View Full Version : TA at NAMM 2004

Jack Gretz
01-12-2004, 08:32 PM
I have the new digital camera packed away and ready to shoot all of the new Andersons at NAMM 2004.

As usually I will be in mood to obtain as many Andersons as possible for the store.

Hey Tom I have CASH!!! :D

01-12-2004, 09:01 PM
Hey Jack...I have plastic! ;) :eek:

01-12-2004, 09:57 PM
hey everybody, we only have 13 guitars!

John Price
01-14-2004, 06:23 PM
Buy them all!!!!!


Stan Malinowski
01-15-2004, 12:15 PM
The heck with the guitars......bring back some WARM California weather to the East Coast! Here in Connecticut, 4 Degrees at Noontime!!! Expected conditions at 5:00PM: 0 Degrees with a Wind Chill of -35 to -40 Degrees. And I HAVE to SNOWBLOW 2 300 foor long driveways when I get home!

01-15-2004, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by Stan Malinowski
The heck with the guitars......bring back some WARM California weather to the East Coast! Here in Connecticut, 4 Degrees at Noontime!!! Expected conditions at 5:00PM: 0 Degrees with a Wind Chill of -35 to -40 Degrees. And I HAVE to SNOWBLOW 2 300 foor long driveways when I get home!

Not to make you jealous Stan because Hawaii has major drawbacks. That being said, I'm looking out my office window-sunny, fairly clear blue sky, probably about 75-80 degrees!!! We did however have a windstorm knocking out powerlines yesterday-hopefully that'll be the worse for the winter.

01-15-2004, 06:05 PM
12 Inches of snow last night in the Detroit area. The temps are near zero tonight. This is ridiculous!!! I'd gladly take some warmer weather.

John Price
01-15-2004, 08:14 PM
Just got home from work at 7:30est and the temp is -2 and expected to go down lower than that overnight!!!!:cool:

01-16-2004, 12:08 AM
it's in the low 70's here at namm. it cooled off tonite, i had to put on a long sleeve shirt.

01-16-2004, 01:27 AM
Thanks to Tom and Laurie for their generosity and hospitality today. Excellent show and wonderful guitars. To that "other" guy, well MAYBE we'll mention your name next time :D;)

Brian, great bowling shirts - Tom was wearing Roy's (seafoam green or green's tom's color, etc....)

Hey here's a link to the photos (hopefully it works). I'll have more of the crew and axes on Saturday evening...

TAG NAMM 2004 (http://community.webshots.com/user/eddyrox2)

John C
01-16-2004, 08:49 AM

Thanks for the pics! The ocean blue (burst?) Cobra S, the 3 mini-bucker Cobra, the swamp ash Classic (looks like it has the VA Boost pickups) and the orange Classic all look good to me.

Weatherwise I don't think I'm going to complain anymore about the low- to mid-30s temps here in Kentucky - I guest we're getting the average of the Northeast and Los Angeles ;) .

John C.

Stan Malinowski
01-16-2004, 09:02 AM

Some great pictures of some beautiful guitars! Thanks!

Jack, be sure some of those bauties come back east with you - maybe one in Fireburst to help warm up the weather around here!

John Price
01-16-2004, 10:21 AM
I would take the Cobra with the 3 mini humbuckers Please!!!!!!!!:D

Man is it cold in the north east!!! I think we need to ad a shivering face to the smilies!!!!


01-16-2004, 10:59 AM

greetings from a limey

how would u describe teh sound of the minihums?

im thinking of putting them in my new walnut topped cobra with rosewood neck


01-16-2004, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by John C

Thanks for the pics! The ocean blue (burst?) Cobra S, the 3 mini-bucker Cobra, the swamp ash Classic (looks like it has the VA Boost pickups) and the orange Classic all look good to me.

Weatherwise I don't think I'm going to complain anymore about the low- to mid-30s temps here in Kentucky - I guest we're getting the average of the Northeast and Los Angeles ;) .

John C.

John, no problem!

Tom was saying that the Orange classic came out a little darker (?) than normal (- looked good to everyone else!) That swamp ash classic w/ medium frets really boomed. And of course, the Cobra w/ M p/up's was my favorite.

Sounds as if shipping some of our warm weather over might help thaw things out as well;) Stay warm, and I'll post more pix on Saturday.

01-16-2004, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by Stan Malinowski

Some great pictures of some beautiful guitars! Thanks!

Jack, be sure some of those bauties come back east with you - maybe one in Fireburst to help warm up the weather around here!

Stan, always a pleasure. It's the least that I could contribute, especially after all of Jack's and your efforts to initiate and maintain, respectively, such a wonderful forum. Thanks again!

01-16-2004, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by John Price
I would take the Cobra with the 3 mini humbuckers Please!!!!!!!!:D

Man is it cold in the north east!!! I think we need to ad a shivering face to the smilies!!!!


John, the Cobra w/ mini-hum's is going to be the "hit" for this weekend. Everyone that stopped by the booth either picked up or was shown the Cobra. Incredible sound, and wonderful finish!

Stay warm!:cool:

01-16-2004, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by oscar100

greetings from a limey

how would u describe teh sound of the minihums?

im thinking of putting them in my new walnut topped cobra with rosewood neck


Oscar, you British folks are great - some of the most polite people I've ever had the pleasure of working with.

Regarding the sound, Tom's booth is next to Mesa Boogie, so there's a LOT of ambient noise that flows over. That said, I demo'd the Cobra through a M/B Lonestar. (Let's just say that Tom's Carr Rambler, a Matchless or a Tone King would've been easier to dial-up (spoken like a true Marshall guy:p ))

Once we had the tone, I really wanted to try the neck p/up. Ya' know, Tom nailed it again - the tone is not quite as bold as a hum (say the H1- ). This is not bad. A bit more emplasis/sparkle in the lower mids, I'd say. Yet it has more yowl, more of that "woman" tone than a single coil. It definitely fits right in the middle of the 2.
Running the M2 in the bridge, to my ears, it sounded like a "hotter" single coil, but w/ that thick, robust character of a humbucker. I'm definitely going to try and log more time on this guitar on Day 3! (more to come...):cool:

01-16-2004, 01:23 PM
thanx michael
im thinkin of m1 m1 m3 in walnut top cobra

waddya think?

01-16-2004, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by oscar100
thanx michael
im thinkin of m1 m1 m3 in walnut top cobra

waddya think?

Oscar, I think that the M p/up' s will cause an "in addition to" rather than an "instead of" reaction. That is, the tone will be enhanced rather than diminished, given the tonal possibilities opened up by the new M p/up's. That said, I'm no expert on P90's or the complexities of utilizing Walnut in a guitar context. However, I do know that what the M p/up's bring to my ear, is not a tonal combination that I can readily replicate on my Cobras (even after fiddling w/ the tone knob and other electronics!!:p )

Tom Gross
01-16-2004, 08:04 PM
Is that a T I see with a mini hum in the neck and a trem?


01-17-2004, 12:59 AM
oh yeah.

01-17-2004, 10:15 AM
I'd sure be interested in the particulars of that one (& which dealer it winds up with).

01-20-2004, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by michaelomiya
Thanks to Tom and Laurie for their generosity and hospitality today. Excellent show and wonderful guitars. To that "other" guy, well MAYBE we'll mention your name next time :D;)

Brian, great bowling shirts - Tom was wearing Roy's (seafoam green or green's tom's color, etc....)

Hey here's a link to the photos (hopefully it works). I'll have more of the crew and axes on Saturday evening...

TAG NAMM 2004 (http://community.webshots.com/user/eddyrox2)

Thanks Michael for the pics. I saw this post on Thursday night but left Honolulu on Friday morning so I didn't get a chance to thank you for posting the pics! That cobra with the mini hums gets my vote for the "cool" award! Any other great moments at NAMM besides the Anderson booth?

01-20-2004, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by pluto
Thanks Michael for the pics. I saw this post on Thursday night but left Honolulu on Friday morning so I didn't get a chance to thank you for posting the pics! That cobra with the mini hums gets my vote for the "cool" award! Any other great moments at NAMM besides the Anderson booth?

Mark, no problem! Many other interesting observations:

1. The pedal trend continues - virtually no rack EFX;
2. Peterson Tuners are coming out w/ a footpedal tuner - that is calibrated to address Feitenized guitars!!!:cool: :cool: (due in April, MSRP $189)- basically the VSII for Buzz Feiten guitars;
3. Infeld's Antares (sp?) Shark guitar - amazing "strat spank" from a Mahogany body w/ a "rubber" finish:D
4. Apple's Garage Band software - amazing guitar and drum samples running in an integrated system (w/ idvd and itunes), 64 tracks, audio/midi sequencer, loop-based application;
5. Gibson's Jimmy Page '59 relic'd LP reissue, w/ worn neck!
6. Aiken Amp's 50W Sabre head - a modded Marshall and a black faced Fender in a head (close, but who can really demo an amp at NAMM?!?) :cool:
7. Neal Peart's custom DW drum kit, w/ interview from the Vapor Trails tour

1. No Carr Amp booth - although Steve Carr stopped by to say hi to Tom while I was at the Andy booth, very cool guy!
2. No Tone King booth - too busy making amps in MD!
3. No Mako booth - too busy selling amps to the Japanese! (and that's from Andrew himself!)