View Full Version : Thank you Jack!

04-10-2006, 05:14 PM
I just wanted to take a moment and publicly thank Jack Gretz and Magdon Music for sponsoring this forum. Domain names, hosting and bandwidth ain't cheap folks. The highlight of each day for me is coming here and getting to share my love of Anderson guitars with like-minded souls. The fact that this place has been relatively free of the pissing contests that happen elsewhere speaks volumes about Anderson owners, players, dealers and makers.

So thank you Jack! Here's a cyber hug. :)

added: (I just noticed that this is the 1,000th thread in the Cobra Pit...fitting).

04-10-2006, 06:09 PM
how fitting indeed!
we are very fortunate to have many dealers we are proud to be associated with. what jack does for all of us is WAY beyond anything i could imagine. thanks jack.

04-10-2006, 06:38 PM
My thanks to Tom Anderson for building the best guitar I never thought I would buy. Boy am I glad I did. And thanks to Jack and Magdon for this very civil and informative website. If I can pursuade the Mrs, I'll see you next week on our trip to Ithaca to see our daughter. Somebody said when I first posted, my current Classic won't be my last Anderson. Bingo!
How far off the Interstate near Scranton is Magdon?

04-10-2006, 09:53 PM
I too want to express my thanks. I do more lurking than posting but I check this forum everyday and I am always learning from it. I am especially enjoy reading the comments of Tom, Bruce, Roy and many of the the other superb posters on this site. Thanks Jack.

04-15-2006, 12:24 PM
My thanks to Tom Anderson for building the best guitar I never thought I would buy. Boy am I glad I did. And thanks to Jack and Magdon for this very civil and informative website. If I can pursuade the Mrs, I'll see you next week on our trip to Ithaca to see our daughter. Somebody said when I first posted, my current Classic won't be my last Anderson. Bingo!
How far off the Interstate near Scranton is Magdon?

It's not too far off the Interstate. I drove down to Magdon to pick up my Classic last summer and it was a pretty quick trip. I live in Ithaca.


Suriel Zayas
04-15-2006, 10:58 PM
i'd like to also join in thanking jack for this great place, where we find a nice home.


04-15-2006, 11:15 PM
Thanks Jack... the info on this site has been more then helpful. It's been educational and even a source for some good laughs from time to time...

You've been more then generous...

Ciao, Joseph
Monterey, CA

04-16-2006, 02:23 AM
Thanks Jack!

This is a great place to be.

04-16-2006, 06:00 AM
The fact that this place has been relatively free of the pissing contests that happen elsewhere speaks volumes about Anderson owners, players, dealers and makers.

Well stated Jay.
Thank you Jack for the great meeting place. This is like the "Cheers" of
guitar forums :)

Tom Gross
04-16-2006, 02:19 PM
Thanks, Jack.
This site is great.

And thanks again for the TA guitars you hooked me up with, buddy.

Roy (maybe)
04-18-2006, 12:30 PM
Jack jack bo back banana fanna fo fack...,

Yes, I too would like to express my heartfelt thanks for all you do—way above the call of normal dealer duty.

You are the best!

Anderson is very fortunate to have a group of the best dealers in the country taking care of all of us.

Mr. Maybe