjust with your foot while playing.

Never used an envelope filter.

04-11-2006, 03:58 PM
using the line6 tap tempo trem. anyone try the cusak tap-a-whirl?

04-12-2006, 06:48 AM
Not a pedal, but I must comment: The tremolo in my new Victoria is the best I've tried so far. It's really amazing for my use.

Janine Doubly
04-12-2006, 08:41 AM
Maxon's AF-9 (a re-issue of the Ibanez AF-9) is nice. Its small and runs on std. 9 volt supply. I believe its true bypass as well. Closest thing I've heard to a good Mu-Tron without the real estate. I like the Demeter Tremulator and Keeley's TR-2 mod is great as well.

04-12-2006, 08:47 AM
i've been happy with the fluttertone by kaden effects. classic sine wave trem done right. i do wish i could tap in the tempo though.

04-12-2006, 10:02 AM
the cusak is analog, but has a tap tempo and tap accelerate and decelerate. great features, but haven't heard it.

04-12-2006, 12:10 PM
using the line6 tap tempo trem. anyone try the cusak tap-a-whirl?I just ordered it on Monday. Should be here in a couple days. After using the Fulltone trem for a while, it struck me that a tap-tempo feature would be real sweet for a trem pedal.

04-12-2006, 12:41 PM
you ordered the tap a whirl? must report. i sent an email to see if one of the wave forms was the bias trem which i am fond of. haven't heard back yet. the line6 does a great bias trem.

04-12-2006, 09:27 PM
MuTron III (I know, it's big, AC, blah blah blah - but it rules)

Game over!

But chasy has already resorted to mounting pedals to the underside of his new board. An intervention would have to occur before room could be made for a MutronIII. :D

04-13-2006, 10:01 AM
i've been thinking about a satellite board for all the weird stuff. i wouldn't have to feel guilty then would i?

04-13-2006, 11:03 AM
i've been thinking about a satellite board for all the weird stuff. i wouldn't have to feel guilty then would i?

Satellite...I like the sound of that Tom...and no, the word Satellite in no way makes me feel guilty. :) Bud is right...almost out of room for stuff under my board but since I've been doing a good deal of ab work, my back doesn't hurt when I lift the board out of its case.

I want to replace my Line 6 (Way Huge Modded) MM4...since I only use it for Trem (my Supa Trem is my clean boost...under the board...I know silly but works for me) and for tri chorus. So now I can use the real estate and the weight for the ultimate non-amp Trem, EF and chorus...but size must be small.

Do you think the Line6 Trem would be good for recording?

04-13-2006, 11:19 AM
Satellite...I like the sound of that Tom...and no, the word Satellite in no way makes me feel guilty. :) Bud is right...almost out of room for stuff under my board but since I've been doing a good deal of ab work, my back doesn't hurt when I lift the board out of its case.

I want to replace my Line 6 (Way Huge Modded) MM4...since I only use it for Trem (my Supa Trem is my clean boost...under the board...I know silly but works for me) and for tri chorus. So now I can use the real estate and the weight for the ultimate non-amp Trem, EF and chorus...but size must be small.

Do you think the Line6 Trem would be good for recording?

Chasy, if by "replace" you mean "offload, but keep it at arm's length", then I'd like you to keep me on the list of hopefuls. I have my board (small, quaint, and cute) that has my essentials, but I keep playing for worship leaders and songwriters who ask for things that I don't carry in the suitcase. Funny how GASsy minds think alike... I started contemplating a satellite board (suitcase) on Tuesday night.

04-13-2006, 11:39 AM
i do like the line6 trem. i mostly use it for slower almost univibe stuff. i'm interested in the cusak for the tap and ramp features. curious what their other wave forms sound like.

04-13-2006, 11:55 AM
Chasy, if by "replace" you mean "offload, but keep it at arm's length", then I'd like you to keep me on the list of hopefuls. I have my board (small, quaint, and cute) that has my essentials, but I keep playing for worship leaders and songwriters who ask for things that I don't carry in the suitcase. Funny how GASsy minds think alike... I started contemplating a satellite board (suitcase) on Tuesday night.

You'll have to be fast, I'm keeping watch for things that fall off Chasy's board as he's forced to face the harsh limitations imposed by (the top and bottom of) a 35 X 15 board. I think he's just trying to make Tom feel better.

04-13-2006, 08:09 PM
Is the Demeter Trem TRUE BYPASS?

04-17-2006, 08:44 PM
Got ya....Zan...anything I keep that needs to stay around is yours. I've done that with amps and guits....and when I get them back years later...they are suddenly in vogue. Dang...should have kept that old Maestro Fuzz Wah...that thing did an awesome job of delivering noise.

Janine Doubly
04-20-2006, 06:55 PM
I am not sure the Demeter is TPB. If it isn't, it will have a really good buffered out. Mine definitely does not tone suck.

04-28-2006, 07:29 PM
I almost forgot to report... I got the Cusack Tap-a-Whirl and, to make a long story short, it earned a spot on the pedalboard. I'm a trem novice, so take my comments with a grain of salt. It's got several wave forms, but I just stick with the basic sine wave. It's hard to imagine most of the waveforms actually being useful. The Tap Tempo button works good (and that's the main attraction, for me), but you need to be a little more precise with your toes, because many of the waveforms double the speed that you tap. Still, it's much better than guessing with a rotary dial. It's true bypass, and there's no noticeable bump or drop in volume when it's on. The ramp feature is tricky to use, because there's only one button for ramping (the Tap Tempo button... you hold it down to speed up or slow down) and it alternates the direction. So you have to keep track of whether your last ramp was up or down.

05-04-2006, 10:03 AM
If the origininator of this thread is still interested - The Maxon AF-9 Auto Filter gets the highest marks of the envelope filters I tried.

Earlier in the week I was possessed by the sudden, uncontrollable urge to add an auto wah to my setup (I wanted to add some "bwowmp" to the "wacka wacka" of my wah pedal; I also had a couple bills squirrelled away that the old lady didn't know about).

In addition to the Maxon, I tried the DiscomBOBulator, Robotalk and some other unit whose name I can't recall (it wasn't something that recieves a lot of hype on the web, therefore not worthy of serious consideration, right?).

IMHO, the Maxon was the one that delivered the most bubbly effect with the nicest tone. I found the Maxon to not only be the most adjustable unit, but to have the most useful sounds ACROSS THE RANGE OF ITS ADJUSTABLITY.

I took it home for a test drive (my local store is good about that) and found that it worked nicely with my rig. However, after messing around for a while (I had fun playing the intro to "Car Wash") I sobered up and realized I am plenty funky with my current rig. An extra device will just get in the way of the music.

I thus didn't make the purchase. But I did identify my favorite envelope filter.

BTW - I also took the OCD home that night. Didn't buy it either. I already have a fulldrive II and an Xotic AC Booster on my board. The OCD wasn't different enough to justify the expenditure.

Finally - this is my first post on the Anderson forum. I have been lurking here since I bought my first Andy 3 years ago (have bought 4 more since). That being the case, I feel I know you guys like brothers and have skipped posting on the "introductions". Hope y'all don't mind.

05-04-2006, 10:19 AM
Finally - this is my first post on the Anderson forum. I have been lurking here since I bought my first Andy 3 years ago (have bought 4 more since). That being the case, I feel I know you guys like brothers and have skipped posting on the "introductions". Hope y'all don't mind.

I'm assuming you're the same riffmeister over at the TopHat forum? welcome to the forum. (And thanks for the Maxon info.)

05-04-2006, 02:18 PM
Hey Guitarzan. Nope. Not the same guy. But we obviously have the same genius when it comes to christening ourselves on web forums.

In my last post, I almost put in a disclaimer saying "I'm not the REAL Riffmeister, the one who hangs out on the Gear Page and other forums". I've read his posts. He seems cool. Like the rest of us, he's a gear hound/tone snob.

Nonetheless, I'll accept your warm welcome into the Anderson Forum! Thanks man!!

By the way. I just spent a couple hours messing with my gear. Tube swapping, comparing tube vs solid state rectifier, A/Bing my boost pedals etc. etc. Think I might sell my Savage Rohr 15. My Silverface Vibrolux sounds gorgeous! Plain and simple.