View Full Version : Piezo Amp Recommendations

Stan Malinowski
08-22-2003, 06:38 AM
My Swamp Ash Classic has a Fishman Piezo. Any recommendations out there on what I should run it into? I tried it directly into my Dr Z and, as expected, it was not a great acoustic tone.

Someone once told me it really needed to be run into a specialized piezo pre-amp and then into a clean power-amp.

John Price
08-22-2003, 07:01 AM
Hello Stan!
Do you have the fishman Powerblend pedal for it? I really enjoy the Genz Benz Shenandoah Acoustic amps for this and you can also run the Crowdster into it when you get one!!! :D

Stan Malinowski
08-22-2003, 07:03 AM

Can youm describe/explain the Fishman Powerblend pedal?


John Price
08-22-2003, 08:10 AM
Basically it allows you to control your magnetic and piezo signal. You need to use a stereo instrument cable out of the guitar into the powerblend pedal that allows you to blend or split the inputs to seperate outs...

This is off the fishman.com site

Powerblend Stereo Blending Pedal

This silent action piezo volume pedal permits hands-free control of the Powerbridge pickup and facilitates quick changes between acoustic and electric sounds. The Powerblend seamlessly mixes, splits, slices and dices the PowerbridgeÕs acoustic sounds with your guitarÕs magnetic signal. Designed from the ground up for those who wish to explore all sonic possibilities of the Powebridge pickup. Dedicated Powerbridge EQ, as well as four essential output options, provide the missing link for the Powerbridge/magnetic pickup signal chain.
A must have for any powerbridge user!!
You know were you can get it!!

08-23-2003, 12:05 AM
Genz Benz Shenandoah is very nice...have to agree there.