View Full Version : Eastman?

02-27-2006, 12:21 AM
Any body have any experience with Eastman Jazz boxes?

02-27-2006, 12:43 AM
Yeah, Danno. Those are some great jazz guitars. Especially for the price. The build quality in my experience is pretty dang good, and they're solid wood! Lots of jazz guys I know are really impressed with them. Anyway, hope this helps.

02-27-2006, 02:09 AM
Fret placement is not on par. You may chase intonation... especially if your ear is used to a Feiten-ized guitar.

02-28-2006, 02:07 PM
Marcs Guitar Shop here in town carries Eastman. I've played a bunch of them and they're OK...I know they're two different animals, but, the build quality, feel and intonation doesn't come close to Andersons. I suppose it's subjective but...To me they feel like a middle of the road guitar and for the prices they ask, I could never justify it. That's just me though! ;) To me a Gibson L-5 or the like feels way better and I HATE GIBSON! Just my two cents.

02-28-2006, 02:28 PM
THANKS for all your thoughts and comments.

Well, kind of a mixed bag of replies. Hmmm. Played one for a few minutes that sounded nice. But only for a few minutes. Certainly was pretty.

Maybe I should stick with a late 90's flamed top back and sides Herb Ellis I can get for around $1800? Very throaty sounding guitar with 57 Classic in it.

Good point about the Buzz Feiten. Going from BF to non BF guitars, I have gotten used to. Don't really like it, but I am used to it. But really good point. The tech who takes care of my gear is BF certified, so I may have him just convert whatever I do get.



03-01-2006, 03:36 AM
What I meant was the fret placement is off... so even if you Feiten-ize it , it won't be "fixed".

03-01-2006, 10:22 PM
What I meant was the fret placement is off... so even if you Feiten-ize it , it won't be "fixed".

OH! :o

EEEWWW..... :eek: