View Full Version : New Collective Soul DVD

02-07-2006, 06:02 PM
Hey all, i just got the new collective soul DVD,"Home" with the atlanta youth symphony orchestra and it is pretty good. There is not really any great guitar tone to speak of, but the music is really good and the mix is good too. Since a lot of CS songs have strings anyway, it sounds really good live. My favorite track is Crown, which Ed Roland dedicates to his recently deceased father, its quite touching. Anyway, if you are a CS fan even after their last album, this is a must have.

02-07-2006, 06:12 PM
Cool. I've been a quiet fan of their for some time. Good ol' Ross Childress always knew how to make over-the-top wanking fit the song. Too bad he's gone. I have their blue self-titled album, and it's pretty good.

Okay, you twisted my arm--I'll let you loan me the DVD, sheesh.

02-07-2006, 06:19 PM
yea, they have a new lead and a new drummer. I'm not too fond of the new lead, he takes wanking to a level that few can.The best part of the DVD is the orchestral (20 point word) arrangements.