View Full Version : Finally put my hands on an Atom

11-10-2005, 01:51 PM
I was in Evans Music City in Houston (pretty much the only place that carries Andy's that I'm aware of) picking up a cheap practice amp and spotted two Atoms in the display case.

Didnt have much time (or a pick) to mess with it, but I did pick it up to admire it in person.

My immediate thinking was that the solid feel of the guitar was impressive, and the action seemed better than either of my Andy's.

I didnt get a chance to play it for more than a minute but LOVED the way it felt.

As I'm paying for the practice amp, John, the Andy rep, and I were making small talk and he mentioned a special order Atom that had just come in and wanted me to see it.

It was FANTASTIC looking.

A sparkly-gold transparent paint that allowed the flame to come through.

I've never been a gold top fan, but this looked like it was a sandy beach in King Tut's burial chamber or something.


I wonder if Tom took any pics of that one before it left, and if that style of paint could be done in a dark blue...


11-10-2005, 02:17 PM
I grew up in Houston and never went back after coming out here to ShoCal to go to college...

I thought for sure that Texas Music Emporium would push the boutique stuff with a GC just up the road (45N) ? Is TME still in business?

11-10-2005, 03:01 PM
Yep, far as I know TME is still going strong.

I was a kid when that guy opened up that shop, back in what? '86?

I always thought he was just using the store as a front for his drug business... that guy gives me the heeebies.

Anyway, havent been in his store much over the years, but last time I was (he's moved it by the way), it was OVERSTUFFED with equipment, the majority of which was beginner/intermediate based.

He did have a few nice guitars behind the counter.

Dont think he has Anderson Dealership status though.

I've been to Cali a few times... I have NO qualms about you deciding to stay there. If I could get a decent paying job there, I'd be there in a heartbeat.

Hey Tom... you hiring (a non guitar building construction project manager/estimator)...?


11-10-2005, 03:12 PM
yeah, now that i recall, the gear was at the pro-sumer level.

The last time I was there, it was 1991, Zakk Wylde had just done a live clinic with a pick-up band in the parking lot (back when they were off of Ritchie Rd.), and when he was finished, they (the owner and his cronies) asked if I wanted to go to the strip clubs with them. I looked like Alex P. Keaton and I was like, 17 years old. I figured that they HAD to be off to look at me and extend the invitation.

I moved out here shortly after. I told myself, "Houston is waay too crazy. I'm going someplace more conventional... like Southern California." :)

11-10-2005, 03:57 PM

I can tell you that the more you put your hands on an Atom, the better. Period. Check this beauty out at Mass Street:

<img src="http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b89/olectric/naturalatom.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

Gotta love that natural flame. It's got a solid RW neck, too. I'll bet it's gone in the next two days.

11-10-2005, 05:17 PM

Thats pretty much what the finish looked like but there was a pronounced gold sparkle to the mix. And the paint seemed to be like rippled sand in between the wood grain. Suh weet.

Not even sure if a photograph can catch it or not, so that MAY be the exact color.

Either way, I think you're right about playing one... its one fine guitar.

I think what surprised me about the Atom was the way the bridge and strings are close to the body.

From the pics I'd seen, and based on the fact that it isnt arched-top, I thought they would be higher from the body, like my buddy's G&L. Bridge and pickups stick off the face of his guitar by nearly and inch would be my guess.

Safe to say, I was pleasantly surprised at how close the Atoms were.

I guess I shouldnt have expected less, but the pics were decieving me. Either that or my mind had already formulated the opinion that they were too high.

Guess I should stop jumping to conclusions.

11-10-2005, 05:29 PM
the mind is a dangerous thing. the strings on the atom are higher than anything else we do, but the neck is set deeper and at a higher angle as well.

11-10-2005, 06:10 PM
I was already speaking to Mass Street about that Atom as they were putting it on the site several hours ago. Looks nice, with the pickup configuration I'm looking for.

I asked John at Evans about that special Gold Atom, it's gone tomorrow. I'm gonna try to see it.

About the TME in Houston, they're still going strong. They deal some Jackson, Yorkville and others. I bought a pretty good PA setup from them 2 years ago (A&H, Yorkville) and a new American Strat Deluxe last year. Still better than the massive multi-store concept IMO.

11-10-2005, 06:57 PM
the mind is a dangerous thing. the strings on the atom are higher than anything else we do, but the neck is set deeper and at a higher angle as well.


Have you got any pictures of the one I speak of?

Is a blue (or other than gold) available in that sparkle finish?

11-10-2005, 06:59 PM
Still better than the massive multi-store concept IMO.

I agree.

I frequent Rockin Robin (though they are overpriced), and Evans a lot.

I do end up at Guitar Center for a lot of stuff though. My Boogie stuff all came from there, for instance.

11-10-2005, 07:07 PM
My South Texas brothers...make the drive 4 hours north and go see Brian H at Charley's. I'm sure Evans is a fine store, but Charley's will have 6-10 Andersons on the wall at any given time.

Also, sounds to me like the gold you are describing is Sheer Gold...

Does it look like this?

11-10-2005, 07:17 PM
jay, that one is the first one i did. on the rest the gold is more transparent, and we did some grain enhancement before finish to make the grain stand out even more.
we're doing a trans plum sparkle for the now famous ryan. that will be the first with a trans color over sheer sparkle.

11-10-2005, 08:00 PM
I will be checking out Charley's in early December, if I can hold off until then. Evans usually has 3 or so, it's tough to get a true feel for the different neck sizes, pick ups, and guitar sizes.

11-11-2005, 08:57 AM
Sheer gold is the one.

And Tom is accurate about the grain being more pronounced on the one I saw yesterday.

Hopefully there will be some pics of the plum color.

I'm a fan of that finish, and I've been on an ANTI figured wood top kick of late.

I hate when I catch myself in the midst of a double standard...

11-16-2005, 07:54 PM

I can tell you that the more you put your hands on an Atom, the better. Period. Check this beauty out at Mass Street:

<img src="http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b89/olectric/naturalatom.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

Gotta love that natural flame. It's got a solid RW neck, too. I'll bet it's gone in the next two days.

WOW-that guitar is stunning. It has everything I would want in a guitar except for the really oversized neck. Killer looking guitar nevertheless!