View Full Version : A little help in choosing a new amp

03-19-2006, 12:13 PM
I presently own a Reverend Hellhound through which I run a Reverend Drivetrain and a very recently purchased Radial Trimode .I own TA Classic ,TA Hollow Classic as well PRS Singlecut and a Hamer Artist w/ P 90's .I dont play out much anymore but hope to do so again when the kids get a little older.I have been looking at Carr Hammerhead ,Bad Cat Mini ,or Top Hat CR .Problem there are no local dealers w/i an hour of my home in Bethlehem,Pa. . IDEAS ???OPINIONS ????

03-20-2006, 12:01 AM
I know how we get excited about our own gear and I'm guilty of that. so with that disclaimer out, I'll point you to the Mesa Lonestar Classic. I went thru a search last fall when I finally got out of the Modeler kick and went back to tubes. After having a Lonestar Special 1x12, then a Fender TRRI and a DRRI and I settled on the LSC2x12.
I bought them at GC, so I had month long test drives. Find one and give it a serious demo. The TA's really deserve an amp on par with them. No gear snob fluff, it's just part of the natural equation. You and Flacdkbase got me good over on FDP, but I am done buying guitars and amps. Except maybe another TA and a LSC in Bubinga with the wicker grill.

There were an LSC 1x12 and an LSS 1x12 at GC East Brunswick,NJ a couple weeks ago. Give them a call and see if they're still around It's 2-2.5 hours from you


03-20-2006, 12:38 AM
+1 on the Lone Stars

I'm playing a Lone Star Special through their 1x12 cab and I'm nuts over the tones I get. It's a different animal than the LS Classic, but both are great. And the versatility is what shines. Especially as they're are what I'd consider darker voiced amps- the sparkle and fidelity of an Anderson really compliments it.

I'm not sure what your price range is, but Lone Stars go regularly on ebay in the $1100-$1200 range for either the 1x12 or 2x12 combo. If you buy retail, you're looking at closer to $1600 or $1700, which is a chunka change.

03-20-2006, 01:07 AM
For a 1x12 combo, you can try a cornford Harlequin or a Carrera. You should be able to find a Harlequin under 900 used. As for the Carrera, i'm unsure about the USED market value. (and i'm looking for one myself) :D

Those little Fender champ are nice too (my only complain is the lack of headroom).


03-20-2006, 06:44 AM
There is a Guitar Center in Plymouth meeting I will be passing through on Thursday and stop in .I noted that Guitar Center/Musicians Friend does show Mesa on their website. I need to check out Cornford .thanks for the info ...

03-24-2006, 10:06 PM
I did play the Mesa yesterday wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the interim I won a Hammerhead on Ebay . Next one is the Mesa

03-24-2006, 10:12 PM
Congrats on the Hammerhead :D Btw, did you manage to find any cornford while you were there?

03-25-2006, 04:37 PM
I cant find a local dealer for Cornford

03-25-2006, 10:23 PM
Not interested in the Dr Z amps? I think they make an Andy sound wonderful.

04-05-2006, 01:57 PM
I'm a confirmed Z man myself. Everybody should spend at least 10 minutes with one. Keep that Drivetrain, my favorite light overdrive!

04-06-2006, 01:59 AM
Fuch's Anyone ? :D theres also a great amp i considered called a skrydstrup,but it's made in denmark not so good for the usa,like the fuchs it's got that dumble vibe,if i'd have been more of a full on rock player i'd have probably been looking at the CAE (suhr) heads the one scott henderson plays,never really liked the cornfords that much,Food for thought the never ending quest :D

cheers West.

04-13-2006, 07:22 AM
I am waiting on my first new Crowdster Plus to come in tomorrow! Check it out! http://www.gelbmusic.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=109&osCsid=ef21b9a917914e8b68bcd0881115c38e.

I play worship and intend to run one side straight to the board. I want to run the other side thru some pedals and then into an amp, then mic it to the board on another channel. I am a rhythm player and just want to provide some crunch, no leads, as we already have an electric dude.

Can anyone recommend an inexpensive amp, minimum 60w? I currently use a Behringer ACX 1000 that is fairly decent.

04-13-2006, 09:56 AM
if everything is miced, 60 watts is way more than you need. i'd be looking at 20 or less, maybe way less. define inexpensive, there is such a spread in what's available.

04-13-2006, 10:34 AM
Cool maybe <$200 or so.

04-13-2006, 10:47 AM
that narrows the field considerably. not too many choices down there.

04-13-2006, 11:01 AM
Ok, then how about around the 400 mark?

04-13-2006, 11:42 AM
i'd be looking at the fender hot rod stuff or blues jr, maybe peavy classic 30?

04-13-2006, 12:27 PM
i'd be looking at the fender hot rod stuff or blues jr, maybe peavy classic 30?

Sorry....few of those except a used Peavey anywhere near sub $200....even used.

04-13-2006, 12:44 PM
it thought 400 was the target?

04-13-2006, 03:43 PM
You were right Tom. Let's look at the $400 range. Any specific suggestions guys?

04-13-2006, 09:41 PM
I don't want to stretch your budget, but it's not like I'm spending my money. Fender DRRI is about the cheapest good tube amp that would compliment your TA. IMO I have heard lots of good stuff about the Peavey 30 over on the Fenderforum too.

04-13-2006, 10:02 PM
You might have to search a bit for a used one, but the the newly re released Fender Blues Deluxe with the tweed covers are IMHO much better than the Hot Rod series. Not as much gain in the gain channel and a better clean channel. Besides, the gain on the Hot Rod series is too thin sounding IMO anyway.

They are in the low $600's new, so should be in the $400-$500 range used. Recent eBay completed listings support that. I had one for a while and it was great.

Oh and they are 40 watt amps but are loud.

As pointed out by Tom, I prefer lower power amps. I have five amps and only one is high power. And that is only 85 watts. The rest are 38 watts or less. My best sounding amp is 18 watts and it is MORE than loud. You can push them harder and get a warmer sound that way. If you need more volume use two! :cool:

04-14-2006, 04:20 AM
dannopelli, this is good advice. I ended up talking to one of our lead guitar players at church. He was pretty strong on the Blues Delulxe also. He palyed on several. He was also aligned with you and Tom on the issue of getting enough watts to get over a drum set but not so much as 100 watts.

I guess I will have to spend the extra bucks to get some quality. I spent it on the Plus. It's coming in today and I am up before the crack of dawn! As you can tell I am pretty excited. All the guys on my worship team are pretty pumped!! Everybody just can't wait to hear it. I am going to check out the local GC and see what they have.

Tom, I understand that I will need a stereo Y cable?

I appreciate the input. I am primarily an acoustic player. The issue of gain and OD was never an issue. This is a lot different. I currently use a Behringer ACX 1000 for my acoustics. Good amp for the money. I have tried an AER compact 60 and 40. They sure are clean!

Anyway, I am going to sit by the door and wait on UPS!!

Thanks dudes!

04-14-2006, 11:48 PM
Congrats and good luck with the amp!

04-15-2006, 12:30 AM
Could you explain this Y cable thing and hooking up to a amp and a board using a A/B box?

04-15-2006, 02:18 PM
you don't need an a/b box, you have a selecter on the guitar. the stereo cable just gives you 2 mono cords at one end. one for the electric amp, and 1 for the di or however you get the acoustic to the pa.
when using the plus in stereo remember to have the stereo/mono pushbutton in the up position.

04-16-2006, 05:33 AM
Update on the first sound check with the Plus. I had to go to three stores to get the Y cable. Radio Shack told me it didn't exist! Anyway, I Y'd thru a tuner to a DI and straight to the snake. The other end of the Y went thru a Boss Blues Driver then to my Behringer amp and then amp to the snake.

I put everything at the detents and we ran thru a sound check. The sound guy asked me several times what I was planning to do. I had him EQ the "Clean" channel first, then the "Dirty". After we finished he said, "Can you play them both together?" Well, I flipped that little silever toggle switch and he yelled "WOW"!

We didn't have the whole band there for sound check, we will do that this morning. What I heard last night was totally different from what I am accoustomed to. For the first time I was able to hear warm crunch coming from my rig, which was pretty cool with no feedback. I went thru some bar cords with a crunch and it was just awesome. The other guy playing a Washburn AE sounded pale in comparison! I could see everyone in the auditorium looking around to see what other guitar was playing the third part!

I told my wife that this was MY guitar and it was more than I could have expected! Tom, you done good!


I will let you guys know how everything turned out this afternoon.

04-16-2006, 01:03 PM
Well, our Lead Guitar player (normally plays a Gibson SG thru a Marshall stack) picked up the crowder and couldn't put it down. He was amazed! It sounded awesome and worked perfect. During the third song of the set the worship leader's Taylor 414CE cut out and I carried the song. The tone is amazing. The action and intonnation is fantastic. I could really tell the difference in the tuning system today on stage playing with other guitars! That is probably the biggest thing for me. Being able to have a stereo out was a definite plus with one line going pure acoustic to the board and one for the blues driver to the amp. Everybody loved the Crowdster! I just wanted to keep on playing. It plays so easily!

Anyway, thanks again Tom and Praise God for this gift!

04-16-2006, 03:27 PM
it's always fun when the first experience is a good one. there is something to that first chord through a good pa when you're used to having to deal with feedback.

05-07-2006, 03:10 PM
Tom : Is it true that you are a Hammerhead user ???

05-07-2006, 04:20 PM
yes, i have one that steve detuned to run on 6v6's that makes 11 watts. i use the head into his 1x12 cab. works very nicely in the low volume world i play in. the normal 28 watt version is wonderful, wish i could play that loud.

05-07-2006, 09:29 PM
Anybody ever use a Volume Box on an amp?

05-10-2006, 05:02 AM
"i have one that steve detuned to run on 6v6's that makes 11 watts " Tom WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THIS ???

Suriel Zayas
05-10-2006, 06:21 AM
"i have one that steve detuned to run on 6v6's that makes 11 watts " Tom WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THIS ???
don't intend to speak for tom, but as you know the carr hammerhead mk2 is 28 watts. however, steve built one for tom to run on 6v6's and at only 11 watts, hence, detuned.

05-10-2006, 10:24 AM
suriel is right on the money. steve dropped the internal voltage with a choke to make it work with the 6v's.

05-10-2006, 10:35 AM

If you have the $$$ consider the Carr Mercury. It's a sweet amp and will really give you everything you need for home playing. Unless you are actually playing any amp outside the home anything more than 8 watts is usually too much - unless you have a studio and a spot to really crank it open.

Otherwise, you may never get to know the true voice of the amp. Dr. Z Maz 18 and the Carr Rambler smoke but need to be pumping some air to show their charms. The Mercury is expensive but it really is a perfect home / recording amp.

05-10-2006, 03:28 PM
steve dropped the internal voltage with a choke to make it work with the 6v's.

Is that the same as using a "Mini Mass "??????

05-10-2006, 03:43 PM
the mass is a post output attenuator like a hot plate.

09-04-2006, 04:19 PM
Thinking about a Mesa again

09-04-2006, 05:02 PM
Thinking about a Mesa again
The Road King and Stiletto both have been revoiced recently . They are making some cool amps these days .

09-04-2006, 05:33 PM
Yep, I've been considering a Road King lately as well. Just so many cool tones in one box.

09-04-2006, 06:43 PM
Yep, I've been considering a Road King lately as well. Just so many cool tones in one box.
Ive been using one for about 2 1/2 years . I dig it . The new ones are cool . The clean is from the Lonestar and the brit mode is more like the Stiletto . I have stiletto as well . Not as versital as the RK but very cool tool on its own . I use them on a 4X12 cab with a tonebone switcher .

09-04-2006, 07:22 PM
Ive been using one for about 2 1/2 years . I dig it . The new ones are cool . The clean is from the Lonestar and the brit mode is more like the Stiletto . I have stiletto as well . Not as versital as the RK but very cool tool on its own . I use them on a 4X12 cab with a tonebone switcher .

Barry, do you gig regulalry, and if so, are you lugging that rig around with you? YIKES, it seems like a lotta gear to schlep around. My rig shirnks and grows depending on my appetite and tolerance for trips to the car.

09-04-2006, 07:44 PM
Barry, do you gig regulalry, and if so, are you lugging that rig around with you? YIKES, it seems like a lotta gear to schlep around. My rig shirnks and grows depending on my appetite and tolerance for trips to the car.
My band has a band truck so my gear never comes home, it stays on the truck. All of its in road cases with wheels as well . Ive gigged for a long time and basically i allow myself good gear . If i'm going to play that often im going to have good stuff. I suppose im treating myself these days . It sure is fun rig to play through, I assure you that .

09-05-2006, 04:47 PM
Thinking about a Mesa again

FFOGG, Are you thinking Lonestars? I retubed my LSC with Rubys (Mesas now calls them 440's and they are stock in Lonestars.) Lots of nice harmonic feedback on held notes and chords. I like that and the dirtier sound I get. Very similar breakup to a Deluxe Reverb on 5-6. The TA's are chimier and clearer than with the original 430's on the clean channel.

I haven't played one, but the Stiletto looks like a more powerful Lonestar Special. Could be worth a test drive.

Hope this helps with the search.

09-05-2006, 06:38 PM
FFOGG, Are you thinking Lonestars? I retubed my LSC with Rubys (Mesas now calls them 440's and they are stock in Lonestars.) Lots of nice harmonic feedback on held notes and chords. I like that and the dirtier sound I get. Very similar breakup to a Deluxe Reverb on 5-6. The TA's are chimier and clearer than with the original 430's on the clean channel.

I haven't played one, but the Stiletto looks like a more powerful Lonestar Special. Could be worth a test drive.

Hope this helps with the search.
I suggest EL34s in the LoneStar . The Stiletto is nothing like the Lonestar Special . Its a EL34 monster. Its a Marshally type thing . For me its a rythym tool . Good crunch sound in channel 1 and over the top power choring thing in the tite gain mode channel 2 . You want stage II !

09-17-2006, 05:58 PM
Hey, saw you're looking at lonestars. I owned the clasic, for over a year and loved it. I sold it, stupidly, I might add, but I will have one again someday. I now use a mark I reissue, and for that 70's funk or fusion lead tone, there's nothing better in the world. That said, I'm not a fan of any other boogie models, the rec designs seem too buzzy and gainy for what I do. I'd really consider the lonestar, it's able to do the rock and blues thing, but also gets a tiny bit dumble-like on certain settings.
Hope this helps,

09-18-2006, 01:37 AM
+1 On the Lonestar Classic. My Atom and Classic both sound huge through it.

Some people feel that they are dark amps and they are when compared to a Twin or a DRRI. For me, the Lonestar really lets me hear every bit of the tonal spectrum where alot of amps take away the mids and/or lows.

With Anderson guitars there's so much goodness going on in the mids and low mids it seems a shame to not hear it, that's what I love about the Lonestar, it really allows me to hear these frequencies and dial them out slightly as needed.

The Second channel is fairly boogie-esque but I end up using my dirt pedals more for lead OD and use channel 2 as a clone of Channel one with a little more grit...