View Full Version : Suggestions for a new volume and wah pedal

01-02-2006, 05:40 PM
Hey all, in my painfully slow transition from ordinary pedals to ones of the boutique persuasion I have decided to upgrade my volume and wah pedals. right now i have a morley little alligator volume and a bad horsieII contour wah. I haven't been very happy with either of them so i am going to put them on ebay. So i am looking for suggestions for a good volume and wah pedal, price and size are both considerations for me, being poor and having limited pedalboard space. Any help you could give would be great.

01-02-2006, 06:00 PM
love the rmc wah, comes true bypass and has a great vocal sounding midrange. have been using the eb jr vol pedal and it works fine for me.

01-02-2006, 06:36 PM
Sweet thanks for the suggestion, i have heard about reliability issues with the eb jr., have you had any experience with that?

01-02-2006, 06:47 PM
I've been happy with the Bud Wah (Budda) which can be found cheaply on ebay or in the local classifieds. I don't often use a volume pedal so it comes and goes on the board. Visual Sound (www.visualsound.net) is releasing a 10th anniversary version of their Visual Volume pedal that looks pretty cool, but it won't ship until next month or March. Either way, it might be worth waiting for.

01-02-2006, 08:28 PM
have not had any issues with the jr. had the big one for a couple years before, no issues there either.

Janine Doubly
01-02-2006, 09:14 PM
I have been using a 10K EB Jr. on my acoustic for a while now. No problems yet. I would just be nice to it. It does have a PC board and a semi-cheap pot in it. But the pot can be replaced if and when it goes out and the board is pretty sturdy, but not completely bomb proof.

01-03-2006, 11:32 AM
I've been happy with the Bud Wah (Budda) which can be found cheaply on ebay or in the local classifieds.

+1 for the Bud Wah.

I'm looking for a good volume pedal, too. Anyone have any experience with the EB pedals sucking their tone? What about George Dennis or Goodrich? Recommendations on active vs. passive?

01-03-2006, 12:09 PM
i have my vol pedal after a barber launch pad, so it is buffered. the tuner also comes off the second out of the launch pad. unless you have no other pedal on it would see a buffered input. without the buffer it would load the pickups some as it is a 250k pot.

01-06-2006, 05:02 PM
i have my vol pedal after a barber launch pad, so it is buffered. the tuner also comes off the second out of the launch pad. unless you have no other pedal on it would see a buffered input. without the buffer it would load the pickups some as it is a 250k pot.

Sorry to digress, but Tom what do you think of the launch pad? I have a boost pedal that colors and I want another that is absolutely or nearly transparent. Seems based on all the reviews I can find, the Launch Pad does that.


01-06-2006, 08:41 PM
i very much like the lp. it is very transparent(i thought i'd never use that word), i use it to hit the amp just a bit harder and as a buffer before the vol pedal. it is capable of tons of boost, but i just need a bit to make my amp come alive at lower volumes. seems weird to boost an amp input to make it sound better at low volume, but it works. there's a thread on the barber forum where he explains "cooking a tube amp". it's like the trim control on a board. it lets the amp see what it wants to see. he talking about a smaller version for just cooking, but don't know when that will happen.

01-06-2006, 09:11 PM

So the tone-sucking from the EB Jr is less noticeable with a Launch Pad in front of it?

01-06-2006, 09:14 PM
with a buffer in front of it, the 250k pot does not load down the signal. the lp also has a second bufferd out for the tuner so it can't interact.

01-06-2006, 10:18 PM
with a buffer in front of it, the 250k pot does not load down the signal. the lp also has a second bufferd out for the tuner so it can't interact.

How does the tuner interact? Do all tuners do this, or just the one you're using? I'm asking because (a) I have a StroboStomp that is at the end of my chain, and now I'm wondering if that is the right place for it, and (b) I really have no idea about how tuners affect tone loss and all that. The SS is true bypass, so I'm assuming that it really doesn't have any effect on my tone in any position on my pedalboard.

Speaking of the 'board, I just got a new one, and here it is--the PT Pro. It's pretty sad with all that space, but I'm excited that I found some right angle power cables for my PP2, which is mounted underneath. It'll be fun to fill this sucker up.

<img src="http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b89/olectric/IMG_1561.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

(sorry for the hijack)

01-07-2006, 12:01 AM
Olectric, very nice board and have a great time filling it up.

I've been considering a PT, since it has the matching case and all. It seems like one of the most efficient packages out there. Now that I know a PP2 fits below... it's starting to call to me, must back away from screen.

Tom, look at all that space. It probably isn't big enough for your rig. :)

Thanks for the comment on the LP. I ordered one tonight from Dave. Can't wait. The amp cooking thing sounds very cool.

01-07-2006, 01:37 AM
my tuner is on all the time, and i figure if signal is going there, it's not all going to the amp. seriously though, some can be a load on the signal. yous is true bypass so it would not be a problem.