View Full Version : About the Serial Number on My Classic T

03-14-2006, 01:11 AM
Hi Everyone,

I just took delivery of a Classic T with contours. I'll post pics in a bit. I didn't notice the serial number until this morning but I thought it was pretty interesting. It's 01-01-00P. So Tom and crew were working on the first day of Y2K? One might assume that my guitar was the only one completed that day, as it's a bit much to ask folks to work the morning after ringing in a fairly significant new year. But a search of the serial number database indicates that a guitar went out that morning as well, a red Classic. I love my Classic T and am thankful to have it but don't you guys ever take a break! ;)


03-14-2006, 10:32 AM
Cool serial number! Tom has said before that they have to use dates from non-working days/holidays to fill the need. Chances are that yours was completed close to that date, but likely not on the actual date. Great guitar and fun serial number regardless. Enjoy!

03-14-2006, 04:38 PM
Thanks, Jay. I just about to start entering serial numbers that correspond to other major holidays!
