View Full Version : My "Little" NAMM report (well maybe not so lil')

01-23-2006, 01:02 AM
(WARNING: massive verbiage ahead. I gotta cut down on the keystrokes and get off the soapbox!)

Well the end finally arrived to a fast and furious four days at 2006's NAMM convention. And I've gotta admit to attending an unprecedented four days straight :eek:. There was much to see and many friendships to rekindle. But my highlight, as it is every year, is visiting w/ the TAG team.

Now for those attending or planning to attend, show up on Sunday. The place is overwhelmingly quiet, compared to the pent-up excitement on Thursday and the on-rush of visitors on Saturday.

In fact, it was so calm this morning that Roy and I had a chance to sneak over to the Bogner booth and visit w/ Sean Colligan and the new Bogner Duende 112 combo...or as we referred to it, "that bubbly, 18W, 6V6 combo"...(maybe). 2 channel, tremelo, accutronics reverb, single EQ, this puppy sings at any level (pushed or not). Bold in its overdrive, with a punchy, tight low mid, and sans any piercing, ice-pick highs. And all of this at low volume...as in "Tom Anderson" low volume! ;) :D

Another highlight, as recommended by both Tom and Roy, was the "G7th" performance capo...(maybe!). Gone are the uncontrollable tension caused by non-adjustable capos, and/or the awkward tunings characterized by the adjustable ones. Built from a zinc composite with precision engineering, this puppy works flawlessly...well flawlessly enough to play "Here Comes the Sun" on my Cobra...and on the fly!:p (funny anectdote - Roy inquires as to the name. Answer: it made for a better URL address!?:confused: OK.)

...But I digress.

The big news coming out of Newbury Park are:
1. the migration of the "Atom-style" neck joints, to the T's, Classic's, DT's, Cobra's and DT Classics. .
As everyone knows, these puppys are tight. Tight, as in, no screws, no problem - that neck is NOT moving. And why should it? It's bordered by a joint on ALL three sides. SWEET. Once again Anderson engineering at it's best. And for those naysayers that will "accuse" Tom of alienating the "vintage crowd"...well, there's always FMIC and Henry's Gibson..."ample" substitutes :rolleyes:. I've always believed that Tom's innovations (drop tops, SS frets, BFTS, CNC routing (nod to Hartley here), acrelyte finishes, etc.) are what characterize an Anderson guitar. This neck joint is yet one more in a long lineage of product design moves that elevates Tom to "Nicola Tesla" status in an industry full of "Edisons". Oh, and before I forget, it wasn't long ago that the same "vintage crowd" was crying about SS frets and BFTS. Now it's a common amentity of many manufacturers (boooo-tique and mainstream), many of which include "classic" strats and teles.

2.Introduction of Primavera wood
Sonically close to Mahogany, but a "tad" softer in the mids (Roy, please confirm...maybe?), and sometimes called white mahogany because of its beauty and similarity in appearance except lighter in color (creamy white to yellowish rose, sometimes tinted with pale brown or pinkish stripes).

3. Crowdster w/ an M
Taken from Tom's post on the bwacks forum, "i did not want to compromie the crowdster's acoustic sound. we tried the medium electric strings like the t5 has and the sound was compromised. so we went back and reloaded with regular acoustic strings and worked on making a magnetic pickup that would play in balance with them. we were very happy with the end result. the crowdster stays just as it always was, and there is a very respectable electric guitar lurking there as well. this is not the guitar for the shreader who wants some acoutic sounds, (ahh..c'mon Tom!!:D ) this is for the acoustic player who wants some very big electric tones as well. the two signals can be sent out in stereo or blended to mono. obviously the stereo rig sounds best, you wouldn't plug your favorite acoustic into your marshall would you? (mmm...ya never know...I might!:p ...maybe!)
the guitar got played quite a bit the last 2 days, and it has been fun to hear what people have done with it.

whew! Sorry again. Oh, here's some pix. Not like last year, but some of my favorites!

(USC alum LOVE all things Cardinal, or Cajun Red!)

(and Cajun Red burst!)

01-23-2006, 01:08 AM
Look at all those Andy's...and the Crowdster M and the Primavera Atom!

Two of the Three "Wise Anderson Deities" pondering whether a "competitor" will release an acoustic electric and call it a "Groupster" :eek: :D (that's Roy's joke...maybe!)

01-23-2006, 06:16 AM

And I have a few questions.

Will A-wedged (Atom style) neck joint be applied to all of classics or DT's?

Or will this type of neck joint be an option for clasic or DT?

And is primavera wood different from Korina?

Thanks michael for fast information and nice pictures.

Jinwon Seo

01-23-2006, 10:25 AM

And I have a few questions.

Will A-wedged (Atom style) neck joint be applied to all of classics or DT's?

Or will this type of neck joint be an option for clasic or DT?

And is primavera wood different from Korina?

Thanks michael for fast information and nice pictures.

Jinwon Seo

Hi Jinwon, the A-style neck joint is going to be a standard feature on all Andys going forward. Tom's thinking is that an improvement in tone and construction should not be "optional". Regarding Primavera vs. Korina....good question! Anyone? :rolleyes: :D

01-23-2006, 10:28 AM
Hey Mike,

Great write up- Sorry I missed meeting you in person! Hopefully next


Ive some photos of the new neck joints on most all of the Andys
at the show. It will be the std with an estimated transition
cutover in April.

heres one pic on the T classic-


I mentioned to Tom that we will miss his personalized date script on the
neckplates -but dont think he will ;)


Dave K
01-23-2006, 12:05 PM
Korina wood comes from Africa, Primavera wood is from Central America.

Interesting news about the neck joint migrating to all models. Wonder what it will do to the Classic tone,though? Tom,Roy?

01-23-2006, 02:37 PM
So how soon will the new neck joint be implemented? Immediately or slowly over the next year?

Son of Anderson
01-23-2006, 03:37 PM

01-23-2006, 03:51 PM
Wow, thanks for that huge report! It was a great read. Does anyone know where to get a comprehensive list of all the NAMM show performers?

01-23-2006, 06:56 PM
Nice report Mike! Oh...dare I mention....(since you mentioned USC above) I'm sorry for your grief concerning the USC vs Texas game. I hope you're doing alright :(

Tom, thank for the Holiday card of the girls! Regarding the USC/Texas Rose Bowl, just be glad you weren't sitting at the game like I was - it was sad (as in tears are falling). Oh well, I'm looking forward to consoling myself w/ a new DT this year!! (or maybe an Atom ;) )

01-23-2006, 07:09 PM
Can anyone that has heard it describe the sound of the magnetic pickup in the crowdster relative to other Anderson guitars?

01-24-2006, 03:48 PM
So how soon will the new neck joint be implemented? Immediately or slowly over the next year?

bump for a good question

Son of Anderson
01-24-2006, 04:51 PM

01-24-2006, 05:34 PM
guitars scheduled for april should have the new neck joint.
the m in the crowdster sounds huge. the big strings don't hurt :D

01-24-2006, 06:53 PM
guitars scheduled for april should have the new neck joint.
the m in the crowdster sounds huge. the big strings don't hurt :D

Cool I'm hoping my Classic has it.

01-24-2006, 06:54 PM
Tom, just to be sure, all models will have the new neck joint?

If so, that makes me happy. I have one in the May slot with Mass Street Music.

Thanx in advance

01-24-2006, 08:41 PM
evrything but the crowdster. it will change sometime this summer.

01-24-2006, 09:21 PM
Hi Tom,

What are the sonic benefits of having the new neck joint on the 25 1/2" scale models?

My best to the shop!

01-24-2006, 09:38 PM
we haven't done lots of back to back listening on the long scale, but when i was doing the atom protos the top end got fatter and everything just got more solid sounding. a few people at the show said they felt the whole guitar moving more, but it was not a side by side comparison, but it was interesting that more than one person said the same thing. i theory it's a better connection with more load bearing surface area. we'll see better when build lots more.

Dave M.
01-24-2006, 11:01 PM
Tom, Roy, et al,

With the shift to the new neck joint, will neck swaps still be available for the older style guitars? :confused:


01-25-2006, 12:08 AM
yes we will still offer neck swaps and will have to make them if there is a warranty issue.

01-25-2006, 02:30 PM
Ive some photos of the new neck joints on most all of the Andys
at the show. It will be the std with an estimated transition
cutover in April.

heres one pic on the T classic-


I mentioned to Tom that we will miss his personalized date script on the
neckplates -but dont think he will ;)


See link for more detailed pics of the NAMM Andys with the A wedgie.



Dave K
01-25-2006, 03:28 PM
Thanks, Enr1co. There's more sculpting on the back of the long scale models than I expected. Will be interesting to play and hear them.
I refuse to call the new joint an A-wedgie!! Google it and it's obvious it's not fitting for a TAG. I like A-lock much better. ;)

01-25-2006, 03:56 PM
how about tapered compound trapizoidal wedge?

Dave K
01-25-2006, 04:06 PM
I thought you were a simple guy? ;)

01-25-2006, 05:18 PM
Will be interesting to play and hear them.
I refuse to call the new joint an A-wedgie!! Google it and it's obvious it's not fitting for a TAG. I like A-lock much better. ;)

Yeah, the name brought back memories of what we used to do as kids
to other kids on their birthday or some other rite of passage ceremony ;)

Anderson Guitars have always been known for attention to every aspect of guitar building—including an extremely precise and tight-fitting traditional 4-bolt neck joint—featuring our own contoured-heel design for increased upper-register playability and comfort.

But now appearing on the Atom is an Anderson addition to guitar tradition with the introduction of a new neck joint that seems to be held together by only two bolts. But things are not as they first appear. Known as the A-Wedgie, this neck joint is a dynamic leap forward in how a body and neck come together to form the whole.

The force that binds an Atom's neck to its body is an all-new neck-to-body union known as the A-Wedgie neck joint. This exclusive Anderson-designed, A-shaped architecture is completely revolutionary to the electric guitar industry. A fully-captive neck joint (not open on any side but completely surrounded on all sides by body wood) is, technically speaking, a 3-dimensional trapezoidal wedge. It is this 3-dimensional trapezoidal wedge
(the A-Wedgie) structure itself that completely locks the body to the neck. Traditional neck-bolts are no longer needed to keep the neck from shifting laterally (sideways).

What this means to the guitar player is a neck that can never move out of perfect alignment, while still maintaining a constant-pressure-union for the ultimate in sonic transfer between body and neck. And, with a larger contact surface than previous neck joints, more sound is undoubtedly invited to travel throughout the length of the instrument.

Since the entire responsibility for immovably unifying this type of neck joint falls squarely onto the shoulders of the advanced structure of the joint itself, two machine screws, located at the sveltely sculpted neck-heel, are way more than overkill for keeping it all together.

WARNING: Do not try this at home. To demonstrate the ultimate strength of the A-Wedgie neck joint, Tom enjoys doing his daily pull-up regime on the end of an Anderson headstock—and the neck never moves out of position.

01-25-2006, 06:25 PM
simpleton maybe, but a very complex simpleton.

01-25-2006, 10:03 PM
Thanks Mike for your pics and detailed report.

Thanks for posting your pics too Enr1co. :)

01-25-2006, 10:59 PM
Cool...my Cobra should have the old neck.... I like the new neck better but would miss the hand engraved plate...I just would. (Waxing nostalgically...)

Plus...it just looks weird from the back... ;)


01-25-2006, 11:58 PM
are you sure you can handle the look of those 6v6's in the bogner? they never did that before ;)

01-26-2006, 10:33 AM
Cool...my Cobra should have the old neck.... I like the new neck better but would miss the hand engraved plate...I just would. (Waxing nostalgically...)

Plus...it just looks weird from the back... ;)


Tom, maybe you could offer a velcro-on-hand-engraved neck plate option, complete with 4 realistic faux screw heads. :D

01-26-2006, 11:57 AM
are you sure you can handle the look of those 6v6's in the bogner? they never did that before ;)

Bogner did agree to engrave the all metal back plate on this model with my birthday date (Feb). The models after april will have a plastic input jacks and composite chassis. It will look weird but you can laser the information on them easier. :p

All joking aside...I must have the new neck. It's amazing and I concur with the others...a light bulb innovation. Next year at NAMM....set up a harness that holds a guitar and have Roy do chin ups while playing Love Me Do.

brian b
01-26-2006, 12:02 PM
How about make the cavity cover metal and signing that. :rolleyes:

Dave M.
01-27-2006, 11:59 PM
yes we will still offer neck swaps and will have to make them if there is a warranty issue.

Oh good! (phew!!!...)
