View Full Version : We Opened for Jimmie Vaughan Last Night

01-04-2004, 11:20 PM
I posted on this topic on "The Gear Forum," so forgive the cross-post if you go to that forum as well as this one -- but since I played my Anderson Classic on the gig, I think it deserved posting here too.

Last night my band opened for Jimmie Vaughan at a fund raiser.

Anyway, there were about 150 people there in a pretty small room with a small, high stage. We spent the better part of the afternoon getting our stuff set-up around JV's stuff and hanging out with his people. At 6:15 a jazz band played for an hour during dinner. After dinner we took the stage, and....

... they loved us! Pretty wild applause - it was nice to have an audience that came to see/hear music, rather than just being background noise for drunks and drunks-to-be. We played an hour-long set and then cleared our stuff out of the way for Jimmie.

After our set we got to spend some time chatting backstage with Jimmie and we got a picture of him with our band. (I'll try to post it here as soon as my bass player sends it to me).

Here's something interesting: They held a silent auction for a Fender JV signature model guitar. These are pretty inexpensive Mexican-made Strats. Anyway, before they gave it away, they brought it out on stage and JV played two songs on it. There was a clear difference in tone between JV playing his own JV guitar and this off-the-rack model. The give-away guitar was thin, thin, thin. Clearly JV is not using the stock Fender Tex-mex pick-ups in his own guitar. Interesting, but not surprising I guess.

For the tone-minded, I played my Anderson Classic (Strat) through my Two Rock Custom Reverb and it sounded damn good to me. JV played his Strat through a Victoria Combo and sounded, well, like JV. Good, but somewhat thin, slightly dirty tone. He spends too much time on the bridge pickup (or maybe he needs a better bridge pickup). But it's a good tone for what he does.

All-in-all, a really great night. One that makes the tinnitus worth it!

01-05-2004, 11:03 AM
Bb. 24/7. Tinnitus is never worth it.

Congrats on the good night. Your description mails the JV Strat tone...


Stan Malinowski
01-06-2004, 08:27 AM

Sounds like a fantastic night! Congratulations to you and the band!!! Hope you have many more like this one.

I owned a JV Strat back in the 1999 time frame. I agree with you with its tone being a bit thin. I remember I replaced the Tex-Mex pickups with a set of Custom Shop Texas Specials. It did indeed fill out the sound. For the money not a bad guitar once you replace the pickups.

01-06-2004, 01:22 PM
It sounds like you had a lot of fun. Did JV make any cool comments on your gear?

01-06-2004, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by pluto
It sounds like you had a lot of fun. Did JV make any cool comments on your gear?

He didn't say anything about my gear, though he did say "Sounded really good" backstage after our set. That was cool, but I always assume that musicians are just being nice when they say that. At least I always do that to other musicians.