View Full Version : New Amps at Namm

01-16-2006, 11:40 AM
I hear Bogner has something new coming out. It's an 18 watt channel switcher. Don't know much else but it sounds intriguing. I think its called the Streudel or something like that.

I also hear Fender has a channel switcher coming out that has the traditional Fender clean with a rippin lead channel. Rumor has it EVH was involved with the design. It will suppossedly be offered as a combo and a head.

I would be very interested in both.

I look forward to reports from thse guys that get to go!

01-16-2006, 02:13 PM
....I also hear Fender has a channel switcher coming out that has the traditional Fender clean with a rippin lead channel. Rumor has it EVH was involved with the design. It will suppossedly be offered as a combo and a head....!

Fender made an amp not so long ago called the Twin Amp. it is not the same as the one out now, as it has no tremelo. It is often referred to as the "Evil Twin."

Any way, I have one. It is my go to amp for when I need something high powered. It truly is a great amp and I could never understand why Fender discontinued it.

01-16-2006, 02:21 PM
I'd be interested in hearing about the Suhr 18 watter.

01-16-2006, 03:31 PM
from what he' told me so far it won't be a channel switcher, but sounds interesting.

01-21-2006, 05:37 PM
Bud and I got the demo from one of our good buddies (and in our opinion the best guitarist at the NAMM show) Greg V at Bogner. (check out his music at www.gregv.us). And that puppy is one amazing amp.

It's called the Duende. Two channel with Tremolo and independant Reverb for each channel. It's amazingly light...and sweet like butter and shreds like a food processor making salsa.

Bud can do a better job of describing all the functions but at its core...it's Bogner fidelity with all the life and luster of some classic amps. You can dial in a blackface vibe and then go straight to Marshall...and some mid honkin' Vox stuff...by just knowing how to use (or defeat the EQ). 6V6 configuration with Trem and Verb controls (line out) etc...on the back.

each channel has Vol, Gain, Bass, Treble then they share a common function (the AIR function - presence and a (?) function...can't remember the name) that gives you amazing flexibility.

Floor switch has channel switch, Trem (that goes from helicopter to cut slow...note there is depth control from Trem on back, too) and BOTH...channels.....

Find a sound you like and you can set the second channel to be a bit more of the same sound or something else...then hit both and get that much more.

They had it loaded with a Greenback 25 but said they would probably go to G12H - which makes sense since this thing really cranks.

Oh yeah....here's the best part...lot's of 18 watter's out there are still 'too loud' and at low volume tend to lose high and low...not this one. Greg dialed in a kind of Deluxe sound and turned the master down with channel up and totally held together.

OH, I almost forgot...each channel volume AND separate 2nd channel GAIN (there's one in each channel..then a master on top of that....) has a pull Bright....works like a bright switch on a Fender (more chimey) but not that nasty square wave stuff.

This is as much as I can remember....and I might have gotten the details wrong but Bud or Tom will remind me.

Played a Les Paul through it and am certain it will love any Andy pickup...

This was my favorite find at NAMM this year....well next to the Russian guy playing the V-Accordian at the Roland booth...that guy ROCKS!

01-21-2006, 06:46 PM
curious... did they give indication of a price point?

01-21-2006, 07:49 PM
curious... did they give indication of a price point?

$2,600 buckaroos

01-21-2006, 07:55 PM
I have to +1 or +10 on the new Bogner. It's called the Duende. It really is a versatile amplifier. I also got the complete run through from Greg V and it sounds great no matter how you set it and the best part is that it's so touch sensitive. That's pretty uncommon for Bogner, which are usually better at the "hit me as hard as you can" feel. I'm probably going to get one in a couple of months. They're not going to be available until about April or so and the combo is going to list for around $2700. It's a lot of money, but for studio work or small stage applications I don't know of another amp that's as versatile and has all of the features without sacrificing really good tone.

My other fave at NAMM is the ATOM with a Bigsby. Another great guitar that I want. There's also a new company out of Nashville, Heritage Amps, affiliated with Heritage Guitars out of Kalamazoo. They're modified Fender/Marshall designs by Paul Cochrane (maker of the Tim and Timmy od pedals). I'm going to give one of their amps a full volume test drive at rehearsals next weekend. I'll keep everyone informed on that.

Body Glove, the surf company, is making a really cool line of hybrid gig bags. They have hideable padded backpack straps, moisture wicking material on the inside and reinforced sides to protect guitars better than most gig bags. Very cool.

There's so much to see here, I'm sure I've missed a few cool things, but hopefully some others will chime in.


01-21-2006, 08:56 PM
$2,600 buckaroos

ahhh... that was just what I needed to make the GAS go away. Thanks. It looks like me and the Lone Star Special can continue our relationship for a while longer.

01-22-2006, 09:44 PM
The Bogner was really, really, really exceptional. I have not heard another amp legitimately handle that wide of a variety of tones.

I think I need it and the Atom w/ a Bigsby. ...then I'd be done ;)

01-22-2006, 11:47 PM
Man, this new Bogner amp is getting tons of glowing reviews. I'm going to have to check that one out. :)

01-23-2006, 03:28 AM
Man, this new Bogner amp is getting tons of glowing reviews. I'm going to have to check that one out. :)

I'm going to have to *not* check them out. I'm in ignorant bliss with what I have, and I should keep it that way! :)

01-23-2006, 09:22 AM
Does not sound like the Bogner covers the high gain thing? I wish they made something in a combo that did. I am sure there is sufficient demand for it.

01-23-2006, 09:36 AM
Anybody know if the new Bogner will be offered as a head?

Suriel Zayas
01-23-2006, 01:31 PM
Anybody know if the new Bogner will be offered as a head?
i recently spoke with sean (bogner) and he told me the "elf (duende in english)" will be offered in a head format. pairing it with the cube...hmmm??? :cool:

01-23-2006, 01:50 PM
i recently spoke with sean (bogner) and he told me the "elf (duende in english)" will be offered in a head format. pairing it with the cube...hmmm??? :cool:


01-25-2006, 10:54 PM
I'm ordering one soon...it will take 2-4 months...and yes...it does the high gain thing AMAZING...when they cranked it, people came from aisle away.

01-26-2006, 12:02 PM
There's also a new company out of Nashville, Heritage Amps, affiliated with Heritage Guitars out of Kalamazoo. They're modified Fender/Marshall designs by Paul Cochrane (maker of the Tim and Timmy od pedals). I'm going to give one of their amps a full volume test drive at rehearsals next weekend. I'll keep everyone informed on that.

I did look at that amp Lonestar.....what kind of amps are they? They look like they were an homage to Marshall...odd for a company most known for their Jazz stylings... Please keep us posted.

01-29-2006, 01:28 AM
I haven't played the Colonial extensively, but I don't think it's what I'm looking for at the moment. It sounds like a Marshall and with all of the switches (us, uk, sag, punch) it kinda mimics different Marshalls from JTM 45's to Plexis. The differences are pretty subtle if you ask me. If you want a fat, fairly clean 50w Marshall type amp to put pedals in front of, you might check it out. I was looking for something that might replace my '72 Marshall, but the Colonial was not as smooth or as present at the higher gain settings. My Marshall is definitely more middy, but it's the good kind of mids that make the notes pop out on solos. You have to crank the Colonial to about 2 o'clock to bring out the grind and by then, it's pretty stinkin' loud. The Colonial, like I said, would be good for someone who digs the early Marshall mids in a clean, loud amp. I think what I'm looking for is more the hot rodded gain thing, like a Bogner, which I'm also trying out. I'll post new pics when my rig is all put together again.
