View Full Version : My panties are being wadded as I type this...

03-07-2006, 04:21 PM
There was a picture of Eddie taken at Elton Johns Grammy party (I think) and its a terrible pic:

http://us.news3.yimg.com/us.i2.yimg.com/p/ap/20060306/capt.camw12703061102.elton_john_oscar_party_camw12 7.jpg

Who hasnt taken a bad pic?

So all of the guys who dig the Stones and anything OTHER than the music that Eddie inspired are all ranting about how he is a loser because he looks bad.

This pic was taken not long before that one:


And to me, he looks to be in great shape. I hope I am that fit at 52 years old.

Sure, he partied for the last 30 years. But who wouldnt have? I mean, your job is to play rock music...

Anyway, I know over the years that I've poked at more than my share of folks, so I'm not gonna go flaming on those losers. Not to mention that if I havent learned anything from my years on forums, I learned that you cant argue with a sick mind(s).

I just want to crawl through some of those peoples monitors an punch them.

03-07-2006, 05:28 PM
Everybody can have a bad picture day...
http://www.celebritymugshotcalendars.com/nick.gif http://www.celebritymugshotcalendars.com/brown.gif http://www.celebritymugshotcalendars.com/cambel.gif http://www.celebritymugshotcalendars.com/clinton.gif http://www.celebritymugshotcalendars.com/manson.gif

03-07-2006, 05:57 PM
jay, you're the man! glen campbell is my fav.

Janine Doubly
03-07-2006, 06:07 PM
Let's be honest. The contributions ALL of these men have made to music(except for Nick Nolte) are enormous, but it is sad to note that each of these musicians probably wouldn't look like this if weren't for the years and years of drug, alcohol and/or tobacco abuse. I think its safe to say, many of us have all been there at one time in our lives, but to keep propping these guys' obvious substance abuse up on a pedastal is just sad and it hurts me to see these guys in such pain. Yeah, I hope to be that ripped (as in buff) when I'm 52, but I choose to see Eddie's face as lesson that I am SO glad I quit drinking and smoking a long time ago. Just my humble opinion...

03-07-2006, 06:31 PM
but I choose to see Eddie's face ...
I choose to see his date :D

Janine Doubly
03-07-2006, 06:40 PM
Is that Kelly LeBrock?

03-07-2006, 06:58 PM
Is that Kelly LeBrock?
A recent pic of Kelly...I don't think we have a match

03-07-2006, 07:03 PM
i'm not makin fun of them or their past problems. i think anyone who has been through something like that and is on the other side of it can look back and laugh with a greatful heart about it. it sure beats crying.

03-07-2006, 11:39 PM
A recent pic of Kelly...I don't think we have a match

My Goodness!!! Whats up with her lip stick?? :eek:

03-13-2006, 02:50 PM
That girl needs a mirror to fix those lips and a comb wouldn't hurt either!

Eddie looks like some kind of crack ho! I'm sure it's just the angle of the photographer and the fact they caught making a really awkward face. I always thought he looked like a real nice guy whenever I've seen him interviewed on TV.

03-15-2006, 07:11 AM
Well, heres a picture of my band , we have had no hits, no ones really drinks or takes drugs. If this is not a wake up call to start some bad vices nothing is because we still look bad straight and sober.


03-16-2006, 03:07 PM
Well, to paraphrase one of my mentors, it's far easier to take a photograph of someone that is less than flattering than it is to take a photograph of someone that is the essence of all that makes them beautiful. Regardless of how hard we try. Our inner beauty rarely manifests itself on the battered surface of the vessel in which it resides. Capturing that moment on film is a rare and satisfying moment to be treasured.

Just my thoughts on the subject.


03-16-2006, 04:17 PM
Funny that this got a bump today.

On the original site that got me so fired up, someone bumped that thread yesterday with an audio clip of Eddie talking about how that day transpired and why his teeth look bad.

Well, I guess I look at Eddie as a long time friend because there is one particular guy on there who was really getting onto him and I finally smacked him a bit.

Not much, but just enough to get his attention and still not get kicked out of the site.

(I've been booted from more than a few in my day...)