View Full Version : Bogner Duende

02-16-2006, 10:04 AM
Anybody else really impressed by the clips of this little booger? <a href="http://www.bogneramplification.com">Here</a> they are on Bogner's homepage.

Greg V.'s clips sound incredible IMO, but Blues Saraceno's sound terrible. That's the same amp??? I know that they were using different settings and all that, but hearing those clips really reinforces the idea that tone is in the hands.

02-16-2006, 10:35 AM
Olectric.....you are so right about Greg V. Been a fan of his for years and it doesn't matter what amp or axe that guy plays...he's got serious bone tone (listen how he plays lap steel or resophonic). We had 'amp night' once years ago (Tom's Dumble California Overdrive...loudest clean tone on the planet, ToneLounge's first Flextone) with a host of vintage Fender's including Greg's 63' (?) VibroVerb 3x10, Supers, Deluxes, Princetons, etc...and Greg was our 'tester.' Took over an hour to sample about 20 amps. He is and remains one of my favorites guitarists ever.

The Duende does do all that high gain Bogner stuff....but does clean very nice. The Trem sounds meaty, too. Mine is on order...after artists and such, I probably won't see mine until May. :(

02-16-2006, 11:17 AM
Yeah, I agree about the tremolo. Sounds huge. The reverb on clip 1 is awesome, too. I also like the overdriven tones on the clean channel (clip 4). Reminds me some of Mike Landau's sound from his Live 2000 album, but not as processed.

I'm a fan of Greg's just from those clips. I should probably get his album. I've heard other demo clips he's done and this is kind of funny: I've been following Mark Goldenberg for a long time, and the first time I heard Greg, I thought it was Mark. Turns out they're good friends. They've probably had something to do with each other's sound.

I read on some other forum that some guy loved Blues' clips, but thought Greg's sounded like "ass in a sack." :confused:

02-16-2006, 12:40 PM
I read on some other forum that some guy loved Blues' clips, but thought Greg's sounded like "ass in a sack." :confused:

To each his own :rolleyes:

Greg is a one of a kind, as is Mark Goldenberg. Two of my fav's and both really nice guys to boot.

02-17-2006, 12:35 PM
I never put to much stock in clips of the net. Too many variables to consider.

02-18-2006, 12:55 AM
I just have to say that I met Greg V at NAMM and he truly is an awesome player. He walked me through the Duende for about a half hour and I think it's going to be hard to get enough sound clips to show all the different tones you can get out of it. Mine is on order too. I also met Blues Saraceno and his dad there at the Bogner booth. Everyone seemed to be raving about the Duende. I've spoken with Greg several times since NAMM and we've talked about amp sound clips and he even talked me into doing a couple of my new Shiva head. I think they're up on the Bogner site now. I'm just waiting for someone to slam my clips because I don't have the L.A. NAMM shred chops. I got a copy of Greg V's cd and I think it's great. He's got great taste in tone and choice of what to play when. I highly recommend getting it. Here are a couple of pics I snagged from the gear page forum. You never know who's snapping pictures. If you look closely, you can see my green sleeve in one pic.




02-18-2006, 09:58 AM
I'm just waiting for someone to slam my clips because I don't have the L.A. NAMM shred chops.

Whatever dude. Your clips rock. Nice and tasty with GREAT tone.

Here are a couple of pics I snagged from the gear page forum. You never know who's snapping pictures. If you look closely, you can see my green sleeve in one pic.

Ha, the first time I saw that first pic I thought, "Hmm. Greg V. has a P90 Cobra just like Mike's." Oops.

To me the Duende sounds incredible. But I'm going to need a high profile gig before I can afford one. <sigh> And I'm pretty satisfied (for now) with the Soul-O and the Pittbull. I can cover a lot of ground with those amps.

Speaking of amps, you've got some competition there for "Best Giant Wall of Tone on Wheels" from Joe Don Rooney of Rascall Flatts. His even glows like it's radioactive or something. Major props to ToneLounge. I heard from a little bird that he built that beast.

02-18-2006, 10:29 AM
Speaking of amps, you've got some competition there for "Best Giant Wall of Tone on Wheels" from Joe Don Rooney of Rascall Flatts. His even glows like it's radioactive or something. Major props to ToneLounge. I heard from a little bird that he built that beast.

clarification: I think TL just consulted in little bits. Rooster built the rig, for the most part.

02-18-2006, 10:38 AM
I'm just waiting for someone to slam my clips because I don't have the L.A. NAMM shred chops.

no, Mike, those'r great samples. They sound like the kind of things you'd actually hear in a song. What a novel idea, huh?

Actually, the clips with the Cobra/P90 combo are killing me. I'm still happy with my LoneStar Special, but, man oh man, if that thing ever gets on the wrong side of me, I'll think twice about a shiva/cobra commitment. (and not to mention, I'm an aesthetics guy, and that red-with-creme-P90's look is great.)

02-18-2006, 10:43 AM
clarification: I think TL just consulted in little bits. Rooster built the rig, for the most part.

I never could trust that little bird...

Uhh, edit: by little bird, I mean the little bird that told me that TL built that rig, not Rooster. And I was kidding anyway.

02-18-2006, 11:41 AM
Okay birdies, here's the deal: Rooster called me for consultation and then we traded signal flow diagrams via email, but it is truly his labor of love (beast). I can't imagine the look on the faces of local labor when they find out they have to lift that rig on the stage!

02-18-2006, 04:41 PM
And since I'm a weirdo gearhead, I'd love to see the signal flow of Joe Don's rig. Mine looks like a Kentucky family tree. No real offense to Kentuckians...


02-18-2006, 06:10 PM
And since I'm a weirdo gearhead, I'd love to see the signal flow of Joe Don's rig. Mine looks like a Kentucky family tree. No real offense to Kentuckians...


Well, I probably shouldn't be sharing this- you know, for privacy reasons and such. But I happened to have the first letter that Joe Don sent to Rooster to get this whole thing started. Again, this is private, so keep it to yourselves. I had to dig through a couple of dumpsters to score this...


I found some other stuff, too...so stay tuned.

02-18-2006, 06:25 PM
That's hilarious!! Nice rock fingers, man!