View Full Version : TA pickup exchange?

01-18-2004, 10:31 AM
I'm considering a used Cobra from a Tom Anderson Dealer. All the specs are exactly what I'm looking for, except for the pickups. I'm wondering if TAG has some sort of pickup exchange program, where I could send them back for the set I'd prefer? (The set I prefer actually has a lower list price on the TAG site)

Or do I just have to buy the pickups I'd like, and try to sell the set that's currently installed? I'm trying to avoid this, as it effectively adds about $100-$200 to the purchase price.

Actually, the answer to this question would probably make or break the deal on this particular guitar.


01-18-2004, 11:15 AM

Cobras are my favorites too! I've had 5 over the last couple of years and got a ton of TA pickups that I've purchased to find the ones for me. Let me know which pups you are looking for. I might have them in my stash and will make a fellow TA Forumer a screamin' deal.

Don't let pickups sway you on not getting your dream guitar!


01-19-2004, 05:50 AM
This is the cool thing about these boards.

Thanks Jay, I'll email when I get home!

01-28-2004, 09:24 AM

Got 'em in the mail yesterday.


Unfortunately that particular guitar sold in the last few days :(

01-28-2004, 11:44 AM
Happy to help on the pups. Sorry about that Cobra. The good news is that all TAs are great, it's just degrees of greatness. I'm sure you'll find that special TA soon.

Take care,
