View Full Version : Keeley Tube Screamer?

01-17-2006, 10:25 PM
OK I REALLY HATE my Distortion Pro!

Currently I use:

Tone Press-Clyde Deluxe-RC Boost -DP1-BB-Fulldrive-Ultimate Octave.

These go to the front of my pair of DrZ Maz amps. I use a ChoralFlange and Echo Park in the FX loop.

I want to replace the DP with a Keely TS808 Bypass Mod.

Any thoughts? Any experience?

01-17-2006, 10:53 PM
I play in a classic rock cover band and use a Keeley Katana, Tube Screamer and a Picture Wah - pretty basic setup, but it meets my needs perfectly.

The Keeley TS retains that distinctive mid bump we all "know and love," but, to my ears, it's not an overpowering mid bump, just enough to know it's there. Also, the upper and lower ends (highs/lows) seem rich, more full. It particularly sounds great through my Deluxe Reverb (great little club amp IMO) when the volume is on 4.5, Treble 6.5 and Bass 5.5. (I set the TS Drive at 10 oclock, Level at 1 oclock and tone, 12 noon. At this setting, my guitar retains its personality and notes are still articulate, even when using my neck hum pickup. The TS sounds best when the power tubes are "cookin.") BTW, it also worked well through a KT45, which I played for a couple years through a 212 ZBest cab. Plus, it cleans up nicely when I roll back the guitar's volume.

When I need a little more "push" (sustain, ala Santana) I kick-in the Katana.

For myself alone and with tone and oneness, Mike

01-18-2006, 02:31 AM
I realize you're asking about an 808, but my Keeley TS9 has an 808 mod in it. I use it with my Maz 18 and Zbest 2x12 and I like it, but it took a little getting used to. It also has the "less and more" mod where the lower third of the drive has actually less drive, the midrange area contains the normal sweep of a TS9, and the upper third actually gives you more drive than the original unit. Since all of this is on one knob, it takes a little more tweaking than the old unmodded unit to find a specific tone. Overall, as Mike has already said, the bass and treble are fuller and there is more sparkle. I usually set the Keeley TS9 for a specific signature lead tone and use my old plain-jane one for rhythms and anywhere I want to be able to make on-the-go adjustments.

01-18-2006, 09:57 AM

Anderson, Dr. Z, Keeley AND Ft. Worth? You've got to be a Charley's customer? Am I right?

01-19-2006, 02:51 AM

Anderson, Dr. Z, Keeley AND Ft. Worth? You've got to be a Charley's customer? Am I right?

I have been there Jay, but I can't say I'm a regular. Johnny Red practically took my head off with the tone of his Dr Z about three-four years ago and I haven't been the same since. My boss here at work turned me on to Andersons about a year and a half ago - again, I haven't been the same since. I used to be a PRS junkie, but always tended to favor the Fender scale length and kept going back to my old Tele even though I had to practically wrestle it to get it to cooperate. TAGs have changed me once and for all. Still use the tele at jam nights once in a while. One of these days when I can get a weekend off, I'll have to come check your band out. Y'all please excuse the mild hijack!

01-20-2006, 10:14 PM
Thanks for the comments guys!

Noah, (njesse) let me test his Keeley TS 808 as well as a Keeley Pro Co Rat.

I found the TS808 to generate sounds I already get from my existing pedals. Do not get me wrong. it is a GREAT sound and the Keeley mods make it better. But since I already get that sound I really do not need it.

Now the Rat in vintage mode, that hits the Suffragette City, Who's that Lady, really compressed distortion sound just right on. The three way switch gives you a useful pallete.

So I am going to try to coax that pony from njesse's stable! Or get me one from Mr Keeley.

Thanks Noah!