View Full Version : My Bowling Ball Collection

02-01-2006, 09:08 PM
Finally took pics of it.


My favorite is the Black and white one. I cant stand the way it has no fret markers I would love to get them added at some time. It is my number one guitar with the most playing time though, that says alot considering I have 40 plus guitars and all nice stuff like Jackson and ESP custom guitars as well as Fenders and Gibson les Pauls.
The gold one was the most recent aquisition from guitar gallery down south.


The blue one is an odd ball 11-24-87 it doesnt show up in the database but I remeber Tom saying the database goes back to 87. Also it has a chrome floyd correct for that year but the rest of the hardware is black. It is missing the middle pickup and has a piece of foam painted with the ultra sonic logo. Also a red jewel were a switch should be it sure looks cool.


I got into Tom Anderson guitars when I was a kid and saw Kirk Hammett playing one live during a Metallica concert and have wanted one ever since.

02-01-2006, 09:10 PM
Let me try the third pic again and see if it shows up.


02-01-2006, 10:23 PM
wow! haven't seen three of those together for lots of years.

02-01-2006, 10:53 PM
Tom by chance can you find out anything about the blue one what it originally had?
I am confident its not a fake but would just love info on it.
Also do you have any info on the three guitars Kirk Hammett has?
You know he used his black and white one to record the clean sound on "Nothing Else Matters" on Metallica's black album. I think thats a impressive credit to the impact these guitars had in music and still do.

02-01-2006, 11:48 PM
i'm sure it's real. we don't have any record of that one, and only a few from '87 at all. it probably came with the ultrasonics, and is a basswood body with a pauferro fingerboard. kirk has at least 2 bowling balls, a black and white one(seen in the old ada adds) and a gold and black one. he also has a red lacewood grand am. i may have an old ultrasonic if you want to make it look as it was born.

02-02-2006, 10:07 PM
Very cool pics, I always liked those bowling ball finishes. :)

03-03-2006, 02:08 PM
Wow! way cool collection!
That's the way to do it!

05-31-2015, 02:46 PM
Tom by chance can you find out anything about the blue one what it originally had?
I am confident its not a fake but would just love info on it.
Also do you have any info on the three guitars Kirk Hammett has?
You know he used his black and white one to record the clean sound on "Nothing Else Matters" on Metallica's black album. I think thats a impressive credit to the impact these guitars had in music and still do.

Sorry to resurrect an old thread but EXP (if you are still with us), here is a pic of all three of Kirk's Andys in one shot. Supposedly one of the Pro Ams is Ash and the other is Basswood. I couldn't tell you which is which although he seemed to use the darker one in the studio and the lighter one live so my guess is the darker one is the ash. If we had serials we could run them thru the search engine. Also if you look closely at the toggle switches, I would be inclined to think he ordered the Pro Ams first and then came back for the red Grand Am later due to its more common switch placement. I also just added a more recent pic (probably early-mid 2000s) showing he was still using at least one of them in the studio :) Again it looks to me like the darker one due to the dark stripe running across the headstock by the high E tuning peg. I did go back and watch the clip from Year & A Half Part 1 where he is cutting the Stuggle Within solo and he was definitely using the lighter colored one there. You can tell by the y shaped light patches above the pickups. I have never seen any pics or videos of him using the red one.
