View Full Version : "Holy Righteous Cobra Tones, Batman!"

12-13-2005, 10:04 AM
Yesterday, I picked up a DVD that has some GREAT guitar playing by a guy named Glenn Pearce. The DVD is "Michael W. Smith Live in Concert: A 20 Year Celebration." I've never been a big MWS fan--he's just a little before my time--but the guitar playing on the first few tracks is completely awesome. Glenn is playing a Cobra through a /13 with some assorted effects, and man, that Cobra sounds sick! I set up my rig last night, popped the DVD in, and learned everything from the first few songs. Doing so has exposed a lack of economy and control in my playing. Glenn plays so effortlessly and has a very light touch, yet huge tones pour forth from his guitar. I hear a definite David Gilmour influence in his playing. Let me know what you think. I decided to pick up this DVD after reading this thread on the Gear Page:


For those of you looking for something (safe) to do on the internet, check out this huge thread. Glenn gives several helpful insights to his gear, tone, ect.