View Full Version : Bogner Cube Cabinet?

Stan Malinowski
01-14-2004, 12:38 PM
Anyone have any experience with the Cube?

I have a Bad Cat Mini combo with a 10" speaker. The amp sounds a bit weak and tinny thru the stock Jensen Speaker. I tried a Weber 10" Slver Bell with marginally better, but not spectacular results. The amp shines when I pump it thru my 2x10 Dr Z Combo.

What I am after is a lightweight, small physical 1x12 cabinet to use with this amp. I have a friend who would sell me a Mesa Boogie Thiele 1x12 cabinet but it has real high poer EV speaker in it. I just don't think the 4 Watts from the BC is enough to drive this speaker. And it weighs about 55lbs! I have heard good things about the Bogner Cube, light weight (about 35 lbs) and reasonable size (about 18" x 18" x 12"). Bogner recommended I use a Celestion G12H speaker. Will the 4 Watts be enough to drive this speaker? Any fedback on the Bogner Cube?

01-14-2004, 01:06 PM
Hi Stan, I can't answer all of your questions but I do own a Bogner cube. Why I have it-I don't know since I hardly ever use it (actually, I'm currently using it as a barrier so my daughter can't get to the power chords behind the entertainment center). Anyway, it's a great 1x12 cab, although I do think it's a bit expensive. I did compare it to the several used Mesa 1x12's at the store and thought it sounded fuller with a pronounced midrange that all bogner cabs seem to have. It also has a nice (not great) low end especially considering it's a little guy. It sounds amazing with all the Bogner amps that I've hooked up with it as well as several Dr Z amps and the THD Flexi. In fact, come to think of it, I have yet to hear anything bad come out of it. I wish I could say the same for the Bogner 2x12 which to me can be inconsistent depending on which amp is going through it. It's very portable-it's like lifting a small suitcase. You won't believe how small it is. Someone I know uses two of them in stereo in his rig because of its portability and sound. He swear by them. Main drawback to me is the price-I think they go for about 425 to 450 dollars new.

01-14-2004, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by Stan Malinowski
I have heard good things about the Bogner Cube, light weight (about 35 lbs) and reasonable size (about 18" x 18" x 12"). Bogner recommended I use a Celestion G12H speaker. Will the 4 Watts be enough to drive this speaker? Any fedback on the Bogner Cube?

Stan I had the Bogner 1x12 (formally John Ou's). I ended up selling it because I am using my MB MkIII combo for home and playing out w/ a 4x12. That said, the Bogner was one incredible sounding little cab. Focused, tight and well-constructed. Believe the hype - this cab sounds fat. I was also easy to throw in the car and didn't have any of the girth of a Boogie.

The grill pulls out to reveal 2 port holes under the Vintage 30 spkr. Closed back, great insulation. It's a 16ohm cab, but I'd match this cab w/ any amp. 4 watts s/b fine. I used to have a THD univalve and even it sounded good through the 1x12 - power was not an issue.

In fact, I was running a Marshall JCM800 w/ this cab, and it handled 100 watts just fine. The only problem was that you couldn't "aim" the cabinet at anyone w/o ripping their head right off! The high-end SLICE was killer (could've been my tin ears and the manner in which I eq'd the amp!).

01-14-2004, 08:52 PM
i use one all the time. i'd ditto what pluto said about the tone. fat middle , nice bottom. expensive, but worth it. i have vintage 30 8ohm in mine. i tried a greenback, but no bottom. tried g12 30, not as much high end punch and low end. i've run lots of low powered amps into it and it has been great with all of them. it has become a vital part of my rig.