View Full Version : Tone difference

11-19-2005, 04:47 PM
How would you describe the tone difference between a classic and a drop top classic? Additionally, how does the finish hold up without a pick guard? Thanks.

11-19-2005, 05:22 PM
if all else was the same(it seldom is), the addition of the maple top takes a bit of the middle and throws it both directions giving you a bit tighter bass and a bit of articulated highs. dang, i'm sounding like roy. i better get back to programming.

11-19-2005, 07:52 PM
After last week's GOTW, I don't think anyone can sound like Roy. He is an original.

11-19-2005, 09:15 PM
Tom, if this guitar thing doesn't take off you could be a wine critic.

11-20-2005, 04:52 PM
i am becoming quite a cork sniffer.

11-20-2005, 06:42 PM
I can't speak to the diiferences of tone but I can say the finish holds up great. I've had my drop top t since last february and my pick hasn't made a mark on it yet.

Suriel Zayas
11-20-2005, 07:51 PM
i have a 94 that with a little elbow grease, you can call it near mint. btw, it has seen many tours and many, many shows. for many years it was my one and only anderson.

Roy (maybe)
11-21-2005, 01:05 PM
Hi Oscar,

Yea, Tom was beginning to sound like Roy and then jumped off his post. I know it was scary for him so let’s get back to the tonal differences, shall we?

A Classic and a Drop Top Classic that share the same species of backing wood do have very similar characteristics—a specific sonic signature that is unmistakable. The Maple Top of the Drop Top Classic will project the particular tone forward with more clarity and pronunciation than without the top. If you like the tone to “pop” forward then Drop Top is the ticket. If you are looking for smoother then The Classic is the sonic way to go.

I have done demos with the two guitars back to back for audiences and both Drop Top and The Classic were the favorite at different times—depending on which tone a particular player is looking for. Also, the two are quite similar and many players can manage either tone to fulfill the same sonic job.

Roy (Maybe)

11-21-2005, 05:52 PM
What a resource. Thank you guys. So many options to chose from. If only I could convice my wife of the need for more than one. Heck, I still can't commit to a color.

Roy (maybe)
11-21-2005, 06:25 PM

Thanks for the kind words, and talk about Anderson resources, we also have a wife convincing service and for only $39.95 we will email your wife 29 reasons why you should have another Anderson. It is usually very effective.

Have fun.

Maybe Roy

11-22-2005, 04:21 PM
As an owner of many Anderson guitars, the wife convincing program does work.

11-23-2005, 09:46 AM
Wife convincing program......Boy, do I need this....

11-23-2005, 09:49 AM
I'm 3 guitars up using the "wife avoidance" program (beta version), but the wife has an instinctive tracker and I know it will catch up to me!

Roy (maybe)
11-23-2005, 11:10 AM

Here’s the secret to getting permission, and even support, for a new Anderson, but don’t say I told you.

Act all quiet around the house and concerned about something unseen. Sigh a lot and when asked just say, you are okay. Have a small “melt down” and lock yourself in the bathroom. When you come out and she inquires, “What’s wrong?” say, “I think I just need to play my guitar to get back in touch with my feelings as a man and a musician.” Stroll over and pick up your Anderson and play. Become complete normal and happy after the experience. Do this a few times throughout the next couple of months—don’t overdo it. Then when you want a new Atom, start to say stuff like, “I am trying to re-create a sound that I have in my head and I think only the Atom can do it. Then begin to get a little quiet. She will drive you to the nearest Anderson dealer. Finish off by playing her a special song you wrote or learned just for her.

Happy Playing with your new Anderson.


Suriel Zayas
11-23-2005, 01:23 PM
Wife convincing program......Boy, do I need this....
as in my case, have her spec it out with the dealer as part of a big surprise, but iron out the critical details with tom & roy. i am quite sure tom & roy will cooperate, as they have always.

11-23-2005, 11:20 PM
Ok, let's be real...

None of this wife convincing stuff works.

So just get the friggin guitar and beg for forgiveness later! She will hate you for a few days, maybe even a week. Then she'll realize that you really work hard, are an all around good husband/father, and hell you could be spending money in strip joints, but instead you are making music!

Works for me every time! (Well not every time but I think I have myself convinced it is working?) :o

11-25-2005, 04:43 PM
Ok, let's be real...

None of this wife convincing stuff works.

I agree completely. The argument that you're not out gambling or tipping a stripper is probably the best out there. If you compare guitar playing/collecting to other hobbies, such as building cars, it's actually quite economical.


11-26-2005, 02:55 PM
You know I've found marrying the right girl and being responsible about the purchase really will get you what want more often than not.

11-26-2005, 03:53 PM

Here’s the secret to getting permission, and even support, for a new Anderson, but don’t say I told you.

Act all quiet around the house and concerned about something unseen. Sigh a lot and when asked just say, you are okay. Have a small “melt down” and lock yourself in the bathroom. When you come out and she inquires, “What’s wrong?” say, “I think I just need to play my guitar to get back in touch with my feelings as a man and a musician.” Stroll over and pick up your Anderson and play. Become complete normal and happy after the experience. Do this a few times throughout the next couple of months—don’t overdo it. Then when you want a new Atom, start to say stuff like, “I am trying to re-create a sound that I have in my head and I think only the Atom can do it. Then begin to get a little quiet. She will drive you to the nearest Anderson dealer. Finish off by playing her a special song you wrote or learned just for her.

Happy Playing with your new Anderson.

?!!!! My lower jaw is on the floor! Ahhh! Wha? I can't be...lieve. That is PHD level manipulation... WOW!

11-26-2005, 04:57 PM
I'm not married, but don't you think there is a trade off? The way I see it, it's all relative:

Her: shoes, hand-bags (matching the shoes), jewlery, etc...

You: guitars, amps, pedals, etc...

11-27-2005, 10:04 AM
I'm not married, but don't you think there is a trade off? The way I see it, it's all relative:

Her: shoes, hand-bags (matching the shoes), jewlery, etc...

You: guitars, amps, pedals, etc...

It's only a trade off if you're holding your purchases over one anothers head and keeping track just so you can justify your own poor spending habits. Again, if the money is there and the purchase is reasonable everything should be fine.

11-27-2005, 11:07 AM
You know I've found marrying the right girl and being responsible about the purchase really will get you what want more often than not.

Ok so that's one guy in a row that got it right... But what do the rest of us do?

Just kidding about all this you know. It is all really tounge in cheek humor! :D

Happy Holidays!

11-27-2005, 11:33 AM
It is all really tounge in cheek humor! :D
Correcto! I really haven't told her yet, but in our case it's not a big issue. I agree that you just need to be smart about it, and don't go beyond what you can afford (at least not far beyond).