View Full Version : 5-way: M1-/TM2 in my HTC

03-27-2006, 12:49 AM
Here is how it works as I understand it:

1. M1-
2. M1- (split)
3. M1- & TM2
4. M1- (split) & TM2
5. TM2

My question is regarding position 4: It sounds just as weak as position 2, and it makes me wonder if the TM2 in the bridge is split also in that position. I would expect it to be just as strong as position 5 if the TM2 is not split in position 4. Or is it that the split M1- effects the TM2 and makes it sound just as weak? Just wonderin'.

03-27-2006, 12:51 PM
that looks correct. any time you put 2 pickups together in parallel, the weaker will dominate the sound. so that sound is more neck pickup souding. if you had a weaker pickup in the bridge, it would sound more like the bridge pickup.also, the amp is seeing the parallel resistance of the 2, which is lower than either separately, so it will sound weaker.

03-27-2006, 12:53 PM
since you are splitting the m1-, you might be happier with a regular m1. i have made that switch on a couple of my guitars. of course the full m1 will be fuller sounding, but the split will also be bigger. it depends how you're using it as to what would be best for you.

03-27-2006, 01:23 PM
I really like the M1-. It's just that I'm thinking of going with a TV3 in the bridge, and I'm wondering how the split M1- would affect the TV3 in position 4.

03-27-2006, 01:44 PM
it will probably be pretty similar. there will still be quite a difference in impedance. it might be a bit better just because it is a single coil, but i would not expect a large difference.

03-29-2006, 12:05 AM
Just thought of this--will there be any humcancelling positions (besides pos 1) with a M1-/TV3 combo and a 5 way? It's not a problem as I'm not playing this guitar with very much gain at all; just curious.

03-29-2006, 12:16 PM
pos 4 will humcancell some. it's a pretty big missmatch so it won't be as good as two of the same model.