View Full Version : Opinions on Atom neck carves

03-17-2006, 04:48 PM
I have my Hollow Atom specced and will order it next week.My question is what neck care is the most similar to an early 50's Gibson Les Paul neck?My main LP is a Historic R7 1957 Custon shop re-issue(approx.900 at the nut with a good bit of shoulder and not too much taper to the 12th fret).My Andersons I play now have a large 50's V .900-.970(hollow T classic) and my Cobra w/1 11/16 nut has the '62 roundback carve(.850-.970).I like them both but,I want my Atom to have a neck cave more similar to my R7 LP.I'm thinking a +.70 TA Standard or a Cobra Standard +.60(.890-.970).How much shoulder does this neck have?I have the '62 roundback listed on my spec sheet now but,it feels a little too shallow at the first fret to be on my Atom.Would like to know who has the +.50,+.70 and +.100 on their guitars and how they compare to a 50's LP neck size.Thanks a bunch.

brian b
03-17-2006, 06:42 PM
Had one with a .40 over neck and was great, compared to an R8 it was thinner but it has that chunky gibson feel to it.

03-20-2006, 01:42 PM
Well,I went out and bought the best measuring caliper I could find.I measured the neck my R7 Les Paul.1st fret-.890,5th fret-.930,7th fret-.945 and 12th fret-1.00
This is how I would like the neck on my Hollow Atom to be.I also measured my two TAG's.My 1990 HTC w/large 50's V carve is 1st fret-.930 and 12th fret 1.00 It seems this neck was ordered .30 over.It is a huge neck but,very comfortable.My Cobra w/'62 rounback is 1st fret-.850 and 12th fret .960 So,now I have figures to get the best neck carve for me.Roy,has been a great help too.I'll call him tomorrow and change the neck carve to .890 to 1.00 and all will be perfect.

03-20-2006, 01:51 PM
sounds like a 62 cobra +.040.

03-20-2006, 02:22 PM
A 62 Cobra roundback +.040 it will be.Thanks Tom.