View Full Version : Tom,I enjoyed our talk

03-13-2006, 03:10 PM
Hi Tom,
I enjoyed speaking with you on the phone today about my up and coming Hollow Atom order.I am so stoked about this guitar.You cleared up a few points I was wonding about.Thanks.I will be placing my order very soon.This will be my third Anderson(first new)and I can not say enough nice things about your guitars.I'm sure when I receive my Hollow Atom(early July for my 40th b-day)my Les Pauls will mostly reside in their cases.I could not think of a better b-day present to my self than a new Anderson guitar.Thanks for all you help.I'll talk to y'a soon.

03-13-2006, 03:19 PM
glad to help. sometimes just hearing a voice makes a difference.

03-13-2006, 03:35 PM
Amen!Hearing the voice of the man who's company makes some of the best guitars in the world definitely helps.Same as Joe and Bill at Two-Rock.I play a few of their amps(they are incredible by the way)and it is great to be able to call them with questions,ideas,tweaks etc.I much prefer doing buisness with smaller companies that have a far superior product and higher quality control than that of huge corporations who would not give most of their customers the time of day.The one on one rapport is priceless to me.Thanks again Tom.

03-13-2006, 03:44 PM
Sean... fyi... if you ask Tom or Roy really nicely they may be able to arrange your bday as the serial number on your Atom

03-13-2006, 03:48 PM
Already done.Roy told me about that.Thanks for the heads up though.