View Full Version : Question for Tom on the wedgie neck joint

01-29-2006, 10:51 PM
I read that the wedgie will be standard on all of your guitars starting in April.Will the 4 bolt joint be available on request if the customer wants it?Or are the 4 bolts gone forever on TAG's?Thanks for your time.

01-30-2006, 12:52 PM
4 bolts are gone when april hits. same as non buzz feiten, and nickel frets.

01-30-2006, 02:17 PM
When I heard the news about the new neck joint I spazzed out about my new order. I was worried that my new one wouldn't have it. Thankfully my slot is in June so it'll have it. ;)

01-31-2006, 02:34 AM
I just realized something very cool... It was ten years ago we (Tom) started using the Buzz Feiten tuning system.. April of 1996.. WOW... Where did the time go? Now it's April of 2006 and Tom gets "A" wedgie.

01-31-2006, 03:16 AM
What is the benefits with the new neckjoint? Do the neck become more stable, because of the V shaped neckpocket? I think maby it feels smother on the upper frets, because the body is thinner in the heel area??
Does the new neckjoint affect the sound in any way?

01-31-2006, 11:02 AM
the new joint is absolutely stable, impossible to move any direction. the neck shape continues farther up the neck because there is no transition area making upper access better. without the neck plate and gasket the heel feels smaller and smoother. soundwise when going through the atom ptroto process, i found the joint added a softness or fullness to the high end. we have not made enough long scale guitars to quantitatively say more. i did play all weekend with a t classic with the new joint and a tm2, and it was pretty darn fun after playing an atom all year. sure had to work harder, but i felt a little like keef.

02-04-2006, 07:39 PM
I bought another TAG yesterday. :D A '99 Cobra Special w/p90's.Way cool.It is my first guitar to have the B.F. tuning system.It has a sibling,my '90 Hollow T Classic(GAL).So,I guess it is safe to say since the 4 bolt TAG's are gone forever in favor of the wedgie,starting in April,that all of us who own TAG guitars now(excluding the Atom)own what will become collectable Anderson's.There will be the 4 bolt era and the wedgie era.Hmmm.
P.S. Tom,will the classic model retain it's name?Just curious.
I must say,I really admire you and your crew for not staying/thinking"inside the box".

02-05-2006, 11:34 AM
Tom, any change in sustain noted?

02-06-2006, 12:10 AM
several people have commented that they just "feel" the vibration in the body. i'd have to agree. i played a hollow t classic with m's this weekend, and it was a blast. i grew up playing some great teles, and this didn't lack anything.

02-06-2006, 01:54 PM
several people have commented that they just "feel" the vibration in the body. i'd have to agree. i played a hollow t classic with m's this weekend, and it was a blast. i grew up playing some great teles, and this didn't lack anything.

Just curious--what were the specs on your hollow t classic?

02-06-2006, 05:07 PM
I think I missed this, but where is the serial number going to be on the new Wedgie guitars. Back of the headstock?

02-06-2006, 05:11 PM
hollow alder, no contours, maple neck, non trem bridge, tm2 m1- pickups.
the seriel number will be lasered on the headstock like the atoms and crowdsters.

02-06-2006, 09:44 PM
hollow alder, no contours, maple neck, non trem bridge, tm2 m1- pickups.

Wow, that has me incredibly excited for my order. Those are my specs! I was told it would be done this week and arrive at Mass St. fairly soon....were you playing mine? :D

02-06-2006, 10:21 PM
Ah, Justin, another Mass Street Masterpiece!

You know this will be useless without pix when it arrives.


02-07-2006, 09:56 AM
Ah, Justin, another Mass Street Masterpiece!

You know this will be useless without pix when it arrives.


I know. I'll post 'em; don't worry. I'll shoot you a message when it comes time to pick it up at Mass St.


02-08-2006, 09:59 AM
Hey Justin, a bit off topic, but...

Are you still diggin' your Hermida Dual Drive? Alf put me on the list for when he gets in the "Dual Unit Mode".

Just curious.

I know you live a ways from KC, so if you know a bit in advance when you're gonna pick up the new Andy, let me know. I'm always up for a trip to MSM, and the guys are due a lunch as well.....


02-08-2006, 10:19 AM
Hey Justin, a bit off topic, but...

Are you still diggin' your Hermida Dual Drive? Alf put me on the list for when he gets in the "Dual Unit Mode".

Just curious.

Yes, it's awesome. It will be on my board for a long time. However, I just got a Barber Direct Drive, and that's receiving a little more attention. Probably a honeymoon phase.

I know you live a ways from KC, so if you know a bit in advance when you're gonna pick up the new Andy, let me know. I'm always up for a trip to MSM, and the guys are due a lunch as well.....


Yeah, I'm in Manhattan. They'll email me when it gets in, and then I'll let you know when I plan on heading out there to pay off the balance and pick it up. Should be in before the end of the month, from what they've told me.