View Full Version : Atom wins gold!

01-25-2006, 05:26 PM
Hi folks
Just thought you may be interested to know that the Atom got one of Guitarist magazine's coveted gold awards in the February issue (out today here in the UK). :D Congratulations to all at Anderson Guitarworks!

I'm not surprised - as the proud owner of one of the few Atoms in the UK it is the best guitar I've had (and my other one is an Anderson Drop Top Classic...)


01-25-2006, 06:01 PM
Very cool news!

Congrats Anderson Guitarworks! :D

01-26-2006, 12:38 PM
funny, I just had that guitar back on my bench last night as it needed to be "spruced" up before being shipped to it's dealer that ordered it... Can't remember which dealer.. maybe Roy maybe will remember, maybe.

Anyhow, it is a great Atom on all accounts.

01-26-2006, 03:17 PM
different mag bru. that one was from guitar one. the guitarist one is in englad.

01-27-2006, 03:14 AM
Wow... so many magazine reviews, not enough time! I'm so confused.

01-27-2006, 10:37 AM
Hi all,
Iv'e just read that reveiw over here in England and was really pleased with it. Question i've got is, no disrespect to Tom and that design but i dont like the look of it !!! (sorry Tom :o ) so the sounds which you can get from it ie from humbuckers split to single coil tele sounds , to Jazzy soft, to almost acoustic etc, can this all be got on a Cobra/ hollow Cobra? and what difference would the "M" minis sound like in comparison??

01-27-2006, 11:55 AM
you don't have to like the look of it. you missed the shape bashing thread earlier in the year when we first released the atom. the cobra does not sound exactly the same. there is a tension/tone/feel difference with the different bridge style and the angled neck.

01-27-2006, 01:58 PM
Hi all,
no disrespect to Tom and that design but i dont like the look of it !!! (sorry Tom :o )
Wow, seriously mate. You've got a set of bollocks, I'll give you that.

Dave K
01-27-2006, 03:34 PM
Tom, have you made a Cobra with the A-lock( ;) ) neck joint yet?
I wonder how much closer it will get in tone to the Atom with the change?

01-27-2006, 03:46 PM
The funny thing is that the first Atom I saw was in a deep blue quilt and I just wasn't sure...that was until I saw the guitars in the sunburst, Tiger eye, amber-type finishes and it somehow looked like a different guitar. I eventually bought a beautiful Tiger eye flame from our friends here at Magdon. FWIW, I think the colour makes a lot of difference - its a bit like seeing a Ferrari in green...

However, you just have to hear/play one of these guitars and you will be gobsmacked! It is so LOUD! I completely agree with the Guitarist review: use the split coil sounds and it is like the best Telecaster you've ever heard, roll the tone off and it's woman-tone all the way. Great response too from rolling the volume back to clean up. It is also such a compact size, its light, and feels just right strapped on.

And I agree about the Cobra comparison (as I once had a Cobra S), they are similar in spec terms but feel, play and sound different - they're both good but I like the Atom more.

01-27-2006, 03:55 PM
Tom, have you made a Cobra with the A-lock( ;) ) neck joint yet?
I wonder how much closer it will get in tone to the Atom with the change?

Hi Dave,

The blue outrageous quilty cobra at NAMM was made with the compound trapezoidal joint ;)



Dave K
01-27-2006, 04:04 PM
Uh-oh. ;) Did we get a list of where the NAMM guitars are headed?

01-27-2006, 04:19 PM
the cobra still sounds substantially different. we have not published a list of the namm guitars.

01-27-2006, 04:46 PM
Tom, have you made a Cobra with the A-lock( ;) ) neck joint yet?
I wonder how much closer it will get in tone to the Atom with the change?

Would be interesting if so. I'd like to have something that sounds close to an Atom, but also has a piezo bridge.

(Doh, missed Tom's post. . nevermind. I still want one though. :) )

01-27-2006, 08:27 PM
Great mag, that... I am loving my hollow Cobra and just can't imagine a guitar feeling and sounding any better... I plan on going through a couple Andy dealers this Spring/Summer.. uh oh...

01-28-2006, 11:44 AM
there's that "better" word again.when you talk about feel, we don't all like the same thing, so better for me may not be better for you. having said that, having played an atom for better, oops, longer than a year, the tele shape feels short and uncomfortable to me. atom certainly feels different hanging on you, and for me that is "better".

02-01-2006, 01:11 PM
One of the first things I heard about was the longer body on the Atom. The greater distance from the bridge to the end pin makes the guitar hang in a way that's better for the right hand. The problem is I don't think I'll go back to 24-3/4" guitars. The srings feel loose and the harmonic structure is different. Any thoughts on making a 25-1/2" scale guitar with the Atom body configuration?

02-01-2006, 01:52 PM
not any time soon, but i can't say never.

08-20-2006, 08:43 PM
I just asked this same question recently (and was given the same answer, LOL). I just prefer the sound and feel of 25.5 inch scale to the 24.75. But it is true that it's not just an easy swap...you have to think about the harmonics of the string, which would affect pickup placement. But as I'm getting close (prob this week) to ordering a walnut-topped Atom, I'll say I truly wish 25.5 (and with a maple neck) Atom was possible. That would be the perfect hybrid for me.