View Full Version : Is today a sad day?

12-08-2005, 10:28 AM
After "retiring" from the band scene a few years ago, the day has come where my last Recto 4x12 has been sold. Although there is more room in my basement studio, it is a strange feeling seeing the last 4x12 go. My rig now consists of a Mesa F-30 with Mesa 1x12 and a LoneStar Special 1x12. A great rig but, age and family has caught up with me. Mixed emotions, for sure.

On another note (pun intended), let's all say a prayer for John Lennon. Strawberry Fields Forever!

12-08-2005, 11:15 AM
Not a sad day, just a new era. Nothing wrong with an F30 and a Lonestar. Now if you said you bought a 1x8" crate guitar amp, then it would be alright to cry... :D

12-08-2005, 12:40 PM
i don't miss the 4x12 and smokey bars at all.

12-08-2005, 03:51 PM
If it makes you feel any better, your old Mk IV gets played daily :D

2 years ago I retired from the local scene (I'm 41). Dallas isnt that nice to aging original rock bands. Stuck in my music room is about 500lbs of bass gear that never gets used. I'd sell it but it's too darn heavy to ebay.

+1 Tom I dont miss smokey bars whatsoever!

No regrets... it's a good day!

12-08-2005, 08:45 PM
Today ended on a happy note - my good friend, who also no longer does the band thing, returned my first Subway Rocket. This amp is decked out in forest green tolex with a gold grille. He loaned me a Warwick Bass and I loaned him my Subway. After replacing the tubes, I plugged in my reliable 'T' Classic and felt like I was back in 1996. Mesa and Anderson - what a perfect combo!!

Thank you Devnor for giving my old MKIV a good home!!

Never did like those smokey bars. Sure beat the gear up.

12-08-2005, 09:17 PM
Well I still do the crappy bar scene. But I dumped that HEAVY Marshall MII 100 W Lead head and 4x12 a few years ago. First got a Mesa Nomad and F 30 with a 1x12 Cab. Then replaced the Nomad for two Dr Z's annd a killer pedalboard.

So now I play a Dr Z Maz 38 and Maz 18. One has two 10's and one a 1x12.

And I do a lot of gigs with guys playing 100 Watt amps. And I am always as loud with my 46 watts. And NO BACKACHE! And my rig fits in the trunk!

So if you ever get back into the club scene you have what most of us club players are using anyway.

A GREAT rig you got there now! :D

12-08-2005, 11:07 PM
The Mesa Lone Star Special is KILLER! Unfortunately I tried one and walked out with it. I love the thing. It can cop so many cool sounds. I have many old Black/Brown Fenders and I usually shy away from Mesa.

Believe me no club will let you cut a halfstack loose these days anyway. Life goes on! We aren't just getting older, we're getting quieter as well. ;)