View Full Version : Boss collection pedals

01-19-2006, 01:59 PM
Hi guys:

Recently an old friend of mine (he withdraw from playing guitar) has given me a boss collection pedals (BCB-6 hardcase included)

He gave me the following pedals (all are Made in Japan except NS-2 Taiwan):
- Boss CS-2 (compressor-sustainer)
- MZ-2 (metalizer)
- PSM-5 (power supply)
- NS-2 (noise suppresor)
- DC-2 (chorus)
- DD-3 (Digital delay)

I know there aren't boutique pedals, but I would like to know your oppinion about them (people in TGP talking good from CS-2, IMO MZ-2 has surprised me, it sound good for I though and chorus is good too).

Another thing that surprised me is that DD-3 sounds better in front of amp instead in FX loop.

I owned a Zendrive and a thunder tomate booster too. Which will be the "normal" order? (maybe guitar-Zen-MZ2-CS2-NS2-Ttomato-Mesa F30 amp)

Thank you


01-19-2006, 04:45 PM
seems like conventional wisdom says to put the compressor first in the chain, although there are some people who like to run their distortion into a compression pedal. the boss pedals are all buffered and the zendrive is not, which is another reason to put a boss first in the chain--it'll buffer your input signal, counteracting some of the loss of tone you'll have from running guitar cables and several pedals. also, it seems to me like the noise supressor might be designed to run either first or last in the chain. you can download the manuals to those boss pedals from their website and the supression manual probably says how its best used. other than that, dirty pedals before modulation and delay as you've indicated.