View Full Version : Mid 90's Grover Tuners

Stan Malinowski
01-17-2004, 02:43 PM
I went to change the strings on my new (old) Andy today for the first time and was surprised to see how the Grover locking tuners worked. The Andy was made in 1996 and has locking tuners where you wrap the string part-way around the tuning post and then screw down the top section on the string. I've never seen any other tuner like this, most locking models have a hole in the center of the post where the string goes thru. They seem to hold the strings real well, but you it is a bit of a pain to replace the strings. You definetly have to carry around something the loosen or tighten the top section of the tuner or you are out of luck.

Was this type of locking tuner common on mid-90's Andersons?

01-17-2004, 09:06 PM
I had a post about this very thing. My alder classic has the same ones. I would like to replace, but tom said i'd have to drill new holes, which i'm not too fond of my guitar looking like swiss cheese, so i'm going to live with them. I might try to find some that will at least cover the old hole, and then drilling wouldnt be a problem.

I guess they didnt use this type for very long, and were quickly replaced. They seem to work, but you must tighten it down, not too hard, but firm. I used a nickel to tighten it.


01-17-2004, 10:05 PM
we did use them for a few years. what i liked about them was that they clamped a larger piece of the string. what turned out to be their demise was that if you over tightened them the clamp screw would eventually break. i have not checked for sure, but the new locking grover, which is larger, may cover the old holes.

Stan Malinowski
01-18-2004, 08:48 AM
Since I am having a new neck made for this guitar I think I'll have the folks at TAG add replacement of the tuners with the newer models to my work order. Prevents that "swiss cheese" effect if they are replaced now!