View Full Version : Anyone tryed THD Bivalve with an Anderson?

01-31-2006, 08:43 AM
I am curious to try out the THD Bivalve, I am looking for a smaler amp then my big heavy Koch 2x12. I am thinking of bying th Bivalve and match it with a CAE 1x12 Cab.

Anyone tryed out THD amps with your Andersons??

01-31-2006, 08:57 AM
I'm interested in this, too. THD seems like good gear...especially the Flexi.

01-31-2006, 09:52 AM
THD's build quality is second to none. The user interface and voicing of the amp are unique. Andy Marshall is a true amp designer, not just a clone builder. He has a strong vision for what kind of amps he wants to make, but that vision may not please everyone. Your best bet is to try it out and see if Andy's tastes match yours. If you can't try it and are really curious, buy used and roll the dice. I bought my first UniValve based on impressions I got from stuff I read and thought the amp was great, but different than I expected. I went in another direction soon after (blackface w/ pedals), but I will probably end up with another UniValve down the road because of its unique voice. Haven't spent a lot of time with the BiValve, but it isn't far removed from the UniValve w/ more headroom and a broader fequency range. The Flexi-50 has a few different sweet spots, but they are fairly narrow. If you have a knack for finding what an amp wants to do and playing to its strengths, you'll probably enjoy it a great deal. If you try to make it do something it doesn't want to do, you'll be disappointed.

At NAMM, I did play a prototype of a new model that they're expecting to have out this summer. It had 4 EL-84s, 2 pairs of inputs, 2 volumes and a tone. The production version is supposed to be 2 separate, but identical channels. It was very, very nice. I'll definitely be an early adopter.

01-31-2006, 02:13 PM
This is a tad off topic, but does address the smaller amp concern. I saw a short head version of the Mesa Boogie Lonestar yesterday. It really surprised me how small it was. I haven't done the research but I wouldn't be surprised if it fit nicely on a Bogner cube.

01-31-2006, 06:32 PM
had one, sold it to guitarzan. it did fit nicely.

01-31-2006, 08:39 PM
it's the perfect size. I think it may be just a hair wider than the cube, but I'm pretty sure it still lands on it's feet so there's no issues with it sitting lopsided or anything.