View Full Version : This week's GOTW

Prof. Machel
11-17-2005, 08:44 PM
Hey everyone!

I am curious to hear/read your thoughts on this week's guitar of the week. Interesting, huh? :cool:

Actually... how about a contest? Send me an email with "SAGE GREEN GOTW" in the subject line and tell me what you think the article is about. The person who comes the closest can have a free strap or t-shirt. The deadline to submit your interpretation is Sunday, November 27th at Midnight (PST).

My email address is: rachataguitars@earthlink.net

(Am I going to regret giving out my email address?)

If I don't talk to any of you before hand, have a lovely Thanksgiving.

Warmest regards,
Rach *ahem* ... 'scuse me... Prof. Machel

P.S. Just to let you know, the shop will be closed November 24th - November 28th.

11-17-2005, 11:16 PM

You may want to edit your post to say "rachataguitars *at* earthlink *dot* net" (instead of actually writing your email address) just so the inhuman email hunter programs that scourge the 'net won't sacrifice your email account to the Spam Demons. Quick! They're coming!

11-18-2005, 11:35 AM
too late, those demons were loosed long ago.