View Full Version : Crowdster vs Taylor T5?

12-06-2005, 06:51 PM
Hi again,
Knowing as you do after all the Variax discussions that i started on the forum, that i embrace new technology, i was looking for some constructive comments about the comparison between the crowdster and T5 ? what are the pros and cons of both? i have tried the Taylor and thought it was great but i have not yet come accross a crowdster in my area. We are all Anderson fans so none of the "taylors are rubbish in comparison" please :p

12-06-2005, 07:21 PM
If I may be so bold as to jump in. Others here own these and I know some here know a lot about each :). I have had occasion to play both.

Both play and feel great. Crowdster functions as an acoustic guitar. T5 is pretty unique as it seems mostly Electric Guitar in it's intent. It did not have discrete outs for the electric and acoustic signals at the time I test drove it.

For my tastes, if I was looking for a unique electric voice, I would gravitate toward the T5. I found myself using the word cool a lot while trying it out. If I was looking for a plugged in acoustic, Crowdster please!

12-06-2005, 10:15 PM
I've had the oppertunity to play both. The t5 played extremely well. The acoustic sound was ok, but not great and the electric sound was limited. I chose the Crowdster over the T5 because of the plugged in acoustic sounds. In my opinion the T5 while passable, doesn't come close to getting that plugged in acoustic sound that seems second nature to the Crowdster.

12-07-2005, 12:32 AM
I also have had a chance to play both, and I would agree that they seem to serve different purposes. The T5 is Taylor's departure from strict acoustic tones, and the Crowdster is Anderson's solution to finding great plugged-in acoustic tones without feedback. I think they both serve their intentions well. Both of them had me saying wow and cool a lot, and both of them played really well. The Crowdster felt more like an electric, but sounded more like an acoustic plugged in. I think it just depends on what you're looking for.

You know what I'd like to hear would be a spruce topped Crowdster. I'll bet that is just sweet.

12-07-2005, 09:38 AM
One thing to note with the Taylor. They are all strung and shipped with electric strings. Taylor also suggests that the saddle be swapped out to an acoustic? saddle and strung with acoustic strings in order to bring out it's true acoustic sound. This would of course delete it's electric properties. I would like to play and hear the T5 set up this way to see how well it hangs with my crowdster.
