View Full Version : Neck carve "feel" > .03 vs. '62 Roundback

Sir Ricardo
12-30-2005, 05:04 PM

I've got a HDTC, .03 neck. I notice a difference between it and my standard carve Classic neck. I go back and forth in terms of preference, but right now I prefer the .03.

My question: how much "larger," in terms of feel, would a '62 Roundback be vs. the .03.?

I know the actual dimensions: 1st fret for the .03 is .83 vs. .825 for the Roundback, whereas at the 12th fret the .03 is .89 vs. .94 for the Roundback. So the Roundback starts off slightly slimmer, but then gets bigger as you move down the fretboard.

But beyond the numbers, do any of you have some experience with these two necks, and can compare and contrast their feel?

Thanks for any thoughts - - -


brian b
12-30-2005, 05:47 PM
With 1 11/16 nuts I had a .30 over and a 62 roundback, to me the .30 over seemed fatter. I seem to be nearly the same going all the way down, where as the 62 seem to be alittle thinner at the nut compared to the 12th fret area.

Sir Ricardo
12-30-2005, 05:57 PM
Hello Brian:

Thanks for the reply. I too have a 1 11/16" nut on these guitars.

You are right about the '62 being slimmer at the nut, it's just barely a bit slimmer. But for sure it must feel quite a bit thinner, given how it "bulks up" as it moves up towards the 12th fret.


12-30-2005, 06:06 PM
they are very close to th same depth at the 1st fret. the 62 probably has slimmer shoulders down there making it feel smaller. the 62 has much more taper to it so it get lots bigger at the 12th fret.

12-30-2005, 06:30 PM
they are very close to th same depth at the 1st fret. the 62 probably has slimmer shoulders down there making it feel smaller. the 62 has much more taper to it so it get lots bigger at the 12th fret.


If I wanted to come as close as possbile to my Cobra's (62 RB) feel on a classic would I go with a Classic 62 RB +.020?

12-30-2005, 08:21 PM
the 1 11/16" 62 is the same on a long or short scale guitar for us.

12-30-2005, 09:11 PM
the 1 11/16" 62 is the same on a long or short scale guitar for us.

Cool that's what I was trying to get at. 1 less detail to be concerned with.

I'll be talking to Roy when he gets back next week about the rest.