View Full Version : Life pickup

11-14-2005, 02:58 PM
Hi guys:

I would like to ask a question about pickups.

Is there any wear (lost of tone, not look :D ) in pickups through time?

I'll try to explain it, just image a pickup that has 20 years old, it's possible it had lost some tone/output or life pickup is forever (without breaking, of course)?

thanks in advance


11-14-2005, 03:03 PM
if it has alnico magnets, they can demagnetize over time or when exposed to different things. also fender style pickups can have the insulation on the winding wire break down and short to the magnetic pole pieces, changing their tone. ceramic magnets should not change with time, they are more stable.

11-14-2005, 09:48 PM
We've also found that sweat that turns to rust over years can do some weird stuff to the sonics of a pickup.